The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother

RoséMar 07, 2022 at 08:50

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The story is making netizens extremely excited and angry at the husband's love.

On November 24, 2021, Mr. V. (resident in Hanoi) attracted attention when he shared on his personal Facebook page about the loss of his wife and 6-month-old unborn c.hild, after receiving treatment at Thanh Nhan Hospital. . According to Mr. V., on the afternoon of November 15, his wife, Ms. TTH (33 years old), felt unwell, and her family took her to Thanh Nhan Hospital for examination.

After entering the Internal Emergency Department and having b.lood drawn for testing, the doctors concluded that this woman's platelets and red b.lood cells were very low, requiring a b.lood transfusion. Ms. H. received 2 bags of b.lood and 2 bags of platelets overnight, her health improved and was able to talk.

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 1

After 2 days of treatment, Mr. V. intends to transfer his wife to a higher-level hospital because of the lack of b.lood test results. On the evening of November 17, Ms. H. continued to receive platelet transfusions. The hospital asked Mr. V. to sign a written commitment that "if there is a problem, the family is fully responsible".

Before transmission, Ms. H. was taken for ultrasound. However, this time, Mr. V. was not allowed to go inside and stand next to his wife to see if the fetus was kicking as well as before. Later, the hospital announced that the fetus had died, "no longer pedaling a few hours ago".

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 2

At 0:00 on November 18, Ms. H. received a platelet transfusion, but after she went into s.hock, she was given an injection of a shock-reducing dose by a nurse. However, only 5 minutes later, the woman showed signs of foaming at the mouth.

"Forty minutes later, two doctors came, but my wife did not survive, the nurses pushed the responsibility. I was shocked when I lost my b.aby and frustrated why the hospital did not allow me to transfer when I learned that my wife's condition was weak. ", Mr. V. sadly recalled.

It is known that this is the first c.hild of Mr. V. and his wife, Ms. TTH (33 years old). Before that, Ms. H. had 2 children with her previous husband. This share immediately went viral on social media, attracting the attention of the public. Many people expressed that if the above incident is true, the hospital should speak up soon.

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 3

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 4

However, recently, MXH was extremely stirred by rumors, after 49 days of his wife's d.eath, the husband calmly held another daughter's hand. V. even took 100 million of his wife's compensation to celebrate with his new lover and did not hesitate to post a public moment of love and travel together on Facebook.

It is known that the spacious house he lives in was also built with Ms. H's m.oney, or a car was also bought with this sister's m.oney. Currently, netizens are extremely indignant at the husband's indifferent act and quick love.

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 5

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 6

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 7

Previously, related to the incident, Deputy Director of Thanh Nhan Hospital Nguyen Thi Lan Huong said that on November 15, 2021, the Hospital's Emergency Department received H. patient in a very severe anemia. Transfusion of 700 ml of b.lood, 300 ml of red b.lood cells.

The doctors did tests, but the progress was too fast and severe. The doctor on duty had to receive b.lood transfusions, the patient did not have a very dangerous b.leeding, but the platelet count was only 12.

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 8

According to Ms. Huong, after evaluation and professional consultation from major hospitals, although Thanh Nhan Hospital tried its best to treat, the patient did not survive. Notably, the patient was pregnant for the 5th time, the last 2 pregnancies were stillborn but did not go to the doctor, did not screen at the beginning of the pregnancy.

"We identified the patient with a b.lood clotting disorder. HELLP syndrome - a disorder related to pre-eclampsia, if not treated in time, can be fatal. HELLP is a common form of pregnancy toxicity. in 5-8% of pregnant women, most commonly after the 20th week of pregnancy", Ms. Huong analyzed.

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 9

About the information that the patient's family reported when the pregnant woman foamed at the mouth, but 40 minutes later, two doctors came to the emergency room and the reason was not decided to transfer the pregnant woman, Ms. Huong affirmed, before the patient's life. , doctors never give up.

"In urgent situations, the platelets are too low to be transferred to the hospital. When going to another hospital, the patient has to do the whole test again while the hospital has already asked for red b.lood cells, b.lood... Switch to It will take time while the patient's life is urgent, first aid must be given priority," said Deputy Director of Thanh Nhan Hospital.

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 10

Before that, according to Mr. V., after the hospital status line was posted on social networks, on the same evening, a representative of Thanh Nhan Hospital came to visit the family. Because before that, the family had repeatedly questioned the cause of his wife's d.eath but did not receive a satisfactory answer.

"On the afternoon of November 27, two young socialites with tattoos came to see me. These two said they were representatives of a department at the hospital. However, when I asked which department, they were from refuse to answer.

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 11

They came to negotiate, conveyed the family's requests to the hospital and wanted to compensate and compensate for the amount of 100 million dong, but my family did not agree," said Mr. V.

The d.eath of a pregnant woman at Thanh Nhan hospital: The husband caused anger when his wife had been gone for 49 days and kissed another brother - Photo 12

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