"The Simpsons" tiên tri chẳng kém bà Vanga: Lộ kết quả bầu cử Mỹ từ 24 năm trước

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The predictions of the famous 16th-century physician, prophet and astrologer Nostradamus continue to attract attention. In 2025, he predicted that the world would witness a change in the international order, a medical breakthrough, and the end of "a long war".
In 1555, Nostradamus published Les Propheties (The Prophecies), a 900-verse book predicting major events that would occur from the mid-16th century until the end of the world, which he said would occur in the year 3797.
Each century was predicted by him in about 100 verses, presented in vague, cryptic words, but is said to have correctly predicted many major world events, such as the appearance of Napoleon Bonaparte, wars, terrorism, and breakthroughs in contemporary technology.
In 2025, Nostradamus predicted "the decline of Western influence" and "the rise of new powers." He predicted that political and social conflicts would continue to spread, with Britain facing conflict from both within and without, along with the return of a dangerous epidemic from the past.
He also mentioned climate change with floods and volcanic eruptions in Brazil, referring to the Amazon rainforest. "The garden of the world near the new city will be submerged in poisonous, sulfurous water," he wrote, warning of a major ecological disaster.
In that context, Nostradamus predicted that a giant asteroid would approach Earth, giving humanity "a second chance" to reflect on its fate.
Not all predictions are gloomy, however. Nostradamus said that 2025 will mark âgreat advances in medicine,â including the treatment and prevention of diseases. This is in line with the modern trend of personalized medicine and the application of artificial intelligence (AI).
In particular, he predicted the "end of a long war," which many believe refers to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Nostradamus mentioned the images of "Galian brass" and "crescent moon," leading observers to speculate that France and Türkiye could play a mediating role.
Although Nostradamus' predictions are often ambiguous and subject to many interpretations, they remain a source of inspiration and discussion for humanity in facing the challenges of the future.
What did Vanga prophesy?
Ms. Vanga, real name Baba Vanga, was a famous psychic and prophet known as "Nostradamus of the Balkans".
That's because many of the predictions about the world that this blind prophet made are gradually coming true.
These predictions include many major events with global impact, such as World War II (1939), the Chernobyl tragedy (1986), the death of Princess Diana (1997), the 9/11 event in the US (2001) and Brexit (2016).
According to the Economic Times, Ms. Vanga wrote a few predictions about the fate of the world in 2025. Some of the warnings are completely reasonable, but there are also "prophecies" that make listeners wonder about the level of reality.
Specifically, the famous prophet Vanga once said that in 2025, a major war would break out in Europe, significantly reducing the population of this continent. Although there is not much evidence, the unstable situation in some places makes many people believe in Baba Vanga's prophecy.
In the field of science, technology and energy, Vanga mentioned a new source of energy that is likened to the power of the sun. This energy can create a great revolution in industry and technology.
According to Mirror, Vanga also mentioned two disasters for 2025. That is the risk of extinction on Earth and geological disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Previously, Vanga predicted genocide many times, but there were no clear signals.
The Sun commented that some of Vanga's prophecies coincide with the predictions about 2025 made by the ancient French prophet Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus). Nostradamus once warned that the great powers would clash in 2025. He also talked about the decline of Western countries and the rise of new world powers.
In 2024, some of Baba Vangaâs predictions came true. Notable among them were predictions about the economy and the global climate crisis. In the UK, millions of people still struggle with sky-high electricity and water bills and rising food prices. The GDP has fallen, causing the UK economy to fall into crisis.
The blind prophet was also right about the climate extremes in 2024. According to the World Meteorological Organization, 2024 was the hottest year on record, marking the culmination of an unprecedentedly hot decade in human history. Natural disasters occurred in many places.
Vanga - Tiên tri nổi tiếng nhất thế giới có làm việc cho cơ quan tình báo không? JLO20:59:31 14/09/2024Trong 1 hội nghị ở CIA năm 1974, chuyên gia về châu Âu đã đưa ra một thông tin khiến nhiều người hoảng sợ. Theo số liệu của cái gọi là nhóm tâm lý , nhà tiên tri Vanga có thể nhìn thấy tất cả những gì xảy ra tại các căn cứ...
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