Bringing 11 billion to his girlfriend online, the young man fainted when he saw the "muse"

Hà HàAug 30, 2021 at 10:21

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Nowadays, making friends and falling in love online is not too strange for everyone. It cannot be denied that thanks to social networks, it is impossible to know how many couples have become couples and married.

Bringing 11 billion to his girlfriend online, the young man fainted when he saw the "muse" - Photo 1

However, not everyone is so lucky because making friends online will sometimes put many people in trouble when encountering scammers. With sophisticated tricks, these unscrupulous people not only deceive the emotions but also defraud the victim's m.oney.

Recently, a b.oy in love living in China has made netizens in this country laugh and cry with his love and muse that he just met online. Accordingly, the main character in the story is a 19-year-old m.ale s.tudent, from a wealthy family and studying at a university in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province, China.

In June 2021, this guy just broke up with his lover, so he decided to download online dating software with the purpose of overcoming sadness. Soon, he realized that his heart belonged to a g.irl with a very sweet, feminine voice.

Boys and girls play games together, get along very well, so decided to make friends on WeChat to learn more about each other. According to her perception, this g.irl has an open and gentle personality, not to mention the beautiful goddess-like images of the g.irl on the internet that also make male students fall in love.

With that strong point, in less than two months of being in love, the guy sent gifts and a huge amount of m.oney to his lover online, although every time he asked, she refused to video call because he was busy... Cleansing!

But after receiving the m.oney, the b.oy also felt that the g.irl gradually became cold and no longer enthusiastic as in the days of new acquaintance. The m.ale s.tudent began to doubt and questioned the g.irl. At this time, the g.irl had to admit to cheating to cheat m.oney. The m.ale s.tudent promised that, if the g.irl returned the m.oney, he would not notify the authorities.

Bringing 11 billion to his girlfriend online, the young man fainted when he saw the "muse" - Photo 2

But the g.irl did not keep her promise, only returning the m.ale s.tudent 285,400 yuan (more than 1 billion dong). Subtracting this amount, the m.ale s.tudent sent the g.irl a total of 3.18 million yuan (more than 11 billion dong). The guy was quite panicked and said that this was the m.oney his parents had to buy a house in Hangzhou city. But the other g.irl still refused to pay, after being questioned many times by her parents, the new m.ale s.tudent had to confess the whole thing.

An investigation was opened and on August 21, a 24-year-old g.irl surnamed Huang was arrested, living in Shanghai. What makes him fall back is that this "muse" is not as beautiful as the image on the internet and weighs nearly 100kg. It is known that Huang works as a manager on the chat platform. Huang spent m.oney to buy beautiful pictures of hotgirls to pretend to be his own. Huang admitted to repeatedly making up stories to extort m.oney from acquaintances online.

Bringing 11 billion to his girlfriend online, the young man fainted when he saw the "muse" - Photo 3

Previously, page 163 reported on the case of a g.irl who, because she met a friend online, was cheated out of 220,000 yuan (about 787 million VND). Instead of resigned like other victims, this smart g.irl came up with a perfect plan.

With sweet words and super tricks, over the course of 8 months, she really made the scammer fall in love with her to the point of flying to the place to meet. Unexpectedly waiting for him was a police team with handcuffs number 8. According to reports, in September 2020, the g.irl surnamed Wang went to the police station of Changshu city, Jiangsu province, China to report. about a Before that, Ms. Vuong and a guy surnamed Wu met through the Wechat application.

After chatting for a while, the name Ngo entices Ms. Vuong to transfer m.oney to invest online with the promise of extremely lucrative profits. Ms. Vuong was initially overwhelmed, so she also trusted to transfer m.oney to the guy surnamed Ngo, only to find out that he was a fraud. After reporting the incident to the investigating police, although knowing that the chances of finding the m.oney back were quite slim, Ms. Wang still decided to try her luck.

Bringing 11 billion to his girlfriend online, the young man fainted when he saw the "muse" - Photo 4

Returning home, the g.irl did not act violently, on the contrary, began to use the trick of "listening", talking sweetly with the guy surnamed Ngo. At first, this name also did not pay attention to Ms. Vuong, but after a long time of "hearing", looking closely, Ms. Vuong was also quite beautiful, Ngo's name began to flutter.

For eight months, Ms. Wang talked to Wu and made him truly believe that they were in love. This love was so strong that Ngo temporarily lost his mind, completely forgetting the amount of nearly 800 million VND that he cheated on his lover that day.

On May 15, the surname Ngo took a flight to Thuong Thuc to pursue love. With a joyful mood, thinking that his beautiful lover would be waiting for him with a sweet embrace, Ngo quickly walked down the station. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got out the door, the police ambushed with handcuffs, caught the scammer and brought him to the detention station.

At the police station, the scammer just confessed, saying that he and his accomplices in Southeast Asia had set up a website to cheat Ms. Vuong's m.oney. At first, he planned to cheat, then "playing cards to escape" but looking closely at Ms. Vuong's beautiful face, she also talked sweetly, making him fall in love. The cheater ends up being cheated by the victim himself. The e.nding of the story must have made everyone feel extremely excited.

Bringing 11 billion to his girlfriend online, the young man fainted when he saw the "muse" - Photo 5

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