Wife e.xposed husband's affair with minor tam born in 2k, warned but still challenged by mistress

Duyên TrầnJan 26, 2022 at 15:45

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For many wives, dealing with an adulterous husband is sometimes easier than dealing with the extravagance.

Recently, a wife posted an article to e.xpose the minor three born in 2000. According to her share, this third person has been with her husband since she was pregnant. Up to now, the c.hild is 1 year old and the couple is still in love. "Already married with my husband, but still challenged. I caught it twice. This time, I was about to leave, when the mother and daughter contracted Covid from the exemplary husband", the wife said.

Wife e.xposed husband's affair with minor tam born in 2k, warned but still challenged by mistress - Photo 1

She also shared about Tieu Tam as a person who always considers herself a successful businessman, traveling all day and checking-in luxury everywhere. In the attached messages, the wife stood out bluntly c.ursing and condemning her boyfriend. At the same time, she also reminded the third person that her husband was infected with Covid.

However, the attitude of the minor three is extremely hot-tempered and extravagant. She even freely challenged the government. "I don't want to get involved, but you keep bothering me. So if your husband goes with any children, he will come back and tell each other, text me what to do," replied the minor.

Next, the wife wrote a long paragraph to remind her how she discovered everything. Up to now, she doesn't want to be smooth anymore, wants to dig up everything to solve it once.

"I remember you once told my husband: If you go home and don't calm your wife's children, don't blame the storm. Last year, I was pregnant, I was busy being a wife and mother, so it's good to be polite. I can't continue. Now I fulfill the responsibility of a good wife, I will continue to do whatever you like", the wife did not fit. She asked the third person to apologize properly or the storm would come again. The wife also publicized the image of her husband's lover for the netizens to know.

Wife e.xposed husband's affair with minor tam born in 2k, warned but still challenged by mistress - Photo 2

After reading the article, many people have different thoughts. Some netizens believe that everything that happens should start with their husbands. No matter how wrong the third person is, the husband is still responsible, thinking will not make such a situation happen.

No matter what you say, arguing with minor tam won't bring any results. Women in this situation must be really calm to come up with the most reasonable solution.

Another incident was equally noticeable when recently, the social network stirred up a clip recording the scene of a woman blocking a car, catching her husband carrying her on the road. In the clip, the wife drove the SH with a number of other people including men and women. At this time, the husband and minor tam sat in the car without opening the windows or reacting.

Although the other party did not go out, the wife stood in front of the car with her arms on her hips and loudly spoke with angry words. "Have you sent me a dime yet, you ended up breaking the bad habit. You took a picture of what you sent..."

On the side of the car, the man stood "protective" s.mashing the glass asking to open the door, but his wife immediately stopped "no need, just let it go". Not aggressively c.ursing at her adulterous husband or hitting her with j.ealousy, the wife stood and talked, referring to the memories from her childhood. In the clip, the woman said the couple had been living together for 20 years.

Wife e.xposed husband's affair with minor tam born in 2k, warned but still challenged by mistress - Photo 3

"For the past 20 years, I've been a debt burden for you, right? I thought you were a good kid, from the day you stepped foot in Saigon, it's a b.ig car, I stand up and I pay your debt, now Here you have m.oney ...", the wife said bitterly. And yet, she was also angry when her husband's mistress sent her a love photo to provoke "Why did you send me your picture?".

It is known that the incident happened in Tan Thanh ward, Tan Phu district, Ho Chi Minh City. Witnessing the j.ealousy of the wife, many people could not help but shake their heads to criticize the unfaithful husband. Some praised the wife for her calm, non-violent handling in this case. Currently, the clip is still being circulated on forums in the last days of the year and has caused a stir among netizens.

Wife e.xposed husband's affair with minor tam born in 2k, warned but still challenged by mistress - Photo 4

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