The director of the cooperative was fined VND 7.5 million for illegally issuing a “passport” to his daughter

Hồng HạnhJul 19, 2021 at 22:09

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Recently, the People's Committee of Phu Nhuan District has sent a document to the press agencies to respond to the content of articles related to the "Director of the Cooperative to sign a passport for his daughter".

This affects the local epidemic prevention and control, not in line with the direction of the City People's Committee on the application of measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in the spirit of the content of Directive 16.

The People's Committee of Ward 9 has made a record, to prepare procedures to submit to the People's Committee of Phu Nhuan District to sanction an administrative violation for Mr. Nguyen Dang Thanh due to "acts of not complying with the measures to prevent and control infectious diseases as required." by a competent agency or organization" with a fine of VND 7.5 million according to Clause 2, Article 14 of Decree No. 117/2020/ND-CP dated September 28, 2020 of the Government on penalties for violations administrative offenses in the health sector.

At the meeting, Mr. Thanh said that in the past time, a member of the office department was quarantined, so all work was done by him. According to him, the above responsibility led to overload, so he asked his daughter to help with the work.

The director of the cooperative was fined VND 7.5 million for illegally issuing a passport to his daughter - Photo 1

When preparing the documents, Phuong saw that there was a confirmation paper in the file, so she wrote her name in it. After that, Phuong took a photo and covered the content "Performing the work of collecting and transporting domestic waste in Phu Nhuan district" and posted it on her facebook account (July 14, 2021).

Phuong's job is to show off to friends, but she does not use this certificate to travel, because this certificate is only used for people who collect and transport garbage to Phu Nhuan district to work.

At the same time, Mr. Thanh admitted that due to having to issue many certifications to workers who collect garbage in a short period of time, there are shortcomings in management; These certifications are printed and stamped by Mr. Thanh to be distributed to members and employees to fill in their own information.

Accordingly, the People's Committee of Phu Nhuan District informed that during the implementation of Directive 16 by Ho Chi Minh City, in order to ensure that the collection of domestic solid waste in the district was carried out smoothly, the Board of Directors of the cooperative had Making a certificate of membership of the cooperative to facilitate travel for cooperative employees to collect and transport domestic waste in the area of Phu Nhuan district.

Mr. Thanh accepted all responsibility for the incident and complied with the handling of the authorities.

The director of the cooperative was fined VND 7.5 million for illegally issuing a passport to his daughter - Photo 2

His daughter also realized that her behavior was wrong, so she apologized and removed the post on her facebook account.

At the meeting, the authorities of the district asked Mr. Thanh to stop using the blank certification form for members to fill in by themselves and withdraw the papers issued in the above form.

At the same time, the cooperative must re-issue the certification to its members and employees with all information typed, stamped and signed to prove that the grantee belongs to the subjects who are allowed to go out and move. on the way to do essential work, to be allowed to operate, to serve the authorities to control people on the street during the quarantine days.

Previously, on July 14, Phuong posted on Facebook to show that she was granted three "passports" to go out on the street without fear of being fined.

The director of the cooperative was fined VND 7.5 million for illegally issuing a passport to his daughter - Photo 3

"The story is that yesterday, the daughter told her mother that she wanted to go home but was afraid of going to the street, a fine of 3 million dong, so she told her father immediately to send the passport to the house about 20 minutes to get the passport to go 15 day for daughter and son-in-law. Then don't hesitate, use it now," - the girl wrote on her personal page.

"Passport" posted on social networks signed and stamped by Mr. Thanh.

The image and status of the girl on social networks caused frustration for many people because of violating social distancing regulations under Directive 16 of the Prime Minister and taking advantage of family relationships to issue "passports". "Even though this girl is not a cooperative member.

Phu Nhuan Environmental Cooperative was established by a private garbage collector in the district and put into operation from January 1, 2020 with the main business of collecting non-toxic waste.

Cooperatives operate autonomously and are self-responsible, not district-affiliated units.

Mr. Nguyen Dang Thanh was elected by the cooperative members as Chairman of the Board of Directors cum Director at the Congress of members of Phu Nhuan Environment Cooperative.

The director of the cooperative was fined VND 7.5 million for illegally issuing a passport to his daughter - Photo 4

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