YouTuber Le Chi Thanh received 2 years in prison for "resisting people on duty"

RoséJan 14, 2022 at 15:06

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In court, defendant Thanh admitted to committing the offence.

On January 14, the People's Court of Thu Duc City (HCMC) first-instance trial of Le Chi Thanh (born in 1983 in Vinh Phuc) was prosecuted for the crime of resisting public official. From early morning, defendant Thanh was led to the courtroom and had a defense lawyer. Security and judicial forces supporting the trial were also present to ensure order and safety of the trial.

The indictment prosecutes defendant Thanh under Clause 1, Article 330 (non-custodial reform for up to three years or a prison term of between six months and three years). The file shows that on March 20, 2021, the working group of the Rach Chiec Traffic Police Team (Road and Railway Traffic Police Department of Ho Chi Minh City Police) patrolled in the area of Hiep Phu ward, Thu Duc city.

YouTuber Le Chi Thanh received 2 years in prison for "resisting people on duty" - Photo 1

At noon on the same day, Thanh drove a car carrying Pham Van Thong and a man named Hoang (whose identity is unknown) circulating on the Hanoi Highway. When moving, Thanh did not obey traffic signs. This YouTuber blatantly drove into a lane with signs for two-wheelers, three-wheelers and bus priority.

When a member of the working group gives the order to stop the vehicle, the document is required to be presented; Thong and Hoang got out of the car and used their phones to film the working group. Immediately, the working group reported the leader to the scene to handle. At the same time, police officers used cameras to record the entire incident; continue to ask Thanh to present documents and report violations.

YouTuber Le Chi Thanh received 2 years in prison for "resisting people on duty" - Photo 2

Hearing that, Thanh argued that it was a mixed lane, with no prohibition signs. Therefore, Thanh believes that vehicles controlled by Thanh have the right to enter the above lane. Although the leader of the Rach Chiec Traffic Police Team directly pointed out the violation as well as asked to present the vehicle documents, Thanh did not comply.

After the competent person continued to explain, Thanh presented some papers. However, Thanh did not present his identity card but continued to argue with the working group.

YouTuber Le Chi Thanh received 2 years in prison for "resisting people on duty" - Photo 3

Inspecting, the working group made a record of violations against Thanh, on errors of not obeying road traffic signs, operating a vehicle without a vehicle registration certificate as prescribed, failing to present identity card at the request of a competent person.

At this time, the act continues to argue that it is not a violation. At the same time, Thanh filmed and streamed live on social networks, calling on everyone to share and support. Not only that, Thanh also obstructed the traffic police to bring the offending vehicle to the place of detention.

YouTuber Le Chi Thanh received 2 years in prison for "resisting people on duty" - Photo 4

YouTuber Le Chi Thanh received 2 years in prison for "resisting people on duty" - Photo 5

The jury said that, during the investigation process, Le Chi Thanh did not repent, so he was not entitled to the mitigating circumstances. The defendants' acts infringed upon the performance of duties by persons on official duty; infringing on state activities on administrative management in the field of performing public duties, adversely affecting the security and order situation, so a severe sentence is required as a deterrent. According to the provisions of law, the trial panel sentenced the defendant to 2 years in prison.

The police said that before that, Le Chi Thanh had repeatedly performed acts of obstructing the functional forces (here the traffic police) in performing their duties, creating pretexts for provocation, misrepresenting and giving false information. on public service. After that, Thanh spread it on social networks with the purpose of attracting followers for personal gain, adversely affecting security and order.

YouTuber Le Chi Thanh received 2 years in prison for "resisting people on duty" - Photo 6

It is known that Le Chi Thanh used to be a Captain of the Public Security, an officer of the 5th division of Xuan Loc Prison, but was stripped of his military citizenship in July 2020. The defendant has posted many controversial videos claiming to "supervise" the police force on social networks.

In court, defendant Thanh admitted to committing the offence. However, the defendant committed the crime for the first time and sincerely declared, so after considering, the trial panel sentenced Le Chi Thanh to the above sentence. Recently, Thanh was known to netizens as a YouTuber specializing in posting videos of "supervising traffic police working" causing a stir in public opinion.

YouTuber Le Chi Thanh received 2 years in prison for "resisting people on duty" - Photo 7

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