The case of the b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: The biological mother and the sister corrected, the netizens did not know who to believe

Thanh PhúcFeb 14, 2023 at 14:53

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Adding new details in the story of a 12-year-old b.oy from Dong Thap province who was severely "physically affected" by his stepfather, his mother and sister returned to correct the information. Netizens do not know who to believe because there are contradictions.

In recent days, the story of a 12-year-old b.oy - named D.CT from Dong Thap province, was severely "physically affected" by his stepfather for 8 years, crossing a hundred kilometers from Tay Ninh to his biological father to pray. Research is a h.ot topic of discussion on social networking forums. Most of the netizens were outraged and strongly condemned the actions of this unscrupulous stepfather.

The case of the b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: The biological mother and the sister corrected, the netizens did not know who to believe - Photo 1

A 12-year-old b.oy has been "physically affected" by his stepfather in recent days.

According to previously posted information, b.aby T had a miraculous journey to find life again, when he successfully escaped a life of t.orture with his stepfather, he was subjected to unreasonable beatings every day. physical animals" seriously, affecting both the b.aby's mental health and well-being.

According to T, she, her biological mother and 14-year-old sister have lived with her stepfather in Tay Ninh for many years. Every day, the b.aby's mother and sister go to sell fish early. Living with her stepfather, she must often see him g.ambling, drinking, and then venting his anger on her. Because the mother is not at home, the b.aby can't talk to anyone, even can't say it because it will be "affected" more severely the next day.

The case of the b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: The biological mother and the sister corrected, the netizens did not know who to believe - Photo 2

The older sister and b.aby T have lived with their mother and stepfather in Tay Ninh for many years.

According to T, her older sister also lives in a similar situation, but less often because she has time to help her mother sell fish. What is even more special, according to the b.aby's story, is that the stepfather also acted rudely and harassed this sister's body.

After the story was spread, recently, her mother and biological sister were also present in Dong Thap to explain everything. Surprisingly, there was a contradiction in the information of both sides, when the mother and sister both corrected themselves, saying that T's words were untrue.

Specifically, the b.aby's sister said that the stepfather did not have any rude actions as said by T. Actions like touching people are just joking and completely in front of everyone, including mom. Even this story is known and understood by everyone in the family and around, not as a gesture that is too intimate, going out of scope as said by b.aby T.

The case of the b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: The biological mother and the sister corrected, the netizens did not know who to believe - Photo 3

T's mother returned with her daughter to correct the information.

Besides, the b.aby's sister also added that every time "physical impact" and punishment on b.aby T, there is a reason behind. Usually it's just to teach the b.aby better, because those times are the times when the c.hild is wrong, such as going to buy things but visiting the toy store, or taking the youngest brother (c.hild of stepfather and biological mother) to play in the village. Highway, dangerous place because far from crowded,...

On the part of the biological mother, she said that when teaching her children, everyone usually teaches by whipping, she also acknowledged all the actions of her later husband, without denying. Currently, the story has been sent to the government, waiting to be considered, she can only wait and comply.

In addition, the fact that b.aby T's ear is said to have perforated the eardrum because of "physical impact" by his stepfather, has been previously reported, according to the mother's recount, this news is not entirely true. Specifically, she said, the b.aby's ears can't hear as well as they do now because in the past, when she went to school, she was pinched by a teacher, which led to the influence, not completely, of this stepfather. .

The case of the b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: The biological mother and the sister corrected, the netizens did not know who to believe - Photo 4

B.aby T was previously thought to have perforated the eardrum due to trauma from the "physical impact" of his stepfather.

Many opinions also agree that spanking is to teach children, but with the frequency and severity of c.hild T, it is unacceptable, above all, the "influenced" person is the stepfather, not the person. The birth of b.aby T.

The case of the b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: The biological mother and the sister corrected, the netizens did not know who to believe - Photo 5

Through the conflicting narratives of both sides, many people were gradually confused and did not know which side to believe the story. However, with the injuries on b.aby T's body, everyone is outraged, expecting the local authorities to quickly verify the case to clarify the case and return justice to the unlucky 12-year-old b.oy. This.

The case of the b.oy being "physically affected" by his stepfather: The biological mother and the sister corrected, the netizens did not know who to believe - Photo 6

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