Covid-19: 40 cases related to the Renaissance Mission Church, the patient was not surprised to be positive

team youtuberMay 30, 2021 at 14:49

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This morning, May 30, the Center for Disease Control of Ho Chi Minh City said it had just recorded 40 new cases of infection in the community, all related to the Renaissance Mission Church.

Thus, from May 27 to now, the city has recorded a total of 140 infections (of which 133 are church-related and 7 are related to Hoan My Saigon Hospital). HCDC forecasts that the number of infections related to this church may increase further in the near future because the number of members may still not be declared.

The city recommends that people related to this church proactively declare their health because the risk of infection related to this church is very high.

The city continues to conduct contact tracing investigation, taking samples for large-scale testing in areas related to the infection. Continue to take extended samples for all people living in wards 3, ward 5, ward 9, ward 15 of Go Vap district to assess the risk.

Covid-19: 40 cases related to the Renaissance Mission Church, the patient was not surprised to be positive - Photo 1

Germs may already be present in the community, people need to be vigilant but not panic. Comply with the government's epidemic prevention measures and cooperate with the health sector in implementing blockade, isolation, and sampling. Be honest in medical declarations about your own risk and exposure factors. When there are signs of fever, cough, difficulty breathing, loss of taste, smell... go to a doctor immediately and declare truthfully when going to a medical facility. When going to the doctor, you must wear a mask and travel by personal car.

Also on the morning of May 30, the HCDC said that on the evening of May 29, the Medical Center of District 12 and the support team from the Hospital of Traditional Medicine in Ho Chi Minh City and students of Medical Universities conducted an investigation. , tracing and taking urgent samples for all residents living in a Hung Ngan apartment block.

According to initial information, at the apartment building, there was a case of F1 of a patient related to the Renaissance Mission Church. This person, after receiving information about close contact with the patient, took the initiative to go to the Tan Chanh Hiep Ward Medical Station to declare. Due to symptoms of cough and fever, he was immediately transferred to isolation at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, the results of urgent tests on the same day showed positive results for SARS-CoV-2.

Covid-19: 40 cases related to the Renaissance Mission Church, the patient was not surprised to be positive - Photo 2

Immediately, the functional branch of District 12 decided to blockade the block of apartment blocks and deployed 130 application forms for all residents of the ground floor, first floor, and second floor. For 737 residents from 4th floor to floor 21 will be pooled. Sampling was conducted smoothly, people cooperated to declare and arrange in the order guided by the apartment management board.

The 33-year-old female patient is one of the first recorded cases of the mission cluster. Her husband, also a member of the Renaissance Missionary Church, also had fever, sore throat, loss of sense of smell, and could not smell anything. "At this point, I suspect that the couple has Covid-19 so I urge her husband to take her to Gia Dinh People's Hospital for emergency," the female patient said.

Two people were classified for screening and taking samples for testing, the results were suspected of being infected with nCoV, on the evening of May 26. The test results confirmed that at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh City, the couple had Covid-19. At the same time, a 38-year-old woman living in Hoc Mon was also diagnosed with the disease when she went to the hospital for examination, they were three indicators of the epidemic cluster of the Renaissance Mission Church.

Covid-19: 40 cases related to the Renaissance Mission Church, the patient was not surprised to be positive - Photo 3

"I was not surprised when I received the results because the Covid-19 symptoms were very clear," the patient shared. What made her depressed was that when the couple was positive, the health sector traced and tested the remaining 3 family members, including her daughter and parents, who also had Covid-19.

Currently, the chain of infection related to the Renaissance Mission Church is the largest epidemic cluster in Ho Chi Minh City. The results of gene sequencing of 5 patients belonging to this outbreak all recorded the Indian variant.

Covid-19: 40 cases related to the Renaissance Mission Church, the patient was not surprised to be positive - Photo 4

Covid-19: 40 cases related to the Renaissance Mission Church, the patient was not surprised to be positive - Photo 5

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