The b.oy is strangely blind, he hasn't eaten for 6 years, he only gnaws on wood and rocks to live, why?

Mỹ HoaJul 03, 2024 at 12:04

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Born mute and blind, the Khmer b.oy was 6 years old but only drank milk, ate plants, and what he ate, but especially never ate rice. Putting the rice in his mouth, the b.oy shook his head, pushed the spoon out, and screamed

The b.oy is strangely blind, he hasnt eaten for 6 years, he only gnaws on wood and rocks to live, why? - Photo 1

On the day of the arrest of the b.aby's strange manifestations, family members borrowed it to take him to Hanoi for examination, but the doctor said that the disease was strange and could not be cured. "From childhood to adulthood, he only ate trees, drank milk and ate fruit cakes he liked. Sometimes when it comes down and hits the rock and touches the ground, it puts it in its mouth and eats it. Whatever you eat, except rice," the grandmother said, then pointed to the table and chair that the b.oy gnawed on, all around which the edges were worn by tooth marks.

Currently, the b.oy is living with his grandparents in a dilapidated house in Giong Dai hamlet, Truong Tho commune, Cau Ngang district, Tra Vinh province. The thatched house was built on a piece of land on the edge of the field, inside there was nothing of value except a wardrobe, a set of tables and chairs and 2 beds that had worn out for a long time.

The b.oy is strangely blind, he hasnt eaten for 6 years, he only gnaws on wood and rocks to live, why? - Photo 2

When asked about her grandson's strange expression, Mrs. K shared that except for rice, she puts everything she can in her mouth and chews deliciously. From the set of tables and chairs at home to the bed, the b.oy crawled around the house, "itchy teeth" was scraping. When guests came to visit the house, Mrs. K. also "showed off" the newly purchased bed because the old bed had been chewed, worn and broken by her.

"My digestive system is still good. What you eat comes out of that feces, eat plants, eat stones, go out the same way. Each time it runs out for 1-2 hours. Because he usually refuses to eat vegetables.

Pick up any fruit cake, according to your taste, eat it, otherwise throw it away. He only likes to eat hard food, not soft food. For example, bread, only gnaw the outer shell, the inner intestines are discarded. I just had to buy a new bed because it was clean and broken!", the b.oy's grandmother said.

The b.oy is strangely blind, he hasnt eaten for 6 years, he only gnaws on wood and rocks to live, why? - Photo 3

He has strange eating habits, but the b.oy has a bright face, who still has a bit of flesh and a temperament that is always hyperactive and naughty. All day long, I clung to my grandmother and couldn't leave, her mouth couldn't speak, she was just sobbing because her brain was slow to develop. Seeing something unsatisfactory, the b.oy cried, signaling to his grandmother. Mrs. K. is also afraid that she will play alone, fumble with the sand, eat miscellaneous food, so she always has to keep an eye on her. Even when she was sleeping, she had to look at her repeatedly because she was "messing with the house".

"At 8 p.m., he sleeps until 11 p.m., wakes up late at night, and then wakes up until morning. He slept very little at night, and only took a nap during the day. Many times I don't give the wooden scraper because it crashes its head into the wall and chips its forehead. I love him but I don't know what to do. Now I just hope he is healthy and very happy, I will do everything for him," Ms. K burst into tears.

The b.oy is strangely blind, he hasnt eaten for 6 years, he only gnaws on wood and rocks to live, why? - Photo 4

The b.oy is strangely blind, he hasnt eaten for 6 years, he only gnaws on wood and rocks to live, why? - Photo 5

The grandmother recounted that when her daughter was 6 months pregnant with her grandchild, she had a miscarriage, and the doctor prescribed that she had to give birth urgently. Everything was normal until he was 9 months old, when his eyes showed signs of abnormality. When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor said that he was all inside at night, and he couldn't see anything anymore. From there, the c.hild has to accept the fate of the dark heart.

The house is difficult, my parents have to go to work far away in Binh Duong, then Dong Nai sends m.oney to support my grandchildren, the two grandparents are old, so they can't do anything to make m.oney, every month they wait for their children's allowances to be sent. However, when the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, they were unemployed, so all expenses were borne by Ms. K and her husband.

The b.oy is strangely blind, he hasnt eaten for 6 years, he only gnaws on wood and rocks to live, why? - Photo 6

"The state supports it with nearly a million children with disabilities. Before running to cure him, he had to borrow heavily at interest, so it was very miserable! I stayed at home to take care of him, I couldn't go to work. All living expenses only rely on my grandfather's lawn mower salary," Ms. K said.

The b.oy is strangely blind, he hasnt eaten for 6 years, he only gnaws on wood and rocks to live, why? - Photo 7

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