The husband caught his wife having an affair at the motel and the final sentence was shocking

Song HậuSep 22, 2021 at 18:09

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Recently, the social network was bewildered and discussed before the clip recorded the scene where a husband burst into the motel and caught his wife in the presence of her mistress. However, people pay the most attention to the husband's actions.

A l.ot of jealous fights happen because the insiders can't keep their cool. It's also not that strange because facing the situation of being betrayed, few people are still free to think deeply. However, the case of the couple in the clip is different. After being caught red-handed, the wife was in a hurry to put on sunscreen, put things in her bag to leave. The husband still calmly took the phone to record and talk, the husband said: "Too shameful, it's strange that I didn't go to my grandfather in this case. This car, this chalk, this lipstick. How many times have you gone to the motel. Once the guy under A.D. I forgive, how do you promise me".

The husband caught his wife having an affair at the motel and the final sentence was shocking - Photo 1

In response, the sister-in-law only dared to sit on the bed, looking out the window, unable to face her husband. From the husband's words, everyone knows that it seems that this is not the first time the wife has been in a relationship and was discovered. Then the husband listed his wife's other lover: "The guy under BT is right, the wife and children are gone, the ex-lover right. Where is he, call him up here to talk properly. Men to each other. , where is he, are you afraid? Am I a natural, you and the guy last time don't remember, the last guy wasn't like this either."

The husband asked again and again, but the wife still did not answer. Up to this point, he was still gentle: "Let's talk properly, or go home, or do you want to sleep with it and then come back?". I don't know in that moment of being caught, what the husband thinks and how to deal with his cheating wife It is clearly an experience that is both painful, frustrating and unclear how. solve all the problems. Many netizens have made different comments right under the clip. Most people think that the husband handles it very civilly.

Some netizen comments: "The husband is so good, there is no anger and scowl. The wife does not dare to look up at her husband. From beginning to end, she is completely wrong, the feeling of being caught red is certain. not pleasant". Besides, someone also pondered after watching the clip: "But after this incident, I think if I can really forgive after the first adultery, will the insiders change? Here, the wife was injured. I've been caught red-handed for the second time. Like this, the old habit hasn't changed." It is still not clear what happened, but the clip is still being shared and discussed by netizens. hien-nhu-in-movie-sex-not -20210922120102563.chn

The husband caught his wife having an affair at the motel and the final sentence was shocking - Photo 2

Once it is discovered that a spouse is having an affair, perhaps a jealous fight will break out. Many people want to use that method to resolve anger and frustration in their hearts. Especially when being caught red-handed at home, those hatreds are even more intense. However, there are also husbands who are surprisingly calm. They didn't hit, they didn't say harsh words. However, the interrogation and interrogation are extremely profound. Similar to the man above, another unfortunate man also has a behavior that is praised by netizens.

The clip recording the scene of catching his wife and lover in his own house caught attention. Accordingly, the husband did not beat or curse. His wife and mistress sat together on a chair, he took the phone to record a clip and talk. With an extremely calm voice, he confused the two wrongdoers.

As he spoke, he sighed: "Do you do it like in a sensitive movie, in a sensitive movie, what skills should I follow", "Let me tell you like this, you are the most lying person, My mouth is always talking about other people but I am 10 times more than them. That's the first thing, the second thing. Mom hasn't come home yet, I made an appointment. When will she come back, when will she come back? Mother-in-law has not out of the daughter-in-law's house without dating a boyfriend. On Sunday, you can only sleep for two nights? Right?".

Throughout the clip, perhaps the husband has to suffer and break his heart to the end to be able to talk like that. The more civilized he showed, the more embarrassed the two wrongdoers were. Under the comments section, many netizens gave different opinions around the issue such as: "The husband is so fine, the wife is so bad that b.eating him will only hurt his hand. Now It's also a good thing to discover things so that you can solve them." "Perhaps the most painful thing for a man is in situations like this. The wife and children are really suffering. Marriage is like a joke."

The husband caught his wife having an affair at the motel and the final sentence was shocking - Photo 3

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