Fire in Trung Kinh: Painful cries at the funeral home, the innkeeper speaks out

T.PMay 25, 2024 at 10:38

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Regarding the tragic incident that is shocking netizens across the country, 14 people did not survive the fire in Trung Kinh, Hanoi. Recently, people shared sad scenes, the cries echoing at the funeral home made everyone choked up.

Regarding the fire in Hanoi that caused 14 casualties, the Hanoi Department of Health said that the victims of the fire were taken to Cau Giay funeral home and Hospital 198.

At noon on May 24, at the funeral home of Hospital 198, the gate was always guarded by police, only the victim's family members were allowed to enter. Inside, police and forensic officers conducted verification of relatives and family members who came for identification. Some of the victims' relatives who came to identify them could not hold back their tears and burst into tears of despair. The sobs and cries of relatives echoed inside the funeral home of Hospital 198, making everyone feel sad.

Fire in Trung Kinh: Painful cries at the funeral home, the innkeeper speaks out - Photo 1

The man named T. hurriedly ran over and asked to go inside, saying that his nephew was one of the victims who had now been taken to the funeral home. "My parents are in the countryside very far away, my family sent me here first," this person said.

Also rushing home from school to find friends, a m.ale s.tudent said he was in class when he heard the news that a friend had not survived the fire, so he asked to leave school to come and check on the situation.

Fire in Trung Kinh: Painful cries at the funeral home, the innkeeper speaks out - Photo 2

Leaving all work to go to the funeral home, a group of employees from the Ministry of Planning and Investment said that among the casualties was a colleague. Hearing that people came to support the family, the police only allowed a few representatives inside.

Also here, many cases are relatives of the victims. Because their families live far away, they only learned the news this morning, so they are now on their way to identify their relatives. Stepping out of the funeral home of August 19 Hospital, a woman burst into tears of pain. This person said that a relative was injured in the fire. "My grandchild passed away. I came here to identify her but there was no one. Now I have to go to another funeral home," the woman choked up.

Fire in Trung Kinh: Painful cries at the funeral home, the innkeeper speaks out - Photo 3

Also here, a relative of the victim came to identify and said that this person was looking for a person named Nham Thi Ngoc M (born 1995, from Thai Binh). "M and I work in the same company. After receiving news that she had an accident, I searched all over the hospitals but couldn't find her. I didn't know if she was here or not." This person said, M.'s older sister works far away, and her mother has a heart condition so she hasn't dared to tell her family.

Mr. Q (owner of the burning house), covered in dust and smoke, sadly said that his family has four generations living in this house, including an 86-year-old grandmother (Mr. Q's mother), Mr. son and wife and two young grandchildren. "My family was sleeping when they heard a fire. I immediately got up and used a hammer to s.mash the wall and window to escape.

Fire in Trung Kinh: Painful cries at the funeral home, the innkeeper speaks out - Photo 4

Then some neighbors ran over with hammers to help chisel the wall and hang ladders to climb down," Mr. Q said. Mr. Q said that 5 people in his house were rescued, his son and wife were gone.

Meanwhile, Ms. Vo Hoai An (near the scene) said that around 0:45 a.m., she was in the house when she heard someone shouting that there was a fire. A moment later, some people came shouting loudly and brought fire extinguishers to put out the fire. At this time, fire and black smoke were rising, fire particles flying with thick smoke.

Fire in Trung Kinh: Painful cries at the funeral home, the innkeeper speaks out - Photo 5

"My boyfriend quickly took a fire extinguisher and ran to the burning house with everyone to put out the fire. People sprayed dozens of fire extinguishers and continuously used a basin to scoop water into the fire area but could not control the fire. " - Ms. An said.

Present at the scene, a man whose 23-year-old sister rented a room in the burned house said his sister shared a room with another female friend in this house.

Fire in Trung Kinh: Painful cries at the funeral home, the innkeeper speaks out - Photo 6

The same morning, when he heard that there was a fire where his sister lived, he quickly called but could not contact his sister. When he learned that the victims were taken to the funeral home of Hospital 198 and Cau Giay District Funeral Home, he immediately told his family to go to the funeral home to find him.

Fire in Trung Kinh: Painful cries at the funeral home, the innkeeper speaks out - Photo 7

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