The cold testimony of the "step-aunt" abusing the 8-year-old b.oy: The rattan whip was broken, changed to beat with a wooden stick

Rosu00e9Dec 28, 2021 at 14:06

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The g.irl mercilessly k.illed her fiancé's stepchild.

Regarding the case of an 8-year-old g.irl who did not survive, suspected of being abused, on the morning of December 28, the Binh Thanh District Police Investigation Police Agency prosecuted the accused, and ordered a 2-month detention for Nguyen. Vo Quynh Trang (26 years old, from Gia Lai) on charges of torturing others. When arrested, Trang claimed to have an affair with Th. (B.aby VA's father). All 3 live in an apartment on the 16th floor of CC Topaz 2 Saigon Pearl apartment, ward 22, Binh Thanh district.

During the time of living together, Trang had many hands down with the g.irl. Specifically, Trang ordered rattan whips to "teach" her husband's children. After the rattan whip broke, Trang switched to hitting the b.aby with a wooden stick.

The cold testimony of the "step-aunt" abusing the 8-year-old b.oy: The rattan whip was broken, changed to beat with a wooden stick - Photo 1

On the morning of December 22, the c.hild studied online until 10am when Trang checked the lesson. At 14:00, Trang cooks pho for the b.aby to eat. VA asked for milk and was given 3 boxes by Trang. Then the b.aby continued to drink guava juice.

After eating and drinking, Trang taught her fiancé's stepchildren to study. Because the g.irl made a mistake, Trang hit many times. The accused only stopped hitting until the c.hild learned well.

About half an hour later, b.aby A. complained of being tired and went to the rest room. Seeing the b.aby vomiting, Trang cleaned up and called the victim's father. Mr. Th. When I got home, I took my daughter to the bathroom. Discovered in the b.aby's nose there are many foreign bodies (food), so Th. suck out.

The cold testimony of the "step-aunt" abusing the 8-year-old b.oy: The rattan whip was broken, changed to beat with a wooden stick - Photo 2

Finding his daughter weak, the father called an ambulance and asked the security guard to take the victim to the hospital. According to Binh Thanh District Police, the forensic results determined that the g.irl had acute pulmonary edema and had many bruises on her body.

Through investigation, the authorities determined that Trang showed signs of v.iolence against A., so they made a decision to prosecute and take him into custody. Binh Thanh District Police said that some parents still teach with hoses and whips. If this behavior is mild, it will be administratively handled, if it is serious, it will be prosecuted for criminal responsibility.

The cold testimony of the "step-aunt" abusing the 8-year-old b.oy: The rattan whip was broken, changed to beat with a wooden stick - Photo 3

"In the course of living together, if neighbors detect cases of c.hild a.buse, they should report them to the local authorities for timely intervention to avoid unfortunate incidents," a representative of Binh Thanh District Police said. said.

As for the father, the police agency said that he was clarifying his behavior. If it is determined that there are signs of crime, the investigating agency will handle it in accordance with the law.

The cold testimony of the "step-aunt" abusing the 8-year-old b.oy: The rattan whip was broken, changed to beat with a wooden stick - Photo 4

Regarding the incident, on the evening of December 27, relatives and residents of the apartment building where grandson A lived held a memorial ceremony for the tragic and painful passing of the victim. Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh (A.'s biological uncle) said that the whole family is saddened by the sudden passing of his granddaughter. "We held a memorial service to wish him a peaceful d.eath," Vinh shared.

According to Mr. Vinh, Ms. NTH (36 years old, Mr. Vinh's sister) married Mr. Th. and have 2 children together. C.hild A. is the first c.hild. In 2020, both divorced. Mr. Th. to take care of her grandchild A., and sister H. to take care of the next c.hild. "After the divorce, Mr. Th took his grandson A. to an apartment in Binh Thanh district to live with Mrs. Trang and forbade my sister to see her children. The last time they met was in October 2020," Mr. Vinh said. .

The cold testimony of the "step-aunt" abusing the 8-year-old b.oy: The rattan whip was broken, changed to beat with a wooden stick - Photo 5

According to Ms. TL (neighbor) said, recently, residents living on the same floor often hear loud noises, screams, and s.mashing furniture from Mr. Th's apartment. However, the owners of the apartments. The surrounding households think Th. and Trang quarreled because of emotional conflict.

"I think they quarreled and broke things, but I don't think A. was abused. If we knew it early, we would have intervened," said Ms. L. angrily. On December 27, Ms. H. made an application to the authorities to denounce Mr. Th. and Mrs. Trang was violent leading to the tragic d.eath of grandson A..

The cold testimony of the "step-aunt" abusing the 8-year-old b.oy: The rattan whip was broken, changed to beat with a wooden stick - Photo 6

In the denunciation, Ms. H. said that the reason for the divorce was Mr. Th. adultery, illicit relationship with Trang. According to Ms. H., by Mr. Th. prevented her from seeing her grandchild A. so for a year she did not know her c.hild's condition. Therefore, grandchild A. passed away due to pulmonary edema, with many bruises on his body, she suspected Mr. Th. and Mrs. Trang tortured me.

"Our family is very angry with the abuse of Mr. Th. and his lover towards my daughter. We urgently ask the authorities to clarify the illegal behavior of Mr. Th. and Ms. Th. and Mrs. Trang, was violent leading to the d.eath of grandchild A.", Ms. H. wrote in the application.

The cold testimony of the "step-aunt" abusing the 8-year-old b.oy: The rattan whip was broken, changed to beat with a wooden stick - Photo 7

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