Appears a hero in the case of a b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: Netizens are all grateful

Thanh PhúcFeb 15, 2023 at 16:48

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Adding new developments in the case of a 12-year-old b.oy being severely "physically affected" by his stepfather, with a "hero" involved, the online community immediately expressed its gratitude.

In recent days, social networks have been buzzing about the story of a 12-year-old b.oy from Dong Thap, who was severely "physically affected" by his stepfather, affecting both his health and spirit for 8 years. The new details of this story are always closely watched by netizens, wishing for the law to come in soon and punish the unscrupulous stepfather.

Appears a hero in the case of a b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: Netizens are all grateful - Photo 1

According to the previous story, b.aby Đ.CT, had a trip of hundreds of kilometers from Tay Ninh to Dong Thap, successfully escaped from a miserable life beside his stepfather to ask for help from his biological father, information This has received a l.ot of sympathy from netizens.

It is known that in order to make this bold decision, b.aby T had previously suffered countless times of gratuitous spanking from this callous stepfather. Although in the family there are both biological sisters and the b.aby's mother, but because of their livelihood, both are rarely at home, unable to protect and help much for the b.aby.

The difficult life, deprivation plus the constant "physical impact" makes it impossible for the b.aby to develop comprehensively like many other children. The journey of finding the b.aby's life back to his biological father is also a miracle, because the distance of hundreds of kilometers from Tay Ninh to Dong Thap, it can be seen that the move is not easy, especially for children. b.aby is only 12 years old like T.

Appears a hero in the case of a b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: Netizens are all grateful - Photo 2

After the story was widely spread on social networking platforms, the family situation of b.aby T's biological father - Mr. Ut was also of great interest and attention. Accordingly, Ut's life in his hometown of Dong Thap is not very good, since he broke up with b.aby T's mother, living alone, he is still attached to a hired job. experience life.

Looking at the family and economic situation of b.aby T's family, almost everyone could not hold back their tears. On social networks also gradually began to appear benefactors, calling for donations, wishing to help the c.hild in some way to have a better life.

Especially among them, in recent days, netizens have continuously expressed their gratitude and favor for a man with the nickname "Tay Ninh hero" when he directly showed up, promising to ensure to take care of him. B.aby T's future in a better way, moreover, his future work will also be taken care of by him.

Appears a hero in the case of a b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: Netizens are all grateful - Photo 3

The man in question whose real name is Dang Van Phuc, after hearing the story of b.aby T, Mr. Phuc was immediately present to discuss directly with the c.hild's family, expressing his desire to help the family. future life.

According to Mr. Phuc's exchange with his biological father, he hopes that if his family approves, he will stand out and become the godfather of b.aby T, taking care of everything from now on. Besides, Mr. Phuc also said that after the local authorities got involved, clarified and handled the case, he would decide to organize an auction of the property and earn the m.oney to give Mr. Ut. capital for future job development.

Appears a hero in the case of a b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: Netizens are all grateful - Photo 4

Sharing in front of the online community, Mr. Dang Van Phuc also firmly affirmed that if he said it, he would do it. Everyone who trusts and loves b.aby T can be completely assured of him, will take care of and help his future life in the future.

Happy with this hero's love, b.aby T could not hide her tears of happiness. She also did not forget to thank and express her deep gratitude to Mr. Phuc, in addition to the love of everyone who cared and sent encouragement to him since the story was spread. widely transmitted.

Appears a hero in the case of a b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: Netizens are all grateful - Photo 5

Before this hero's sharing and timely participation, netizens have continuously expressed their gratitude, thanks and admiration for Phuc's heroic action to help people, and at the same time, they are also relieved and grateful. felt more secure when b.aby T had a firm support, making up for the dark time, living in misery before with the other unscrupulous stepfather.

Appears a hero in the case of a b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: Netizens are all grateful - Photo 6

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