Husband does not want to go home, wife declares "grandmother's house is not necessary", wife immediately "gets up"

team youtubeMay 05, 2021 at 15:49

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When a woman wholeheartedly takes care of her husband's family, but on the contrary, her husband's mother is indifferent, of course, no wife is willing. Like the situation of the wife in the story below, before the unfair behavior between the two sides of her husband's mother and father, she couldn't stand it and immediately got up, attracting many people's attention.

Husband does not want to go home, wife declares "grandmother's house is not necessary", wife immediately "gets up" - Photo 1

The story is as follows: My husband and I are from the same district, different communes. The two houses are 13km apart, and it takes only 30 minutes to get there by motorbike. To be honest, the day before I chose to get married, I am now partly because I want both sides to be close, later when I go back to my hometown to play, I can run back and forth to two places to relieve fatigue. However, it is true that human calculation is not equal to heaven calculation. Obviously, getting a close husband can't be as easy as I want to run to my grandmother's house.

The wife's post:

My husband is heartless and looks down on his grandmother's family. Every time he returned to his hometown, he always used the excuse of being tired or busy to visit his wife's parents, and instead of his wife, he did not like to let him go home to give birth. Every time he said it, he would say: The couple has been gone for a few months before returning home for a few days. I have to pay attention to my husband's housework, don't let my parents have a daughter-in-law.

He always assumes that a married woman is responsible for the birth family, and must wholeheartedly take care of her husband's family. Many times, I spoke frankly, asking him to treat my parents-in-law fairly, but I only argued a l.ot when I spoke. Only I have to take care of fulfilling my daughter-in-law's responsibilities, and my parents are at home, saying no more than having a son-in-law.

The past few days of the holidays, my wife and I also took our children home. Before going back, I discussed with my husband in advance that I would share 2 days at my grandfather's house and 2 days at my grandmother's house because it's been a long time since my two children have been home to play with their grandparents. On Tet holiday for 8 days, my husband also only let his wife and children go to the country on the 3rd day, returning in the morning and afternoon, not allowed to sleep again.

However, after staying at my grandfather's house for two days, April 30 and May 1, I urged my husband to ask my grandparents' permission to take the c.hild to my grandmother, but he rolled his eyes and shouted: Don't go there. Got a few days off to let the children play with grandparents. The new interior is the original, the outside is free to return, otherwise, it is not necessary.

Husband does not want to go home, wife declares "grandmother's house is not necessary", wife immediately "gets up" - Photo 2

My husband's attitude really inhibited me, I couldn't hold it anymore, I blushed and said again: Do you think only grandparents expect their children to miss their grandchildren, do not grandparents? The c.hild is the only one you were born with, why do you say that the father is the original, while the grandmother is not? Today, let me make it clear for you to understand one thing, if you want your wife to be a good daughter-in-law on your father's side, you should be a good-in-law on your grandmother's side, otherwise don't ask for one side.

Before, he only urged me to save face for my husband, to take care of the whole way of being a bride, but have you ever thought about how your wife's parents feel when they have a son-in-law? I don't have to move to another planet to get married, so I can't go back if I can't come back, if not, I can't.

After saying that, I went straight to my parents-in-law's room to report to take the c.hild home, ignoring her husband's attitude. My parents-in-law happily wrapped gifts for the family but did not any difficulty.

When I went to my grandmother's house, my husband was still very angry with his wife. He also texted his wife to be arrogant and look down on her husband, but I ignored it and didn't say a word. But on the day he was about to leave, I don't know what he was thinking, so he drove to his grandmother's house to have lunch with his parents and then take his wife and children away in the afternoon. In particular, his attitude was not scowling, annoyed like before, but happy, not mentioning the quarrel the day before. I guess this time the wife was tense, saying those words also had a bit of an impact on making her husband think again, so there was that w.aterfall.

Around husband and wife, there are always relationships that need both people to take care of, especially both sides. When the husband is considerate to the paternal side, the wife will set an example to live wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly to nurture the paternal house.

On the contrary, when the husband behaves unfairly, discriminatory treatment of the grandmother's family will make women feel depressed, this long-lasting resentment can easily lead to family conflicts. When the wife can no longer tolerate it, marriage cracks are inevitable.

Husband does not want to go home, wife declares "grandmother's house is not necessary", wife immediately "gets up" - Photo 3

Husband does not want to go home, wife declares "grandmother's house is not necessary", wife immediately "gets up" - Photo 4

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