Loc Fuho holds a thick bag of m.oney and gives it to his wife, this is the national husband's standard

Duyên TrầnOct 15, 2021 at 12:25

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Recently, Loc Fuho announced that his Youtube channel of more than 1.4 million subs has been disabled for monetization due to a problem with his AdSense account. After 6 days, Loc Fuho's Youtube channel was resolved and monetization was enabled again.

Sharing this joy, the male Youtuber decided to give his wife a special gift, which is a b.ig m.oney bag. He revealed: "Teaching on Facebook is free, but I receive ads and introduce products to earn extra income. During the pandemic, having this m.oney is very happy. I posted a public video for 11 months the day before. million from Youtube, people don't believe it, but it's true because I posted few videos that month, it depends on the views. And this is m.oney from Facebook."

Loc Fuho holds a thick bag of m.oney and gives it to his wife, this is the national husband's standard - Photo 1

Loc Fuho brought m.oney to his wife, making Kim Thuy very surprised, she guessed the amount was about 500 million and asked her husband where to get it. After joking with his wife, Loc Fuho clearly explained that this is the amount of m.oney received for advertising on Fanpage and the truth is 20 million VND. "How much I give to my wife, my wife keeps the m.oney very carefully. Everyone tries to work, save m.oney to get married and have children because it costs a l.ot of m.oney. I don't eat and spend much. My husband and I are also suitable. I don't have much fun because I don't eat or drink anything, but I'm very happy when my children grow up and then go out to play," he said. At the same time, the male YouTuber also shared the bond between him and his wife: "Many friends told me why my channel was turned off to make m.oney but told my wife to let my wife know after giving birth. But I didn't tell my wife, until the day I received my salary, I was sad. Where do you get the m.oney to give it? Husband and wife have to share both sad and happy stories."

Below the clip of Loc Fuho, netizens congratulated him and his wife: "There are few people who are as honest in public as Mr. Loc. Always support him", "Congratulations, thank you. I'm glad that he announced his huge potential without hiding it", "Congratulations to Mr. Loc earning a l.ot of m.oney to support his wife, children and family"...

Loc Fuho was born in 1994 in Khanh Hoa, his real name is Pham Van Loc, famous for his videos teaching how to help on social networks. Loc Fuho's wife named Kim Thuy, the couple got married in March 2021. Half a month ago, he and his wife welcomed their first daughter. Loc Fuho jokingly asked his wife: "When I grow up, can I take care of you?" . However, after receiving an answer from his wife "No way, how can a daughter help her father, send her to school," he laughed loudly: "Daddy was joking, when Seri grows up, Learn as much as you can and then get a job to make it easy. Still let me study properly, when I don't want to study, I'll take a break. And my parents can help out."

Previously, Loc Fuho and his wife Kim Thuy posted on the Youtube channel a clip sharing the diary of the first c.hild birth and the feeling of becoming a parent for the first time. Loc Fuho said that when he welcomed his daughter, he was nervous and worried but very happy.

Loc Fuho holds a thick bag of m.oney and gives it to his wife, this is the national husband's standard - Photo 2

Kim Thuy said she was hurt but emotional when she heard her b.aby cry. "I gave birth by cesarean section more than 2 days ago, I had a caesarean section, so I was a bit tired. After giving birth with anesthesia, I couldn't walk, now I have back pain, it's very difficult. Many people say that I will be better after a vaginal delivery, but I gave birth before the full day, my pelvis was narrow, so the doctor advised me to have surgery. When I opened the surgery, I was very emotional, 9 months and 10 days pregnant, I was very tired, but I was very happy to see the b.aby," Loc Fuho's wife said. .

To take care of his wife and children with the best conditions, Loc Fuho rented a separate room for his wife to rest with 2 beds, sofa, and self-contained toilet. He revealed that he had paid 16 million VND in hospital fees. Explaining the situation in the modern ward, Loc Fuho's wife said: "Some people ask me why I stay in such a high-priced room, but Mr. Loc is worried about my health, I will have trouble sleeping when I live in a room with many people. The epidemic should choose a more private room for disease prevention." Loc Fuho agrees with this, he asserts: "Money can be earned, but health is difficult to earn, later make m.oney again".

At the same time, the male YouTuber often encourages and takes care of his wife to eat and drink to recover. The couple said that they will temporarily not share pictures of their daughter to avoid negative comments about her. "There are many friends who ask me to turn my face away from my children, but I'm afraid that many people will hate to scold their children. If people curse me, they should curse but not my wife and children. I want my c.hild to be more like my mother to be pretty, I know I am ugly, She looks like a mother. She's happier and busier to have children, "said Loc Fuho.

Loc Fuho holds a thick bag of m.oney and gives it to his wife, this is the national husband's standard - Photo 3

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