The company stopped going to the temple to make offerings and switched to donating b.lood after the Thich Minh Tue incident

Bút MàuMay 30, 2024 at 10:44

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According to documents spread on social networks, this company gave 2 grounds to come to this decision. "Based on the fact that the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Buddhist Sangha under the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha f.orced Master Minh Dao to kneel and repent when he made statements praising the True Tu Thich Minh Tue.

Based on the wishes of all officers and employees working at the company, we would like to reconsider the practice of going to the temple to make offerings on the first day of the lunar month and should no longer continue," the Company's document is currently circulating. .

The company stopped going to the temple to make offerings and switched to donating b.lood after the Thich Minh Tue incident - Photo 1

Accordingly, instead of going to the temple to make offerings on the first day of the lunar month, this company decided to switch to another form. "From May 27, 2024, the company's donation will change to humanitarian b.lood donation or meal support for cancer patients at K hospitals in Hanoi city."

Confirming to the press, the Director of this Company said that the document was indeed sent by the issuing company to its officers and employees. The director shared: When I was working at a real estate company, I had the habit of going to the temple on the first day of the lunar month.

When I founded an information technology company, I always created a habit for employees in the company to go to the temple on the first day of the 1st day and make offerings to the temple. Recently, inspired by the fact that Master Minh Tue, the alms beggar, was not in the temple. Therefore, the Company wants to change the form of making offerings at the temple to doing charity, supporting meals for cancer patients at Tan Trieu K Hospital (Hanoi) or donating b.lood.

The company stopped going to the temple to make offerings and switched to donating b.lood after the Thich Minh Tue incident - Photo 2

Also according to the head of this company, the company does not encourage or call for members to contribute m.oney to charity or offerings because that m.oney is originally collected from employees breaking rules, being late, or mishandling at work.

"After the incident of Master Minh Dao in Ba Ria - Vung Tau being f.orced to kneel and repent when he made statements praising Master Minh Tue, the company had a meeting to discuss and come to an agreement that they would not make offerings to the pagoda on the first day as scheduled. used to do it but switched to another form as a way to change the company's culture," this person added.

Recently, from an anonymous person who claimed to be "studying" according to Buddha's teachings and walking bareheaded and barefoot from South to North, from North to South, Thich Minh Tue became a Youtuber, Tiktoker, and Facebooker. .. blew up into a "network phenomenon".

The company stopped going to the temple to make offerings and switched to donating b.lood after the Thich Minh Tue incident - Photo 3

In fact, Mr. Minh Tue did not do anything too unusual. He was just practicing in the way of asceticism. Many monks are also practicing the same monkhood - wearing patched clothes, begging for alms, eating one meal a day, sleeping under a tree at night or in abandoned houses or cemeteries, not accepting m.oney offerings, refusing all conveniences. doubt...

Sharing with the press, Mr. Thich Minh Tue said that he had a short time practicing at a temple, and was given the Buddhist name Thich Minh Tue. "Minh means bright, wisdom is wisdom, the meaning of the name is the path of illumination. Later, when I felt that I no longer had the connection to the temple, I went out and still kept this dharma name," he explained.

The company stopped going to the temple to make offerings and switched to donating b.lood after the Thich Minh Tue incident - Photo 4

He said he is not a Buddhist monk, does not practice and is not an employee of any temple or monastery of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha. Over the past years, he only listened to the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and learned to practice the Dao Dao practice.

This practice has 13 ascetic methods, of which Dau Da practice is one of the highest and most classic methods of Buddhism. Dau Da practitioners accept difficulties in matters of food, clothing, and shelter (wearing patched clothes, begging for alms, eating one meal a day, not accepting m.oney offerings, refusing all comforts...).

The company stopped going to the temple to make offerings and switched to donating b.lood after the Thich Minh Tue incident - Photo 5

To follow the Buddhist practice, Mr. Thich Minh Tue started walking to many provinces and cities since 2017. At first, he sometimes traveled by bus. In 2020 up to now, he has always walked absolutely, only occasionally traveling by water and having to use a boat or ferry across the river. Up to now, he has set foot in almost every region of the country, only three provinces of Tay Ninh, Tra Vinh, and Ben Tre have not been to because these localities are not on the main road.

The company stopped going to the temple to make offerings and switched to donating b.lood after the Thich Minh Tue incident - Photo 6

"My journey is to walk for the rest of my life. The purpose is not to convey anything, because everything in Buddhism has already been taught by Shakyamuni Buddha. I just want to practice the Buddha's teachings. to help improve myself. When I walk, I always wish for everyone to always be happy and live happily with their families," he said.

The company stopped going to the temple to make offerings and switched to donating b.lood after the Thich Minh Tue incident - Photo 7

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