Ancient Egypt

Topic: Ancient Egypt

The powerful Queen Nefertiti of ancient Egypt, the most beautiful woman in history and the mysterious disappearance

Hoàng Anh13:48:42 20/06/2022
Talking about history, Egypt is one of the countries with the oldest civilization in the world. In it, the beautiful and powerful queens are huge contributors to the world history cycle. The most prominent, perhaps, not to mention the most powerful and beautiful queen in...

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The mummification trick of the ancient Egyptians: After thousands of years, it still amazes people

Hoàng Anh11:42:01 09/05/2022
Referring to ancient Egypt, we not only refer to the Pyramids that contain many secrets and mysterious lands, but also famous for thousands of years old mummies that are still intact to this day. The ancient Egyptians believed that d.eath was only a temporary state, life would...

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"Opening" the 3,000-year-old m.ummy of the Egyptian Pharaoh: The face is "shocking" and the secrets are shocking

Hoàng Phúc07:42:02 05/01/2022
Of the hundreds of Egyptian mummies found by archaeologists in the 19th and 20th centuries, only one r.emains, which has never been unwrapped. It is the body of pharaoh Amenhotep I, the emperor who ruled ancient Egypt from 1525-1504 BC. His body was found in 1881 in a mausoleum...

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Sumer: Civilization over 6000 years makes history books "terrifying"

Hồng Hạnh17:49:14 08/07/2021
This is a mysterious civilization that has shocked and influenced the world until now, but is not mentioned in history books because of its "terrible". As we all know, today there are many well-known civilizations, especially the 4 most famous ancient civilizations: China...

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Queen of Egypt Hatshepsut - The first female pharaoh to rule the country without losing a single pharaoh

youtuber10:37:20 18/06/2021
Egyptian history records many cases of women holding the pharaoh's throne. Among them, the most powerful and longest reigning was Hatshepsut, whose tomb was destroyed after 20 years of slumber. Hatshepsut (1508 - 1458 BC) was the eldest daughter of King Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose, the first king and queen of the family

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Indus River: Revealing the mysterious decline of the world's largest civilization

youtuber19:41:12 10/06/2021
Existing along the Indus River northwest of the Indian subcontinent between 2,800-1,800 BC, The Indus River civilization or Harappa civilization is considered one of the greatest civilizations of mankind in ancient times. The Indus River civilization extended from the Arabian Sea to the Ganges River, corresponding to the area to the

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The Nile: A mysterious and unknown origin spanning three millennia

team youtuber18:12:18 03/06/2021
Where is the origin of the Nile? The question seems to be quite simple, but it has fascinated explorers and geographers to find the answer for thousands of years. The discovery of the origin of the Nile (or Nile) was one of the most important questions of 19th century Europe. This has caused quite a few adventurers

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Suez Canal - The Great Dream of the Pharaohs

team youtuber15:31:27 03/05/2021
This more than 193km long man-made canal was built by the Suez Canal Company between 1859 and 1869, but the original idea belonged to the ancient Egyptians - evident However, the goal of both is the same: to open a route linking east and west, serving global trade. The project... can please the people of Pharaoh Senusret III

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