Revealing the picture of Mr. Le Tung Van's "thi-tang" book, netizens sarcastically "too p.erverted"?

Duyên TrầnJan 11, 2022 at 14:23

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Recently, the incident of Mr. Le Tung Van - Tinh That Bong Lai was prosecuted for 3 crimes: fraud to appropriate property; incestuous; abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the state and the interests of organizations and individuals, attracting the attention of the public.

Currently, Mr. Le Tung Van is being banned from leaving his residence while 3 other members of the Bong Lai Pure House are Le Thanh Hoan Nguyen (32 years old), Le Thanh Nhat Nguyen (31 years old). , Le Thanh Trung Duong (27 years old) is being detained to serve the investigation.

Revealing the picture of Mr. Le Tung Van's "thi-tang" book, netizens sarcastically "too p.erverted"? - Photo 1

Recently, on the social network, the image of the investigating agency is looking at a notebook that is said to be "the book of marriage" of Mr. Le Tung Van, recording the time he had s.ex with his daughters. Immediately after, this image caused a storm on social networks and was widely shared. Under the article, many people fell back because of the "metamorphosis" of the 90-year-old old man, and at the same time harshly sarcastic.

"I guess it's to distinguish your pregnancy from the other guys' pregnancy."

"Take me back to my planet, the earth is so scary"

"The group is so crowded that I have to record it to see who's vote"

"It's terrible, because it's so terrible that many people don't believe it"

"Disgusting perversion"...are some of the netizens' comments.

Currently, the image that is said to be Mr. Le Tung Van's "treasure" book is just a speculation of netizens. Authorities have not yet commented on the incident.

Talking to PV, Most Venerable Thich Minh Thien, Head of the Buddhist Administration of Long An Province, said that the people at "Tinh That Bong Lai" are fake monks and this is also the address of the fake pagoda. Leaders of the Executive Board of PGVN in Long An province also informed that, along with impersonating the title of "pure house", Mr. Le Tung Van and the people here did not have any Buddhist followers.

Revealing the picture of Mr. Le Tung Van's "thi-tang" book, netizens sarcastically "too p.erverted"? - Photo 2

Specifically, according to Venerable Minh Thien, no one has left home, no one accepts the "three rules and five precepts" as the basic duty of a Buddhist. Along with that, Mr. Le Tung Van and some people in "Tinh That Bong Lai" organized a sermon according to Buddhist rituals, but Venerable Minh Thien affirmed that what they said was all nonsense, completely wrong according to Buddhist teachings.

For example, Mr. Le Tung Van said that "taking refuge" is "taking refuge in the color of clothes", but in the Buddhist scriptures from time immemorial, "taking refuge" means following the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha; "Five precepts" in Buddhism, Mr. Le Tung Van only needs "good people"... is not correct.

Most Venerable Thich Minh Thien emphasized that Mr. Le Tung Van shaved his head like a Buddhist monk, but in fact, Mr. Van had never been ordained, did not participate in great ordination groups and was not recognized by the Vietnamese Buddhist Sangha. not a member of the Church.

At the same time, Mr. Van has a different life and lifestyle than that of a monk. This is an act of hypocrisy. Specifically, the regulations of the Buddhist Church of Vietnam, do not allow men and women ie monks and nuns to share a legal establishment, except in some cases of the opposite s.ex being the lonely elderly, orphans or children. Parents of new monks are allowed to live and practice at Buddhist establishments. But in "Bang Lai Tinh That" there are both men and women living together, which is not in accordance with the regulations of the Church.

Revealing the picture of Mr. Le Tung Van's "thi-tang" book, netizens sarcastically "too p.erverted"? - Photo 3

Regarding uniforms, according to regulations, Buddhist uniforms are brown robes, yellow garlands... which have been stipulated in the Buddhist Charter and registered with the State. At the "Bong Lai Pure Land", Mr. Le Tung Van voluntarily sewed and dressed like a Buddhist, and when the Buddhist community reacted, Mr. Van "modified" the robe with a row of buttons in the middle. belly, chest... Sometimes Mr. Van also wears a robe according to a registered Buddhist robe. This is completely wrong.

The Deputy Director of the Vietnam Buddhist Academy in Ho Chi Minh City also pointed out that if Mr. Le Tung Van is a lay practitioner, he cannot perform the ordination ceremony for others according to Buddhist teachings and canon law.

Specifically, according to video clips posted on YouTube and social networking sites, when doing the ordination ceremony for Vo Thi Diem My and Truong Ngoc Xuan, Mr. Le Tung Van declared that he did not follow the 5 moral teachings of the Buddha. Someone who thinks he is a lay Buddhist but does not follow the precepts prescribed by the Buddha cannot be a Buddhist. In this case, Mr. Le Tung Van has never ordained, never received the ordination of novices or bhikkhus, but openly performing the ordination ceremony for others is a serious violation of the Buddhist precepts.

The Venerable Nhat Tu affirmed that the actions of "Tinh That Bong Lai" have hurt Buddhism. They claim to be pagodas, teachers, nuns, and novices, wearing the Dharma uniform is against the law and currently, the authorities are continuing to investigate and clarify to handle according to regulations.

Revealing the picture of Mr. Le Tung Van's "thi-tang" book, netizens sarcastically "too p.erverted"? - Photo 4

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