Nhà báo công khai cảnh tỉnh Quang Linh phạm tội, tuyên bố 8 tỷ đủ hình sự hoá

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Journalist Hoang Nguyen Vu in the past few days has been extremely frustrated by the outrageous advertising of vegetable candy products from the team of Quang Linh Vlog. The old noise is not over, but the new noise has come, when Hang Du Mu was found to be selling unbelievable blueberry candy.
Accordingly, Hang Du Muc after the vegetable candy case with Quang Linh, she was immediately dug up to livestream selling blueberry candy. The female TikToker talked about the use of this candy as follows: "Instead of everyone eating 6kg of blueberries, you only need to eat 1 tablet like this every day to get 6kg. 2 tablets a day must be 12kg."
Hang Du Mu advertised controversial blueberry candy.
Hang Du Muc sells 125 thousand VND for 1 box of 60 tablets, advising users to use at least 1 tablet/tablet and a maximum of 2 tablets/day. This product is sold by TikTok women in 2 forms: "Blueberry Flavored Bear-shaped Candy with lutein ester to help nourish the eyes", suitable for young children and "Blueberry lutein ester candy" suitable for adults. These two types have similar uses, only differing in number and shape.
Not stopping there, she also shared about the miraculous effect of this candy, as follows: "For those eyes that are already nearsighted, I use these 2 to support the problem of limiting the increase over time. In the Hang family, there is Nhat Duong myopia, Dich Duong is nearsighted, I myself am also nearsighted, so when I use it, it does not decrease the degree, but it only limits the increase. For those of you who have not been nearsighted, it will help everyone at the level of prevention."
At the same time, she also encourages parents to buy for young children, their children to eat every day, those with weak eyes, or people to buy gifts for elderly people with cataracts.
Immediately, this information made buyers "frown", thinking that it was not reasonable and too virtual. Journalist Hoang Nguyen Vu immediately posted an angry and bitter forum, he wrote: "Since the time my father gave birth to my mothe.r, I have only heard about eating candy to cure myopia. And that's another candy made from 12 pounds of blueberries. Ms. Hang Du Dang, oh Ms. Hang Du Dang, you ate all the myopia, but you have already opened your eyes! Fight with the whole god, father!"
Under the comment section, the male journalist also angrily added about the noise of vegetables, he said that this set of 3 candy advertising combinations is a "set of 3 exploding candies". He said, "And this divine trio seems to like candy. Vegetable candy with whole vegetables, blueberry candy made from 12 pounds of blueberries cures myopia. Now call this trio the Exploding Candy Trio. Get used to it!".
Previously, Hang Du Mu was also expose.d for ridiculous advertising about bird's nest products. In a sales livestream on TikTok, she held a 70ml jar of bird's nest and said that it contained up to 30g of fresh bird's nest. However, many people with experience in the bird's nest industry believe that a jar of bird's nest with such a capacity usually only contains 10g of fresh bird's nest that has been distilled and bloomed evenly.
Regarding vegetable candy, a consumer brought the vegetable candy product of Ms. Rot GROUP to be tested at the National Institute of Quality Metrology, the result was really surprising: 1 jar of candy (30 tablets) will have a fiber content of 0.51g. So 1 candy will have 0.017g of fiber.
1 banana for 2,000 VND will have 2.6g of fiber. That is equal to the amount of fiber of 153 candies (worth 745 thousand). 1 chil.d needs to supplement from 15g to 30g of fiber per day, equivalent to 882 to 1,764 candies per day. Previously, Quang Linh once caused controversy because of the advertisement of eating 1 vegetable ball equal to eating 1 plate of boiled vegetables, then he had to apologize for his ridiculous advertisement. Hang Du Mu said that eating candy is equal to 1 bunch of vegetables.
Nhà báo khịa đĩa rau của Quang Linh Vlogs, sâu cay chế tên thành Hằng Du Đãng? Gia Nhi11:31:31 05/03/2025Giữa ồn ào sự việc team Chị Em Rọt gồm Quang Linh Vlog và Hằng Du Mục bị chỉnh đốn khi quảng cáo sai sự thật về viên uống rau củ, thì mới đây nhà báo Hoàng Nguyên Vũ đã chính thức vào cuộc, phát ngôn sâu cay, nghi khịa cặp đôi.
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