The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law

JLONov 07, 2023 at 17:07

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Recently, Chinese social media was buzzing when 1 couple held a divorce party. It is known that guests who have just eaten are also allowed to check the list of celebratory m.oney, how much will be returned that year.

The changing perspective on divorce in Chinese society today is quite pronounced. If in the past, women with low social status when divorced often damaged their reputation, the days are completely different, even when many weddings have been held large, today the "divorce party" must be many times more magnificent. For example, the recent case of a couple in China after a wedding to live together but did not find common ground, so they held an extremely luxurious and grand divorce ceremony.

The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law - Photo 1

Accordingly, the couple held their divorce ceremony at a large convention center, they invited enough guests to "celebrate" most of them were also guests who had attended their wedding ceremony every year. It is known that guests who have just eaten are also allowed to check the list of celebratory m.oney, how much to celebrate that year will be refunded.

Along with that, on stage, instead of wedding photos the two embraced, here they turned their backs on each other. The photo of the couple with the introductory text of her husband's name is Wu Liang Tien Sinh, his wife is Yuan Goddess, below is attached the words "ungainly".

The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law - Photo 2

At the ceremony, the two said, "3 lifetimes and 3 lifetimes are too long, we can't go together anymore." From there, too, the groom said to the bride's father, "Now I would like to return her to you." The bride's father took a drink, then took his daughter home.

The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law - Photo 3

Immediately the MC saw this and corrected himself: "Please change from "Dad" to "Uncle" for me."

The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law - Photo 4

The couple's extremely unique divorce party has received special attention from the online community. A lot of praise for the kindness the couple had for each other as well as for their relatives and the entire guest. Accordingly, many netizens couldn't help but express their interest and advised each other to learn how to break up or divorce civilly from the couple.

The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law - Photo 5

In addition to the divorce party, recently, the online community was bewildered when a wedding took place at a fancy restaurant but only gave each guest a prepared lunchbox.

Specifically, a video of wedding guests enjoying pre-packaged lunch boxes was posted by a person a few days ago, attracting the attention of the Chinese online community. In the viral video, the table can be seen almost empty, each person in front of them has a prepared lunchbox, and the guests are trying to enjoy the meal while trying to stop laughing.

The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law - Photo 6

The lunchboxes for wedding guests include a portion of meat, two vegetables and a fried egg. Some older guests were disappointed by the invited meal. "Attending a wedding reception and eating a lunchbox, this is the first time I've experienced something like this," one wedding attendee commented.

This lunch box has become the talk of social media. A lot of people have criticized and thought that inviting guests to a wedding party to eat and drink like that is disrespectful to guests and makes fun of people. Some comments such as: "Whether you want to m.ake m.oney or save m.oney, you should not do so", "The story of this unprecedented wedding party will be talked about for a lifetime" ...

The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law - Photo 7

However, one person later spoke out to justify the host, arguing that preparing such a box meal for wedding guests is a common custom in some parts of China.

"This is a local practice. Currently, many weddings in cities and some rural villages in China have only one main meal, usually held in the afternoon or evening. However, some relatives and friends will arrive early to help or participate in mahjong activities, so such packaged meals are usually provided before the main party," the person explained, urging people not to make a fuss about the story.

However, this explanation surprised netizens even more and the debate about the unique wedding party continued.

The couple held a divorce party, invited back guests from the past to pay for the wedding, the groom said 1 sentence to his father-in-law - Photo 8

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