Drinking coffee every day what will happen to your body?

team youtuberApr 10, 2021 at 18:55

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Experts even call coffee a panacea, due to its magical abilities. However, experts note that the benefits of coffee are best achieved with caffeinated black coffee, without sugar, without milk or cream, in order to maximize the effects of coffee's antioxidants.

Reduced risk of liver cancer

In Japan, drinking coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of liver cancer in daily coffee drinkers, according to a study published in the National Institutes of Health. In another study, it was determined that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of liver cancer by 38%, according to The Epoch Times.

Drinking coffee also reduces the risk of other liver diseases, such as chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatitis C, and fatty liver disease.

Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes

Researchers found that each additional cup of coffee consumed in a day reduced the risk of diabetes by 7%. High coffee intake appears to be protective against this disease, but more research is needed. However, the amount of coffee per day should not exceed 5 cups, according to The Epoch Times.

It is the chlorogenic acid and trigonelline found in coffee that are active ingredients that control b.lood sugar.

In studies published in the National Institutes of Health, testing b.lood sugar after drinking coffee resulted in significantly reduced glucose levels and insulin response.

Drink coffee every day what will happen to your body? - Figure 1

Reduced risk of Parkinson's disease

A study published in the National Institutes of Health determined that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease by 29%. However, more than 3 cups does not add any benefit.

Reduce risk of s.uicide

In addition to preventing disease, the caffeine content in coffee is directly related to the brain. These effects are especially seen at low consumption (about 75 mg).

Caffeine has a positive effect on the brain, improving alertness and attention, helping with focus and mood, reducing depression and reducing the risk of s.uicide.

A 2013 study by the Harvard School of Public Health (USA) found that people who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day had a 45% reduction in s.uicide risk, possibly because of the stimulant effects of caffeine on mood enhancing. , according to The Epoch Times.

Help lose weight

Most fat-burning supplements contain caffeine for the simple reason that it helps burn fat, and caffeine has been shown to speed up metabolism.

A higher metabolic rate will result in effective weight loss.

A healthy diet and lifestyle are essential, and if coffee can improve our chances for a healthier life, why not enjoy it every day?

Some people believe that coffee can help you live longer, but more research is needed in this area.

However, it can help us avoid type 2 diabetes, liver disease and other degenerative diseases, according to The Epoch Times.

But when you stop drinking coffee suddenly, you will notice many benefits, but there are also huge harms that affect your life.

Drink coffee every day what will happen to your body? - Figure 2

Weight gain

Caffeine is a temporary appetite suppressant, so when you stop drinking, you'll feel hungrier. In addition, caffeine also increases metabolic rate, helping the body burn more calories than if drinking a cup of black coffee. Therefore, when you quit the habit of drinking coffee, you can gain weight.

Sleep better

Although you will feel tired when your body lacks stimulants, in the long run, you can sleep better, especially if you have a habit of drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening. A study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that consuming caffeine 6 hours before bed can disrupt sleep cycles at night.

More frequent headaches

When you stop drinking coffee, your body loses large amounts of adrenaline and dopamine, hormones that act as natural stimulants to keep you awake. Instead, adenosine, the fatigue hormone, is elevated, causing you to have a headache. In addition to headaches, stopping drinking coffee can cause side effects such as depression, anxiety, dizziness, flu, irritability, mood swings, etc. However, these symptoms only occur for a short period of time. The first 2 days after you quit coffee.

Drink coffee every day what will happen to your body? - Figure 3

Brighter white teeth

Coffee is highly acidic, which means it will erode tooth enamel, causing yellowing. Cutting down on caffeine will help you protect healthy teeth and a brighter smile.

Miss out on a great source of antioxidants

Coffee is a food rich in antioxidants. Many studies s.how that drinking more than 3 cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer, Parkinson's disease, and promote bone health. If you stop drinking coffee, replace it with other antioxidant-rich foods like tea, fruits, and vegetables.

Difficulty concentrating

Fatigue and irritability are two side effects when stopping drinking coffee, causing you to lack concentration, seriously reduce work productivity. To prevent this, you can chew mint gum to keep your brain awake.

More calm

If drinking coffee makes you jittery, losing your temper, it's time to give up this drink. Caffeine is a stimulant that increases levels of adrenaline and stress hormones, so stopping coffee will make you feel less stressed and anxious.

Drink coffee every day what will happen to your body? - Figure 4

Here are the reasons why you need to consider when drinking coffee, especially on an empty stomach:

Causes increased acid in the stomach

The caffeine in coffee has a stimulating effect that increases gastric acid secretion. Drinking a cup of coffee on an empty stomach will significantly increase the acidity of the intestines. Because, the stomach usually secretes hydrochloride acid (HCl) at a moderate and moderate level to make digestion easier. When food has not been put into the stomach, this acid often lingers, making the stomach vulnerable.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach will increase the amount of acid secreted, which is the cause of intestinal diseases such as heartburn, heartburn, indigestion or stomach u.lcers.


Many people have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning in the hope that their mind will be alert and work more efficiently. However, drinking coffee on an empty stomach reduces the ability to process the neurotransmitter serotonin, a hormone that controls positive emotions. When the brain does not receive this hormone, it causes a range of symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Moreover, drinking coffee on an empty stomach also stimulates the production of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline in the b.lood, thereby exacerbating the above symptoms. As a result, you become restless, nervous and always feel tired.


According to Dr. Adam Simon, drinking coffee on an empty stomach will accelerate the circulation of water in the body, causing the body to consume water faster than usual. And many people choose to drink coffee to quench their thirst, making the body lose water faster.

The right time to drink coffee

Researchers have shown that the ideal time for a cup of coffee to be most effective is after you have just eaten breakfast, between 10 a.m. and noon. Drinking coffee too late, after 6 pm is one of the reasons leading to insomnia, although there is no research to confirm the inhibitory effect of coffee on the sleep center. According to researchers in Australia, usually coffee does not cause insomnia, but reduces the depth of sleep, disrupts dreams, that is, interferes with sleep function and especially causes a feeling of fatigue when sleeping. wake up. So, after 6 pm, you should not drink coffee.

Some benefits of coffee

Coffee is an effective active ingredient to fight neurasthenia. Many scientists have proven that coffee has the effect of preventing intestinal cancer, because in coffee there is a substance that neutralizes toxins in the intestinal framework. Researchers in Canada have demonstrated the cancer cell blocking effect of coffee in an experimental model. Black, sugar-free, dairy-free coffee also stabilizes b.lood pressure, especially in the elderly. abnormally fluctuating b.lood pressure.

Coffee also has antibacterial properties in the palate and prevents tooth d.ecay thanks to its very high acrid content. Drinking coffee very slowly or even using coffee syrup to rinse your mouth is an effective way to prevent tooth d.ecay.

Drink coffee every day what will happen to your body? - Figure 5

Drink coffee every day what will happen to your body? - Figure 6

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