The case of international school students "physical impact": R.evealing the clip of the teacher watching, the victim's family was threatened by the gangsters

Nam Phu01b0u01a1ngMay 28, 2022 at 13:01

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According to a parent whose daughter was "physically affected" by a classmate on an international school campus. At the time of the incident, there were not only security guards but also the appearance of another teacher. Infuriatingly, this person just stood and watched without any intervention.

Regarding the case of singer Thuy Bi - the parent of a female international student being physically affected by her classmates, caused a stir in public opinion. According to the content reflected, parents are frustrated when it costs billions of dong to pay tuition fees, but the school chooses an uncivilized and irresponsible solution. Given that the incident happened outside the school grounds, the two parents should resolve it by themselves. Singer Thuy Bi also affirmed that the international school side did not give first aid or medical care when her daughter was abused.

The case of international school students "physical impact": R.evealing the clip of the teacher watching, the victim's family was threatened by the gangsters - Photo 1

"I have never received any call from the School Board to resolve my c.hild's incident... Yesterday, the school also issued a notice that the incident happened outside the school campus, while the clip hit You are right there in the school yard I posted. My c.hild also did not get the medical care the school said I requested to extract the camera but it was not provided by any party!

This morning, the school also sent a message that my c.hild was absent and did not attend class....As if nothing had happened....While resolving the conflict between the two sides, it could not be done. Nor is it committed to ensuring the safety of the children!" - The parents were furious

The case of international school students "physical impact": R.evealing the clip of the teacher watching, the victim's family was threatened by the gangsters - Photo 2

In addition to being frustrated by the school's attitude, parents were also shocked when the p.erpetrator showed hooliganism and non-cooperation during the exchange. The purpose of the meeting is to end the school v.iolence, receive a proper apology, but the other family's defiant, bossy words. Even willing to use "social" relationships to intimidate Thuy Bi.

However, not because of that, Thuy Bi humbly before the bad guys. She stated, this case must be resolved clearly, invite the police to intervene, not only demanding justice for the daughter but also returning the purity to the educational environment. In particular, the extremely sharp combat in English between parents and international school representatives received many compliments.

The case of international school students "physical impact": R.evealing the clip of the teacher watching, the victim's family was threatened by the gangsters - Photo 3

On the morning of May 28, on their personal Facebook, parents posted an article expressing their concern about being watched by "bad guys" for many hours. Hack personal pages to destroy evidence. In a recent post, singer Thuy Bi continued to post a clip reflecting another victim who also fell into the same situation as her daughter. Notably, at the time of the incident at the school campus, there were security guards and teachers but still could not prevent the f.emale s.tudent from hitting her friend. It is known that because the f.emale s.tudent who beat her friend learned martial arts, she was famous for being fierce, swinging dangerous attacks, and was supported by her family, so many students were scared and did not dare to touch it.

The case of international school students "physical impact": R.evealing the clip of the teacher watching, the victim's family was threatened by the gangsters - Photo 4

Thuy Bi angrily wrote:

"Continue to update the incident...

My Anh (Snail) yellow shirt: Completely absent in the clip. Because that day luckily, my mother came to pick me up without taking the bus like usual... And America, I was beaten from the schoolyard before...

Let Bi translate the clip as follows:

The green shirt (Kim name - Taekwondo black belt) grabbed the blue shirt (wearing glasses) by the hair, then you and the guards around took it off... The green shirt on the side of the road saw that and rushed to the can. also got into combat...

I'm very good!!!!!

Hit a friend, have a clip, even post a like sentence. Talk about that clip of singer Thuy Bi? Then he said that he was beaten by 4 people so he defended himself???

As far as I heard, Oc shared that now the children threatened to k.ill the friend in the green shirt? Because she holds a lot of d.eath threats from you! She's been traumatized for 46 hours, guys!!!

Where is the responsibility of the school? When 46 hours have passed, still not seeing work? What about the weekend???

Where is the responsibility of the police!???

Here, online fans help me objectively... At the age of eating old age, stealing books to go to school, I should go to school to be a human. Why are you thugs, aggressive, treating heaven like this?? ?

It is necessary to strongly condemn and immediately eliminate this v.iolence...Let our children be SAFE to go to school...And the father and son of Giang Ho and the school....How are you? Who likes Combat with our fans?"

The case of international school students "physical impact": R.evealing the clip of the teacher watching, the victim's family was threatened by the gangsters - Photo 5

Previously, singer Thuy Bi's post that exposed the scandal received 52k interactions with tens of thousands of angry comments. In the letter, publicized a series of evidence, handling content, reflecting the immorality from the student's side causing school v.iolence.


I see they are looking to beat me...I put my phone number on here. If you want to f.ight, please make an appointment... Anywhere I will come. If this is true, then I would like to congratulate you once again because you continue to show thugs, uncultured wrong people and in the wrong places...

You should touch me, I wait...

The case of international school students "physical impact": R.evealing the clip of the teacher watching, the victim's family was threatened by the gangsters - Photo 6


The children spent too much effort, set up virtual FB, commented, did all sorts of things to change the situation of the fact that the 4 children were beaten to beat the other g.irl. Then they told their mother...

I would like to give you 10 points...Because you are so right!!!! Your friends were beaten by 4 children, so they were sent home too arrogantly of the winners and greeted with a smile because they were the winners. victim

The online community feels discontent and sympathy for the father and son because of being bullied by 4 friends, so the livestream clip has reached more than half a million views in just 24 hours." - Thuy Bi was grateful for the support.

The case of international school students "physical impact": R.evealing the clip of the teacher watching, the victim's family was threatened by the gangsters - Photo 7

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