Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025

Lan ChiJan 02, 2025 at 14:48

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The prophet Baba Vanga, who is known to the whole world for many accurate predictions, has made predictions about 2025. Baba Vanga, known as the " Nostradamus prophet of the Balkans", was born in 1911 in Bulgaria.

Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025 - Photo 1

She has been blind since the age of 12, then has the ability to see through. She is said to have predicted the September 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, Britain's departure from the European Union (Brexit), the death of Princess Diana and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Before her death in 1996, she made a series of predictions about the world for centuries to come.

According to her, the event that triggers the demise of humanity will be an unknown conflict in Europe, which will devastate the continent's population.

Baba Vanga predicts that President Vladimir Putin will be re-elected as Russia's leader, strengthening the country's position and continuing to shape the geopolitical landscape.

Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025 - Photo 2

The year 2025 is expected to see catastrophic natural events, including the eruption of dormant volcanoes. Major flooding would also cause major devastation and the prophet specifically mentioned an earthquake along the west coast of the United States. These events will lead to loss of life as well as mass displacement.

Baba Vanga also predicted that scientists would have a breakthrough in the lab, which would revolutionize organ transplantation. In addition, she predicts advances in cancer treatment by 2025 — maybe even a cure for cancer.

Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025 - Photo 3

In 2028, Venus will be explored. Man will begin to explore Venus in search of an energy source (it should be noted that the second planet from the Sun is not suitable for life and nothing can grow there).

In 2033, the ice caps melt. Baba Vanga is said to have predicted that the ice caps at the poles would melt, causing sea levels to rise around the world.

In 2130, the first contact with aliens. Humans are supposed to come into contact with aliens – thereby confirming that the X Document was right from the start. In 2170, a global drought. Climate change will continue to wreak havoc on the planet, and drought will wreak havoc on much of the world.

Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025 - Photo 4

In 3005, the war on Mars. Earth will go to war with a civilization on Mars. There is no further information about who initiated it, but it is probably an earthling, not a Martian.

In the year 3797, the end of the world - Part I. The Earth will no longer be able to sustain life, and the humans who survived the war on Mars will have to leave the Earth because it has become uninhabitable.

Year 5079, Apocalypse – Part II. The world ended completely. However, many of her alleged predictions are difficult to verify because they are mainly based on indirect documents... Some of her prophecies were correct, but some of her previous predictions didn't, like a large nuclear power plant exploding last year or the Earth being hit by a devastating solar storm.

Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025 - Photo 5

In addition to Vanga, the ancient French prophet Michel de Nostredame, commonly known as Nostradamus, was also famous for his accurate predictions of the future. His 2025 predictions could prove to be the most important if true, as he warned that "great powers will clash," according to The Sun.

This could be related to some of the conflicts currently erupting across the globe with many regions on the brink of tragedy.

However, the 16th-century prophet (and physician) took his prediction one step further and wrote how "the lands of Europe" would engage in "devastating wars."

He also frankly acknowledged the "decline of the influence of long-standing Western countries" as well as the "emergence of new world powers."

Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025 - Photo 6

Appearing to speak of Europe and possibly the United Kingdom, one of the passages of the French prophet wrote: "The kingdom will be marked by devastating wars, enemies from within and from outside will rise."

The country that is likely to cause continental chaos is still unclear, but it is possible that Russia appears to be at the forefront of the three-year conflict with Ukraine. Nostradamus also suggested that Britain would face an ancient plague that was emerging, which he called the "great plague of the past".

Following the same pattern as Nostradamus' prophecy, Baba believed that Europe could suffer a series of near-catastrophic natural disasters and diseases.

Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025 - Photo 7

She warned that destructive earthquakes could wreak havoc globally by 2025 and Europe could be one of the worst-hit places. These seismic events will cause loss of life, mass migration and cause massive damage to homes and buildings.

Shortly before her death in 1996, the elderly woman left behind a dangerous warning that seemed to allude to the existence of World War III.

Although both prophets believe that the imminent threat of conflict may soon become a reality, Nostradamus' predictions in 2025 actually seem to imply that the war in Ukraine is coming to an end.

Baba Vanga Goes Straight to 1 Root, Makes a Chilling Prophecy of 2025 - Photo 8

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