Why can't the concubine make a sound and lie still for the eunuch to do this after the visit?

Hoàng PhúcJan 08, 2023 at 09:47

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It was a blessing to be blessed by the emperor, but the concubine had to follow many strict rules, including not being allowed to make any noises and had to lie still for the eunuch to check after the act.

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history. During this dynasty, the hierarchy of the harem was strictly regulated, and at the same time, "turning cards" to choose concubines was also applied from here. The names of the queens will be engraved on the wooden cards, then the Emperor will choose the card, the chosen one will serve the Emperor that evening.

Outsiders looking at this scene will feel the luck of the chosen woman, but few understand the pain that only that person can feel. Even choosing the right time to have sex with the Emperor can't be decided by yourself, let alone true feelings.

Why can't the concubine make a sound and lie still for the eunuch to do this after the visit? - Photo 1

When the Emperor finished choosing the cards, someone would come and tell the concubine to prepare. That woman will change clothes, take a bath and apply some aromatherapy to the body. After preparing, they will go to bed, wrap themselves in blankets and wait for 3-4 eunuchs to bring them to the Emperor's palace. During this time, the concubine could not move freely.

After going to the Emperor's palace, the eunuch informed that the other concubine was ready, then they began to perform the marriage.

Why can't the concubine make a sound and lie still for the eunuch to do this after the visit? - Photo 2

At that time, the king's visitation would be under the control of Kinh Su. Therefore, the Emperor's intimacy with the concubine also naturally did not have absolute privacy.

Specifically, in the process of Thien Tu's grace, the eunuchs of Kinh Su room will be on duty outside the palace, both to remind the king of the time and to make unexpected requests to the master. if any.

The king, to avoid losing face and not wanting to be known as excessive sex, forced his concubines not to make any sound during the process of grace.

Why can't the concubine make a sound and lie still for the eunuch to do this after the visit? - Photo 3

In addition to this strange hidden law, both the Son of Heaven and the concubines of the Qing Dynasty were also subject to time arrest.

Specifically, the Emperor must not have a relationship with his concubine that is too long or too short. This helps the Emperor avoid excessive "love" that greatly affects health.

Real life example from Zhou Xuan Emperor Vu Van Van (Northern Zhou dynasty, China, 6th century) was one of the kings who were notorious in China for their licentious life.

It was also because of the passionate lifestyle that this king died prematurely at the age of 21. At the same time, it also brought down the Northern Zhou dynasty.

Therefore, although there were many unhappy emperors, they did not dare to break the strict rules of the chamber laid down by their ancestors.

Why can't the concubine make a sound and lie still for the eunuch to do this after the visit? - Photo 4

Therefore, the palace will set strict rules so that the head of the dynasty does not fall into love that is too passionate or lasts too long. Accordingly, the average time for each visit is usually not more than 30 minutes.

Helping the emperor control the "love" time with his concubines, most eunuchs would choose to tap three times to remind the Emperor that time was coming to an end.

When entering the Emperor's private room, the eunuch outside will immediately light a stick of incense, when the incense burns to 2/3, the eunuch will lightly tap the bed frame outside, making sure the sound is loud enough for the emperor to hear. and the concubine inside can be heard clearly.

After hearing this sound, the emperor knew that he needed to end his "love" as soon as possible.

However, most emperors would not choose to end immediately after hearing the first knock, the eunuch outside also knew this very well, after 10-15 minutes, the eunuch would knock a second time - and most of the time. All sex ends at this point, otherwise a 3rd knock will be heard.

Why can't the concubine make a sound and lie still for the eunuch to do this after the visit? - Photo 5

One of the reasons the concubine could not make a sound was because if there were assassins or the concubine herself wanted to harm the emperor, the noise would make the eunuchs and soldiers standing outside unable to grasp the situation. picture to save the price.

After the end of sex, the Emperor would not keep the woman overnight in his palace. He will order the eunuchs responsible for taking the concubine to leave.

According to historical records, after the Emperor favored his concubine, the eunuch would come and ask the Emperor if he wanted to keep it. This question has two meanings, one is whether you want to take the other concubine to wash up and leave the palace. The second is whether to keep the dragon breed or not, whether to give the other concubine a chance to get pregnant or not.

If the Emperor said no, then the eunuchs would use a special method to retrieve what the Emperor had left in the woman's body. He would press an acupoint on the ass of the newly blessed concubine, which would prevent her from getting pregnant.

After that, the eunuchs will continuously massage the belly of that concubine, while rubbing and using strong pressure on positions in the abdomen. This action caused what the Emperor left in their bodies after that new sex to flow out.

During the process, many eunuchs will take advantage of this situation to abuse their concubines. Very few people dared to protest at that time, because if they offended those eunuchs, in the future, the chances of being impregnated by the Emperor would decrease. The less chance of meeting the Emperor, the lower the chance of pregnancy.

Why can't the concubine make a sound and lie still for the eunuch to do this after the visit? - Photo 6

Even though the Emperor didn't want to leave their bloodlines in their bodies, if they were more impregnated, the chances of getting pregnant would double. Therefore, the concubines will do everything to gain an advantage, even if they have to be silent when abused by the eunuch. Some women even actively sought out those eunuchs to negotiate another night of service.

Those eunuchs knew the thoughts of their concubines, so when the concubines lay still, they touched even more.

But if the Emperor allows it to be kept, the eunuchs will take a pen and paper to take detailed notes. For example, on this day of May, the Emperor favored any concubine, this was to ensure bloodline and to be the basis for future comparison.

Why can't the concubine make a sound and lie still for the eunuch to do this after the visit? - Photo 7

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