Ton Sach and his last days shocked history

T.PDec 23, 2023 at 15:08

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Almost everyone in Vietnam knows Thuy Kieu, the character in The Tale of Kieu by the great poet Nguyen Du. The Chinese also have 2 Kieu girls. Those are two famous beautiful girls of the Three Kingdoms period mentioned by La Quan Trung and many history books.

Legend has it that the Kieu family, the owner of a large, beautiful estate near the mountains of Coi Ke district, Giang Dong province, had two incredibly beautiful daughters. The older sister's name was Dai Kieu (born around 178 AD, at the end of the Han Dynasty, whose name in books was Kieu Ngoc Hong).

The younger brother's name is Tieu Kieu (born around 180 AD, nickname Kieu Hong Lien). Miss Dai Kieu is gentle and shy, she focuses on housekeeping. Even though she was a great lady, she only liked making cakes, jams, embroidery, and taking care of flowers... Wild history records that she had a plump beauty, sad eyes, and often cried.

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 1

At that time, in the region there were two famous young heroes, Ton Sach and Chu Du, who performed feats during the chaos and feudal wars of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Ton Sach's name was Ba Phu, his hometown was Phu Xuan (now Phu Duong, Triet Giang province, Ngo District). Ton Sach was born in the year of Hy Binh during the Eastern Han Dynasty (175 AD) into a great noble family.

In 191, Ton Sach's father, Ton Kien, the Marquis of Wu, fought fiercely with Hoang To (general of Liu Bieu, governor of Kinh Chau) in Tuong Duong and was k.illed by an arrow. Ton Sach took his father to Khuc A (now in Jiangsu) to bury him and then headed to Danyang (now in Anhui), an area where his uncle Wu Canh was the governor.

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 2

He then created an army of several hundred people. This small force was too weak for Sun Sach to gain power on his own, so in 194, Sun Sach had to follow Vien Thuat (Warlord and half-brother of Vien Thieu, a strong warlord) to occupy the region. Hebei is vast).

The hero did not wait for old age. Seeing that Sach was young and talented, Vien Thuat also handed over the military units that previously belonged to Ton Kien to Ton Sach. But after Vien Thuat broke his promise several times, knowing that this was not a place to rely on for long, Sach secretly harbored his own ambition, so he asked Vien Thuat to lead troops to attack the governor Liu Do in Duong Chau.

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 3

With approval, Ton Sach brought about 1,000 infantry along with a small force of cavalry and a few hundred brave volunteers to follow him. On the march, Sach recruited troops and increased his force to more than 5,000 thanks to the capture of many heroes from the Giang Dong region. He then began attacking along the Yangtze River and gradually captured more land by 195.

Because he always maintained military discipline, Ton Sach gained the support of the people of the area and recruited many talented people such as Chu Du, Chu Thai, Tran Vu, Tuong Kham, Truong Chieu, La Pham, Lu Tuc .... In less than a year, Sach captured the entire Southeast region of the Yangtze River.

In 197, thanks to Cao Cao's recommendation, Sach was appointed by the Han Dynasty as General Thao, with the title Ngo Hau. Before that, talented people like Chu Du, Lu Tuc, Truong Chieu... had a very close relationship with Ton Sach. Lu Tuc sold a lot of rice and spent m.oney with Chu Du to recruit troops for Ton Sach.

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 4

Having heroic soldiers and strong generals, Ton Sach was like a tiger that grew wings. In just 4 years, he fought from the east to defeat the north to suppress most of the opposing forces in 6 districts of Don Duong, Ngo Quan, Coi Ke, Du Chuong, and Lu Giang. , Mausoleum.

On one occasion, I visited the Kieu family in Hoan Thanh (now Anhui) to know firsthand the two beautiful ladies of the Kieu family, Ton Sach and Chu Du were both fascinated by the two Kieu ladies. As a result, the older sister became Ton Sach's wife, the younger sister became Chu Du's hundred-year friend.

Dai Kieu loves her husband very much and often makes her own dishes for him. Besides fighting, Ton Sach loves to hunt. When her husband hunts tigers, bears, deer, and wild chickens, Dai Kieu often prepares delicious dishes with the servants.

However, one thing she and her confidants were not assured about was that Jiang Dong had just been pacified. Many warlords were k.illed by Ton Sach, but their old subordinates and guests still hid and sought revenge for their masters, while Ton Sach was often subjective, when hunting or visiting animals he often brought very few entourage.

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 5

One free day, Ton Sach woke up early as usual to go hunting. Dai Kieu suddenly felt restless and got up. She steamed dumplings and told her husband: Today is our 2nd wedding anniversary, I'll make cakes again. How to remember the day we first met and treated him to this cake.

While eating cake and drinking tea, Ton Sach caressed his wife: "There's going to be a big f.ight, I want to calm my nerves by going hunting." Naturally, he felt extremely in love with his wife. As for Dai Kieu, she was worried about something. Tears naturally flowed out of her eyes. She wanted to hug her husband, but the rites did not allow it.

Ton Sach was a bit surprised and asked: Are you sad or is it because the c.hild in your belly is bothering you? Don't even think! In the house, our beloved daughter becomes more beautiful and filial as she grows older. She will help her take care of her younger siblings. I could still guess by looking at her belly, and the doctor also said that in a few months she would probably give birth to a son (she indeed gave birth to a son).

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 6

Having said that, he comforted her: Today, I will leave early and if Chu Du does not come to discuss military matters, I will stay with you for a long time. As usual, Ton Sach only brought a few guards to hunt in the Tay Son mountains.

While c.hasing a deer, he saw three people holding spears and bows hiding in the bushes. A man was holding a spear aiming to stab Ton Sach's thigh. He quickly pulled out his sword and rushed forward to slash, but unexpectedly the sword broke. Another assassin raised his bow and hit Ton Sach's cheek.

He pulled out that arrow and it back, k.illing him immediately. The remaining two men swung their spears and s.tabbed Ton Sach, b.eating and shouting: We are the servants of the Hua Cong district's chief beast Ngo who was k.illed by you. Now we avenge our master. Luckily, General Trinh Pho was secretly assigned by Dai Kieu to protect him in time to k.ill the two assassins and bring Ton Sach back to the Palace.

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 7

Dai Kieu and the Thai physician quickly brought in medicine. Ton Sach knew it would be difficult to survive, so he held his wife's hand with tears streaming down his face and lamented: "Because of my recklessness, I lost my life and left her alone in the world. It's so heartbreaking." Dai Kieu prostrated herself on Ton Sach's chest, crying without a sound.

Ton Sach quickly called his younger brother Ton Quyen along with Chu Du, Lu Tuc, Truong Chieu and other marshals to come. He only had time to tell Ton Quyen: Take care to unite people's minds, build forces, if things at home are difficult, ask Truong Chieu, if things outside are difficult, ask Chu Du. He held his wife's hand and spoke something then died, at the age of nearly 26 years old.

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 8

Legend has it that the Taoist Vu Cat once came into contact with Ton Sach and realized that: Ton has eyes that look upward, that is the appearance of a person who is arrogant, subjective, and overconfident; chin raised in pride, prone to big misfortunes.

Lady Dai Kieu was disappointed because although she was very beautiful, she was a bit plump and her voice was too soft; The skin on the face is pink but the nose is white, sooner or later you have to mourn your husband, and that's exactly what happens.

Ton Sach and his last days shocked history - Photo 9

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