Sumer: Civilization over 6000 years makes history books "terrifying"

Hồng HạnhJul 08, 2021 at 17:49

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This is a mysterious civilization that has shocked and influenced the world until now, but is not mentioned in history books because of its "terrible".

As we all know, today there are many well-known civilizations, especially the 4 most famous ancient civilizations: China, ancient India, Babylon and ancient Egypt. Among them, the Babylonian civilization is related to the civilization that we will talk about. The story takes place in the vast Mesopotamia of West Asia. Four thousand years BC, a group of people from the East arrived in Mesopotamia. Here, they created a civilization that shocked and influenced the world until now.

However, who are they and where do they come from? The answer is still unclear, but the Akkdads later gave this group a name: the Sumerians, and the civilization they created is also called the Sumerian civilization. It seems that the Sumerians were not good at f.ighting nature, they were like a bright star that accidentally fell to earth.

The Sumerians were very good at farming.

These people came to the arid but still fertile lower reaches of Mesopotamia, where they invented irrigation techniques and successfully used water from the Euphrates and Tigris rivers to irrigate fields. They invented ditches, water structures, used drainage channels, and invented advanced water f.low control technology. What's scarier is that these works are all managed by dedicated people. In addition, the Sumerians tamed a large number of wild animals to help them plow the land and transport goods, they invented the plow, learned how to plow the land, and used cattle for weeding.

Sumer: Civilization over 6000 years makes history books "terrifying" - Photo 1

The Sumerians were very good at creating words. They created the world's first hieroglyphs, which later gradually evolved into hieroglyphic writing. In an age when other parts of the world still used knotted ropes to convey information, or use babble, or orally, the Sumerians developed an enormous writing system, and they used words as records of letters, writings, etc. Later, the Persians evolved and improved on the basis of the Sumerian script and formed the later Persian script.

The Sumerians had an extremely high level of mathematics. We can imagine what level they belonged to in an era more than 6000 years ago. They learned how to use fractions, add, subtract, multiply, divide, and solve equations. Invented the decimal, hexadecimal and hexadecimal system. For example, they divided the circle into 360 degrees, dividing the time into 1 hour of 60 minutes and 1 minute of 60 seconds. The Sumerians even calculated the areas of irregular shapes and the volumes of some cones

Sumer: Civilization over 6000 years makes history books "terrifying" - Photo 2

A shocking example is that the Sumerians 6000 years ago were able to calculate the result of a 15-digit calculation, written in Arabic numerals: 195,955,200,000,000. It should be understood that it was not until after 1600 AD that the European perception of numbers was gradually accepted because of the popularity of great mathematicians such as René Descartes and Leibniz. It was not until the first century that Europeans knew the concept of 1,000,000. So Europeans at that time believed that if there were more than 1 million everything was called infinity. Therefore, the term millionaire at that time was born from that, because people did not know the concept of millionaires let alone the concept of tens of millions or billions. And this kind of mathematical achievement, 6,000 years ago, the Sumerians did very well.

The Sumerians were also good at astronomy. By observing the moon, the Sumerians divided a year into 12 months, 6 months was 30 days, 6 months was 29 days, a total of 354 days in a year, and used the leap month method to compensate for time errors. In addition, the Sumerians created the term "week" and defined 7 days as a week. Not only that, the Sumerians at that time were able to distinguish between stars and planets. The Sumerians also observed the Earth's orbit around the sun. This knowledge of astronomy embarrassed Nicolaus Copernicus and Giordano Bruno later on as well.

Sumer: Civilization over 6000 years makes history books "terrifying" - Photo 3

By the end of the 4th millennium BC, the Sumerian civilization consisted of 23 large and 10 small independent city-states, separated by canals and stone border walls. A city-state centered on a temple dedicated to its particular patroness or goddess and ruled by a doge priest or king who had deep ties to religious sites. of the city-state. The city-states often fought against each other or could allied with each other.

The Sumerian civilization had a l.ot of great progress, far beyond the previous obscure period. Even modern humans today are still inheriting many of the legacies of the ancient Sumerians. Some "conspiracy theories" even claim that the Sumerian civilization was helped by aliens (?)

In terms of education, the Sumerians opened schools after the invention of writing at the end of the fourth millennium BC (about 3150 BC). They call the school "the house of clay tablets", the teacher is the father, the students are the children, and the assistant is the eldest brother. Students are disciplined with whips or sticks.

Politically and legally, they knew how to organize democratic institutions similar to bicameral parliaments: clay tablets dating back to 3000 BC record the debate during a meeting of determined armed men. decide whether to draw or fight, similar to the House of Representatives. The decision of this meeting must be taken to the Council of Elders, in which the king's opinion is final, similar to the Senate. They organize c.hild crime trials separately from adult trials.

Sumer: Civilization over 6000 years makes history books "terrifying" - Photo 4

The Sumerians developed a complex system of measurement around 4000 BC. This advanced system of measurement led to the birth of arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. From about 2600 BC onwards, the Sumerians wrote many multiplication tables on clay tablets and solved geometry problems and division problems. The earliest traces of Babylonian numerals also date from this period. The period circa 2700-2300 BC saw the first appearance of the spreadsheet, and a table of continuous columns that demarcated the continuum orders of magnitude of the hexadecimal number system. The Sumerians were the first to use a place value numbering system. There is also anecdotal evidence that the Sumerians may have used a type of slider in astronomical calculations. They were the first to calculate the area of a triangle and the volume of a cylinder.

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The Sumerians adopted an agrarian mode of life perhaps as early as 5000 - 4500 BC, demonstrating some basic agricultural techniques, including organized irrigation, and concentrated cultivation of crops. large-scale, specialized farming using plows and professional workers. They grow barley, chickpeas, lentils, wheat, dates, onions, garlic, lettuce, leeks and mustard. The Sumerians fished a variety of fish and h.unted chickens and antelopes.

The Sumerians also domesticated and raised sheep, cows, goats, and pigs. The Sumerians also had a very large ancient trading network centered around the Persian Gulf region.

The technology and handicraft industries of Sumer at that time were also very developed. Examples of Sumerian technology include: the wheel, cuneiform, arithmetic and geometry, irrigation systems, Sumerian ships, lunisolar calendars, bronze, leather, saws, chisels, hammer, strut, tin, nail, pin, jewelry ring, pickaxe, ax, knife, spearhead, arrowhead, sword, glue, dagger, water bag, bag, saddle, armor, pipe arrows, war chariots, scabbards, shoes, sandals, harpoons and beer.

Sumer: Civilization over 6000 years makes history books "terrifying" - Photo 6

The Sumerians believed in polytheism or belief in many gods. There was no one divine system for the entire empire; Each city-state has its own patron god, temple and priest king. The Sumerians were probably the first to record their beliefs. According to them, humans have been born from clay and live to serve the gods, that is, humans must serve religion, not religion serving people.

Constructions of the Sumerian period were made of flat-convex mud bricks, which were not mixed with mortar and were prone to deterioration over time. The Sumerians also had great works such as the Pyramid - Ziggurat Astrology, a religious-astronomical work of that period.

The almost continuous wars between the Sumerian city-states for 2000 years helped develop Sumerian war techniques and technologies to a high degree. The Sumerian armies consisted mainly of infantry. The infantrymen carried spears, bronze helms, and shields of leather or wicker. The spearmen used in formation resembled the Phalanx formation, which required training and discipline; this suggests that the Sumerians may have used professional warriors. The Sumerians also used chariots and bullock carts as mobile battle chariots.

In 1940 BC, the Elamites invaded Sumer and looted the Sumerian city-states. Then came the Hammurabi dynasty of Babylonia, the Babylonians unified the lands of Mesopotamia, the Sumerians perished. Around 1700 BC, the Sumerians assimilated with the Assyrians and Babylonians.

Sumer: Civilization over 6000 years makes history books "terrifying" - Photo 7

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