The case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused: The nanny was asked to be summoned to the court

Rosu00e9May 12, 2022 at 08:13

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Accordingly, 6 people were proposed to be summoned to attend the trial.

Regarding the case of "step-aunt" and her father's violent abuse of an 8-year-old g.irl to d.eath, the investigating agency has recently completed an indictment, in which in addition to 283 video files and images denouncing the crime. The barbaric, heartless of Trang and Thai also have information and evidence that chills people's spines.

On May 11, a source from Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper confirmed that leaders of the People's Procuracy of Ho Chi Minh City had signed a decision to request the People's Court of the same level to summon 6 people to attend the trial of 2 defendants Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang (SN 1995, hometown). Gia Lai) and Nguyen Kim Trung Thai (SN 1985, living in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City).

The case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused: The nanny was asked to be summoned to the court - Photo 1

Accordingly, 6 people were proposed to be summoned to attend the trial, including: Ms. NTH (mother of NTVA victim), Ms. NTTM (mother of Nguyen Kim Trung Thai), Ms. LCXP (teacher of Dinh Tien Hoang Primary School, District 1, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City). 1) and the witnesses are Ms. VTTH (nanny of grandchild A.), Mr. THH and Mr. THĐ. (hospital security)

Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang was charged with M.urder and T.orture of Others. For m.urder, Trang faces the d.eath penalty. In connection with the case, Nguyen Kim Trung Thai was charged with two counts of Torturing others and Concealing crimes.

The case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused: The nanny was asked to be summoned to the court - Photo 2

The source of Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper said that in the case file, Trang and Thai said that because A. was poor at school, the couple beat him so that he could study well and be more obedient. However, the camera image recorded the scene of Trang and Thai b.eating grandson A. at any time, even outside of school time.

Verification by the authorities shows that A.'s learning results at Dinh Tien Hoang Primary School, A. is good at studying, absorbing lessons quickly, being obedient, polite to teachers, and getting along with friends. . Since then, the legal authorities have recognized that Thai and Trang's claim that their children are poor in their studies is unfounded.

The case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused: The nanny was asked to be summoned to the court - Photo 3

Due to anger that the Thai family did not allow Thai to marry and that Thai did not want to have children with her, from December 7 to 22, 2021, Trang used her hands, feet, wooden trees, metal trees (which are the connecting pipes of her family). vacuum cleaner) beat and brutally tortured VA in many different ways for many days and hours.

The Ho Chi Minh City police also concluded that Trang had a normal spirit, but for many days in a row, for many hours, she used her hands, feet and weapons to beat, torture and humiliate A. physically and mentally.

The case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused: The nanny was asked to be summoned to the court - Photo 4

The testimony of Trang and Thai is consistent with the testimony of Ms. H. and Mrs. TM (Thai's biological mother). After the case happened, VA's family did not ask for civil compensation.

Talking to the press, Lawyer Tran Xuan Tien (Head of Dong Doi Law Office, Hanoi Bar Association) said that the case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused to d.eath still makes the public feel sad. distant. Any act that infringes upon the health and life of children is an illegal act, and anyone who commits the act must be severely punished by the law.

The case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused: The nanny was asked to be summoned to the court - Photo 5

Lawyer Tien added that, through the past tragic and painful cases, it is not difficult for us to realize that many tragedies with children come from the relationship of their biological parents after the marriage dissolved. broken. They face many unsafety risks when living with their parents' lover or step-aunt or stepfather.

Therefore, in order to reduce and prevent such heartbreaking incidents, we need to focus more on children's emotions, not on handling them after the incident. To do this is not the responsibility of each family, but it takes the participation of the whole society to create a truly safe environment for children.

The case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused: The nanny was asked to be summoned to the court - Photo 6

Also according to the indictment, Trang's crimes have infringed on the lives, health, honor and dignity of others, especially crimes against children. The behavior of Trang and Thai, according to the Procuracy, is causing discontent among the people, and public opinion condemns. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly handle before the law the mistake of deterring education and prevention.

The case of an 8-year-old g.irl being abused: The nanny was asked to be summoned to the court - Photo 7

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