Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided!

Thảo MaiMay 21, 2024 at 17:38

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After the authorities in Chongqing (China) posted a detailed report about the Fat Cat incident, many people admitted that this was a lesson for them when "gossiping" online.

"I kept silent after reading the new report about the Fat Cat case. A complete reversal and I felt like I was deceived! I did not expect that Fat Cat's sister would deliberately tell an untrue story, leading Netizens committed cyber v.iolence against Dam Truc.

I still remember Fat Cat's sister also saying that Dam Truc had cheated her younger brother of m.oney. This makes everyone (including me) think that Dam Truc is a c.ruel woman, greedy for m.oney and a m.oney swindler, that only Fat Cat can truly love. But after reading the authorities' report, I discovered that things were not entirely like that. Why can Fat Cat's sister say that her brother and Dam Truc only met twice in more than 2 years? While Dam Truc still met the entire Fat Cat family?

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 1

What Fat Cat's sister did was like s.hooting herself in the foot. Public opinion is a double-edged sword, if you want to take advantage of public opinion, you must be mentally prepared for the risk of backlash!", this is one of countless shares from Chinese netizens after the conclusion from authorities.

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 2

Meanwhile, Vietnamese netizens also "turned around". As an influential celebrity, female YouTuber Tho Nguyen recently also gave her opinion on the above incident.

Specifically, she re-shared an article announcing the results of the investigation into the Meo Beo case along with the sharing line: "From the beginning I didn't say anything because I thought: being "bald" like my grandfather's teacher is still a crime, so now I'm not familiar with this. Even I've been scolded because people know how to act and I don't, but I know how to tell the truth now, but people can stop acting truth".

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 3

Below the comment, Tho Nguyen shared more about the love story of Fat Cat and Dam Truc: "We cannot conclude whether we truly love or not. We cannot conclude whether we love her or not. I want to say: that guy is also old, he knows how to work on his own, is smart enough, and giving m.oney to his girlfriend is voluntary. I think when he gives m.oney, he feels that his girlfriend deserves it Even though he lost his girlfriend, he still loves his girlfriend, so who has the right to ask for m.oney? Are we, unrelated people?

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 4

I'm not saying it's wrong for you to feel sorry for me, I'm not saying it's wrong for a fat cat, and I'm not saying accepting m.oney from a fat cat's friend is wrong. It's wrong that some people ask for their m.oney back. I said it so clearly, please read it again. A person's wish before they die is to give that person m.oney, then we go ask for it in the name of sympathy for the deceased. I find that part funny.

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 5

At first I just thought: fat cats aren't unintelligent, they have that much m.oney, the journey of knowing each other if according to her sister's story, doesn't it seem like she's a bit stupid. It's a bit contradictory so I don't side with anyone. However, it cannot be denied: nowadays many people take advantage of their lovers, both girls and boys... so I have to be a little careful with whoever I love."

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 6

Tho Nguyen's share received the agreement of the majority of netizens. Some opinions say that the people who have to think the most are probably the people who criticized Dam Truc. Surely they more or less realized that they had been swept away by the wave of public opinion, making judgments without thinking clearly and understanding the truth. Besides, some people will also realize that their previous attitude was ridiculous, investing too much emotion and energy in a trivial matter and choosing to stay silent.

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 7

Everyone knows that when on social networks, information spreads very quickly and people often easily give their opinions. However, most of these opinions are based on personal subjective information, blindly expressing emotions and easily changed by external factors. Once new information appears, previous views can be overturned immediately and the direction of public opinion will change accordingly.

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 8

In the case of Fat Cat, when faced with a tragic story (even if staged), people tend to show compassion and want justice to be served. But sometimes this sense of compassion and fairness can become too exaggerated, causing us to lose our ability to judge objectively and rationally. This requires being calm and alert enough when facing noise on social networks, not letting emotions be influenced.

Tho Nguyen got angry at Fat Meo, defended Dam Truc, and talked about the amount of m.oney provided! - Photo 9

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