Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease

JennieSep 28, 2022 at 09:58

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During his life and training and dedication, he was included in the textbook pages by the Ministry of Education and Training as words of encouragement and encouragement to have willpower, determination as well as to believe in yourself. self

On the morning of September 28, information from the family of teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky said that he passed away at his home early this morning after more than 29 years of fighting with kidney failure. His funeral was held at his home in Phuoc Long B ward, Thu Duc city, HCMC.

Outstanding writer - teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky was born on June 28, 1947, in Hai Hau, Nam Dinh. When he was 4 years old, his student Ky became ill and was paralyzed in both hands. Not surrendering to fate, he worked tirelessly to train, training his feet instead of his hands to write letters, setting a Vietnamese record "First Vietnamese writer to write with feet".

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 1

Thanks to his unremitting efforts, in 1963, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ky was sent by Ha Nam Ninh province (now Nam Dinh) to participate in the national math competition. In this exam, he achieved 5th place and was awarded a badge by President Ho Chi Minh.

In high school, following the encouragement of friends all over the country, Nguyen Ngoc Ky chose Literature. In 1966, he received the admission notice of Literature major from Hanoi University. During his 4 years at university, although his illness was always life-threatening, Nguyen Ngoc Ky still worked hard at reading books.

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 2

He conceived: "Away from school, far from class but not far from books". In 1970, he successfully defended his Graduation Thesis and published the first collection of foot stories with the title: "The Unforgettable Years" (later "I went to school", "I went to university". " reprinted many times).

Graduating from the University of Languages and Literature, Nguyen Ngoc Ky followed the advice of the late Prime Minister Pham Van Dong about Hai Hau, Nam Dinh (his hometown) as a teacher to "teach the children to strive to overcome all obstacles and difficulties. contribute to the unification of the country". From 1966 to 1970, he studied Literature at Hanoi University. After graduating, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ky returned to his hometown to work as a teacher.

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 3

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 4

In 1992, teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky was awarded the title of "Excellent Teacher". After that, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ky and his family moved to Ho Chi Minh City to live and receive treatment. He also moved to work at the Department of Education and Training in Go Vap District.

In order to be able to give lectures with disabled hands, teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky has thought and explored many methods and methods of teaching. He has devised a very creative and effective teaching method. He designed the models himself, laid out the cards on the cover of a piece of hard paper, and covered with a white sheet of paper.

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 5

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 6

Wherever he preached, he pulled down the paper covering the outside with his foot, and the words appeared. Along with his lively and inspiring voice, he convinced the students. Not only that, in any lesson he also comes up with very unique poetic puzzles.

During his life and training and dedication, he was included in the textbook pages by the Ministry of Education and Training as words of encouragement and encouragement to have willpower, determination as well as to believe in yourself. yourself and one day you will get what you deserve. He was also invited to exchange, educate the way of life, foster the desire to learn for many young generations in the country.

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 7

At the same time, he also inspired generations of students with extraordinary energy and determination and released many works that resonated such as the memoir "I went to school", the memoir "I went to college". , memoir "I went to teach", autobiography "Dedication to giving life"... Besides, he was also a psychological consultant to troubleshoot thousands of people, an inspirational exchange speaker, continued fire for the young generation in thousands of schools.

Excellent teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky, a member of the Vietnam Writers Association, is 76 years old. The funeral was held at the house No. 12, Street 623D, Nam Long Residential Area, Phuoc Long Ward, Thu Duc City.

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 8

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 9

The enthronement ceremony will take place at 8 am this morning, September 28, and the burial ceremony will be held at 14 pm on the same day. After that, the coffin of the late outstanding teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky was taken to be cremated at Phuoc Lac Vien in Di An city, Binh Duong province.

Despite having to deal with kidney failure and having to undergo hemodialysis three times a week, with extraordinary energy and determination, he still worked hard to interact with students and receive psychological counseling through the Call Center. 1088 and just composed in Ho Chi Minh City. In 2013, on the occasion of Nick Vujicic's visit to Vietnam, he was one of 24 examples of "Soul Seeds" of Vietnam honored at the White Palace Convention Center.

Nguyen Ngoc Ky - The teacher who wrote letters with his feet passed away after 29 years of fighting with the disease - Photo 10

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