7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture

Hoàng AnhJul 13, 2022 at 09:37

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Hue is not only famous as a poetic and charming land but also attractive - by the mystery of the Hue mausoleums. The resting place of the Nguyen Dynasty kings - attracts tourists thanks to its sophisticated and artistic architecture, associated with many interesting and meaningful stories.

1. Gia Long Tomb

Located in the complex of mausoleum system in Hue, Gia Long Tomb was built within 6 years and has a circumference of nearly 12,000 meters. Because it is located in Dai Thien Tho mountain range, Gia Long Tomb is also known as Thien Tho Lang.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 1

Surrounding the mausoleum are majestic and magnificent mountains with Dai Thien Tho "protecting" in front and 28 small mountain shapes surrounding left and right. The space around the mausoleum is green and quiet, evoking the solemnity and majesty of the first Nguyen king of Vietnam.

The entire mausoleum is divided into 3 different areas: The mausoleum of the king and queen is located in the center. Minh Thanh Palace is located to the right of the mausoleum, where it was used to worship the king and queen of the first generation. Looking to the left, a monumental stele engraved with the words that King Minh Mang once wrote solemnly.

Especially around the main mausoleum area, there are many neighboring mausoleums. All these details combine to form an ensemble that is both dignified, mysterious, and attractive and charming.

2. Tomb of Khai Dinh

Khai Dinh Tomb is located at Chau Chu Mountain, Thuy Bang Commune, Huong Thuy District, impressing with the construction period lasting up to 11 years. This is the Hue mausoleum of the 12th Nguyen Dynasty king. Although Khai Dinh's tomb is not grandiose in size, it makes later people admire by the sophistication and sharpness of the work. At Khai Dinh Tomb, people realize the harmonious interference between Eastern classical beauty and Western modernity.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 2

The mausoleum is built in the form of a rectangular block. With 127 steps, the mausoleum is raised to a majestic and solemn position. Two tower-shaped gate pillars with Indian architectural colors. The surrounding pillars are characteristic of Eastern Buddhism. The barrier surrounding the outside had the shape of crosses. The arched arches are typical of Roman art...

All these features have helped Khai Dinh Tomb become the most unique symbol in the map of mausoleums in Hue. Notably, Thien Dinh Palace is located in the center of the mausoleum, containing precious furniture, featuring a magnificent painting "Cuu Long hidden in the clouds" which still retains its value to this day.

3. Tomb of Minh Mang

When it comes to the poetic but majestic Hue mausoleum, people often think of Minh Mang's mausoleum. The mausoleum was built on Cam Khe mountain, where the two streams of Huu Trach and Ta Trach intersect the Perfume River. Although it was only built within 3 years, Minh Mang Tomb is still known as one of the most beautiful and elaborate mausoleums in Hue.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 3

Minh Mang Mausoleum includes nearly 50 detailed works, large and small, but designed in a proportionate and full of aesthetics. All are arranged in a straight line, starting with Dai Hong Mon, surrounded by 2 more doors, Ta Hong Mon and Huu Hong Mon, inside there is a large yard and many stone statues, ending is the place where the grave of Mr. King.

4. Tomb of Tu Duc

One of the 7 most poetic Hue mausoleums is probably Tu Duc Tomb. The mausoleum was built in Thuong Ba village, Xuan Thuy ward, located in a narrow valley in Hue city.

At the time of his life, Tu Duc wanted to build his own tomb. After choosing a suitable location, the king ordered the construction to be carried out, named Van Nien Co. However, because the project had caused people to shed so much b.lood, after it was completed, Tu Duc changed Van Nien Co to Khiem Cung ("modest" in "modest"). When the king died, Khiem Cung changed its name to Khiem Lang.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 4

The whole mausoleum includes more than 50 large and small works, impressed by the winding roads paved with Bat Trang bricks, monumental monuments, and sophisticated carved patterns.

The space around Nghiem Lang is green, sweet and poetic. Trees, birds, rivers (Tu Duc mausoleum was built next to a hundred-flowered lotus pond) blend with the solemnity and majesty of the mausoleum to create a beautiful and mysterious historical picture. Bringing the soul of an artist, Tu Duc built his own tomb in a romantic and poetic style. Therefore, today, when visiting, visitors seem to be immersed in a gentle and relaxing scene.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 5

The familiar road to Khiem Lang is by road. Khiem Lang is open to welcome guests from morning to evening, is a Hue mausoleum that tourists must definitely visit when visiting the ancient capital.

5. Duc Duc Tomb

Duc Duc Tomb Probably the simplest and most simple Hue mausoleum in the city. However, this is the resting place of three kings Duc Duc, Thanh Thai and Duy Tan. Duc Duc Tomb, also known as An Lang, is located in Tay Nhat village, An Cuu village, An Cuu ward, Hue city.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 6

An Lang only has an area of about 3,500 square meters. In front of the mausoleum there is an arched door made of bricks. Next is Bai Dinh courtyard, but in the yard there are no brick statues like in other mausoleums. Behind the courtyard is the main door leading to the house. In the house there is an altar, an altar. At the end of the house is the tomb of three kings. In front of the mausoleum is Phuoc Qua dune, behind the mausoleum is Tam Thai mountain protecting and shielding.

6. Tomb of Thieu Tri

If Hue mausoleums often bring a feeling of majesty and solemnity, Thieu Tri's mausoleum is different. Thieu Tri Tomb conquers visitors by its closeness, familiarity and open and fresh space. Located close to Thuan Dao mountain, in Cu Chanh village, Thuy Bang commune, Thieu Tri mausoleum is immersed in the midst of fruit-laden orchards and immense rice fields.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 7

Although it was built in less than a year, Thieu Tri Tomb still makes people admire by its beautiful, sophisticated and aesthetic architecture. It is said that Thieu Tri Tomb is the intersection between the beauty of Gia Long Tomb and Minh Mang Tomb. During his lifetime, King Thieu Tri studied very carefully the tombs of the two previous kings to be able to build for himself the most perfect resting place.

7. Dong Khanh Mausoleum

Lasting for 35 years, through 4 kings (Dong Khanh, Thanh Thai, Duy Tan, Khai Dinh), Dong Khanh mausoleum was officially completed.

Built in the style of Asian-European interference, immersed in the luxuriant and green natural landscape, the complex of Hue Dong Khanh mausoleum has an unmistakable beauty in the majestic Hue citadel.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 8

Located in Thuong Hai village, Xuan Thuy ward, Dong Khanh mausoleum consists of 20 different large and small architectural works, possessing many stone statues, notably Ngung Hy Palace with exquisite interior, many painted works. precious grinding.

Today, the system of Hue mausoleums still retains the values of history, decorative arts, sculpture and quintessential Vietnamese architecture. Each mausoleum has a different story and its own construction art, "lulling" visitors upstream to the past.

7 Hue mausoleums worshiping the famous Nguyen Dynasty kings with the most unique architecture - Photo 9

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