Mr. Thai Binh donated more than 1 billion dong for old age care to the Covid-19 Prevention Fund

Hà HàSep 04, 2021 at 14:31

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Recently, the online community stirred about the story of a 68-year-old man who decided to withdraw more than 1 billion dong of savings from the bank to support the Covid-19 epidemic prevention fund. That is Mr. Tran Manh Dao in Song Thuy village, Vu Tien commune, Vu Thu district (Thai Binh province).

Mr. Thai Binh donated more than 1 billion dong for old age care to the Covid-19 Prevention Fund - Photo 1

It is known that in addition to the amount of 1 billion VND donated to the Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control fund of Thai Binh province, Mr. Tran Manh Dao and his wife, Ms. Tran Thi Man, also donated 100 million VND and 50 million VND to the Prevention Fund. epidemic control in Vu Thu district and Vu Tien commune.

Mr. Tran Manh Dao said that this is the money he and his wife saved when they were in working age and also the money given to them by their grandchildren in old age, which they have saved for many years. Mr. Dao and Mrs. Man have 4 successful sons, living in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Their daily expenses come from growing rice, beans and raising thousands of chickens. Contributing more than 1 billion VND to the Fund for Disease Prevention and Control, Mr. Tran Manh Dao said that stemming from the revolutionary family tradition, there are 2 brothers who are martyrs, his mother is a Vietnamese heroic mother, his father used to be a martyr. is a commune leader, has many contributions to the locality.

Mr. Dao shared: "I am a citizen, have saved and squeezed a little old age fund so far. In this time, we have to shoulder the burden with the Party and State to repel Covid-19. I follow the call of the Party, wishing to join hands with the community to repel Covid-19."

According to Mr. Nguyen Van Giang, Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Thai Binh province, the amount of more than 1 billion VND for a farming family is very large. The contribution of Mr. Tran Manh Dao's family to the Covid-19 Prevention and Control Fund is a meaningful, practical, very respectful work and needs to be spread. As for the local people, so far, Mr. Dao's family has always made positive contributions to the community, regularly supporting the study promotion fund, buying bicycles for students in difficult circumstances and has 3 years of experience. once supported the entire budget for the construction of lanes and lanes, contributed to the construction of the village's sports ground, and donated hundreds of millions of dong to buy trees and beautify the appearance of the homeland.

Ms. Tran Thi Lieu and Mr. Tran Quang Lang, Song Thuy village, Vu Tien commune, Vu Thu district commented: "Mr. Dao's family has always been very enthusiastic about the people and the neighborhood. In the locality, they work as workers. Whatever program, whether small or big, grandparents enthusiastically support. We also follow the example of Mr. and Mrs. Dao, with a lot of support, a little support."

Thanks to the hearts of the community like Mr. Tran Manh Dao in Vu Thu, Thai Binh, now the Covid-19 vaccine fund launched by the Government has received more than VND 8,600 billion, contributing to helping Vietnam. can deal more effectively with the epidemic in the near future.

Besides stories, positive examples in the journey of epidemic prevention, there are still cases of opposition, causing difficulties for the authorities. Typically, the woman in the clip that caused a stir in public opinion recently made everyone bored.

Mr. Thai Binh donated more than 1 billion dong for old age care to the Covid-19 Prevention Fund - Photo 2

According to the share in the clip, at a residential area where case F0 has been cordoned off, a woman wearing a helmet and riding a motorbike stopped at the checkpoint loudly: "If you don't have money, how can you spend it? You guys? Can you raise your children? If every road is blocked, which way will I go, how do I get gas?". The male militiaman on duty at the post tried to explain that this was an area with F0 cases that was being blocked by areas so he couldn't go. Subject casually said: "F what? Why blockade? I just need to get gas on the street, I don't have a car".

This person tore off the blockade cord, knocked over the fence and insisted on going out to buy gasoline. The functional force threatened to call the police to work, the subject was not afraid but also challenged: "Call". Up to now, there is no further information about the incident, but the clip has attracted nearly 19,000 views, netizens left hundreds of comments criticizing and frustrated by the subject's intentional violation of the distance. .

Also today, a video recording an argument between a woman riding a SH car full of food and a quarantine officer with a barricade has attracted attention on social networks. The person on duty suspected that the woman was dishonest, because the truck was carrying too much stuff, suspecting it was going to deliver. The woman did not wear a helmet, holding a paper to go to the market, thinking that she did not need a travel paper to pass the checkpoint.

Mr. Thai Binh donated more than 1 billion dong for old age care to the Covid-19 Prevention Fund - Photo 3

The woman kept shouting: "Have you checked this person's papers? Are there papers that you gave them away. Do these people have any papers? I have papers but don't give them away, then the It's not okay for people who don't have papers to give it away." When being "invited" to check the travel papers of people carrying goods and cars passing by, the woman refused, but still did not stop arguing.

After a while of arguing, this person wriggled with the car to pass the checkpoint. The person on duty tried to stop it, but was hit by a car. The woman shouted, "I have a pass to go to the market" and tried to continue, despite being asked to turn back. Finally, after a while of arguing back and forth, trying to "unlock" but failed, this person called to tell a brother about being blocked. Over the phone, she said: "Brother, I'm standing at the top of my village, these dogs won't let me through. Come out, I'll wait there."

The clip ends with no hint of how this woman was being handled, whether she was delivering goods or what to do with all sorts of bags hanging on SH. However, this woman's offensive speech, riding without a helmet was criticized quite heavily. Based on the license plate and the scene, it can be seen that the clip was filmed in the suburbs of Hanoi.

Mr. Thai Binh donated more than 1 billion dong for old age care to the Covid-19 Prevention Fund - Photo 4

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