The way to the top of Olympia: Contestant Hai Lam went on Facebook to "curse" for being disparaged by netizens

team youtuberMay 11, 2021 at 19:28

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When some students reacted about Hai Lam being wrong on an easy question, he didn't hesitate to respond. After a while of talking to the online community, the Hanoi guy also used difficult words to express his anger at the fanpage when he thought that the admin's level was not enough to take the Olympia exam.

In the broadcast episode "Road to Olympia" week 3 - February - 3rd quarter - 21st year, f.emale s.tudent Do Thi Phuong Nga (Tran Phu High School, Da Lat, Lam Dong) excellently received the laurel wreath of the program.

In addition to the dramatic, thrilling contests to find out who will go on to the next round, another side event makes the audience equally interested.

At the end of 4 rounds, Hai Lam (Phuc Tho High School, Hanoi) - 1 opponent of Phuong Nga finished in third place with a total score of 150 points. Although there were many opportunities to shorten the distance with his friends before, this m.ale s.tudent did not take full advantage.

In the 20-point question with the content of how many intersections can be at most 10 distinct lines, the m.ale s.tudent confidently and decisively gave the answer 90. However, his agility caused him to lose points. . The answer is convolution 2 of 10, which is equal to 45.

The way to the top of Olympia: Contestant Hai Lam went on Facebook to curse because netizens criticized him - Photo 1

This question has been commented on by a famous math fanpage on social networks. In the image of the question screen cap, the fanpage has a status line: Candidates can't distinguish the combination and the combination, so the answer is wrong. After that, the admin of this page posted the clip of the above contest.

When some students reacted about Hai Lam being wrong on an easy question, he didn't hesitate to respond. After a while of talking to the online community, the Hanoi guy also used difficult words to express his anger at the fanpage when he thought that the admin's level was not enough to take the Olympia exam.

This incident caused a l.ot of controversy. Many viewers thought that the admin of the other Math fanpage used words that were not really appropriate to talk about a contestant. The status line may mislead others that this fanpage is disparaging Olympia contestant with a simple knowledge gap.

Some people defended him, saying that no matter how strong his knowledge is, if he is under psychological pressure from competing on the b.ig stage, it can sometimes cause the results to be unsatisfactory. It is understandable that the fanpage shared their contest images and used somewhat sensitive words, making 10X angry.

The road to the top of Olympia: Contestant Hai Lam went on Facebook to curse because he was criticized by netizens - Photo 2

However, many people also think that the admin's status line is not meant to attack any individual, but because he is too sensitive, it becomes negative. Anyway, as a student, Hai Lam should restrain himself and have words that are appropriate for the school culture. Knowing that cyberspace is a public space, everyone has the right to express their opinion, but choosing words when speaking is extremely necessary.

The way to the top of Olympia: Contestant Hai Lam went on Facebook to curse because he was criticized by netizens - Photo 3

Currently, Hai Lam has apologized for his actions and received sympathy from netizens. As for the fanpage, there has been no further response to this incident.

Over the years, Road to Olympia has always been a popular knowledge contest on television for high school students, attracting a l.ot of attention from fans. Olympia gradually becomes an indispensable spiritual dish every Sunday with many thrilling and dramatic contests from high-quality contestants from high schools across the country. Although always appreciated for their professional knowledge, many times the contestants of the Road to Olympia contest have also been entangled in controversial controversies on social networks that have attracted many people's attention as above.

The way to the top of Olympia: Contestant Hai Lam went on Facebook to curse because he was criticized by netizens - Photo 4

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