The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why?

Hoàng PhúcFeb 29, 2024 at 16:54

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According to ancient beliefs, it is not good for a bed to face the door. That is the direction to turn to honor the deceased. Therefore, absolutely do not lie directly towards the door. Likewise, do not turn your head or feet toward the window.

According to science, turning your head or feet to the door or window will e.xpose you to cold wind at night, which is very dangerous. Furthermore, doors and windows are places where air circulates, so there can be cold wind and evil air, which can easily cause us to catch colds and get sick, which can lead to sudden d.eath. Furthermore, if you are located near a window, you may suffer from the unpleasant effects of light and outside noise, or may be more susceptible to insect pests.

The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why? - Photo 1

Then our sleep will be intermittent. Furthermore, the head of the bed must have a high side, or else it must be placed close to the wall to avoid cold air at the top of the head. In ancient folklore, when the deceased died, the bed would be pulled out so that the top of the bed would be open to place a bowl of rice offerings, and when shrouded, the deceased would have the bed rotated to face the door. Therefore, when we lie down with our feet facing the door and our head facing the door, it is not in accordance with feng shui and does not bring vitality.

Taboos when sleeping according to the ancients because it is easy to get misfortune, soul leaving b.ody or losing soul

When lying in bed, the elderly also abstain from lying across the bed. That's because the bed is usually designed to be 1m6 -1m8 wide and 2m long. Therefore, if you rotate it horizontally, it may not fit properly, so your legs will be placed off the bed, causing fatigue or having to lie down in an uncomfortable position, which is not good for your health.

The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why? - Photo 2

When sleeping, do not lie with your head facing your feet or your feet facing your head. Because normally, when making a bed, the head of the bed will be higher for physiological convenience, so lying in reverse will make the head lower than the feet, which can cause discomfort and facial swelling after waking up. Furthermore, the upside down position is not compatible with the yin and yang of the five elements and has a reversed nature, causing bad feng shui, chaos, and reversal of luck.

Ancient people believed that demons often worked at night and captured human souls. So when the devil calls, we easily lose our souls. The call in the night could be the call of the demonic energy. Therefore, if we sleep and hear calls, it may not be the call of the living but of the devil to capture human souls. If you don't, you may be taken away and suddenly die or fall into a state of unconsciousness.

The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why? - Photo 3

When the devil calls but you don't answer, it's hard to take your soul away. That's why the ancients taught that when you hear someone calling while sleeping, don't rush to answer. You have to sit up completely awake and clearly determine whether it is a living person calling or not, then you can answer the call. Once you identify the person calling you, speak to see what they need you to do.

In addition, the ancients also advised not to tease each other by drawing on someone's face while they are sleeping. Because at that time the soul separates from the b.ody, when you come back and see the strangely drawn face, you don't recognize the soul and b.ody, which leads to bad luck.

The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why? - Photo 4

In addition to sleeping direction, the ancients also avoided a few things when eating because they thought it could bring bad luck.

If you eat rice from a bowl, you will be poor for the rest of your life

It is no coincidence that many parents forbid their children to use chopsticks or spoons to tap the rice bowl. The sound emitted from tapping the bowl is said to attract wandering, helpless spirits to destroy the house.

That sound symbolizes an evil omen, not very favorable for the homeowner. In particular, ancient people said that only beggars knock on the bowl to ask passersby for food. Therefore, tapping on the bowl during meals is also understood as the house being in trouble and poverty and seriously affecting the homeowner's fortune.

Insert chopsticks into the bowl of rice

Ancient people often stuck chopsticks in a bowl of rice to worship their ancestors. His father believed that placing chopsticks like that would create a connection with the dead, just like burning incense.

The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why? - Photo 5

Therefore, if we perform this action during daily meals, it will be considered a bad omen and misfortune.

Connect chopsticks

You should not accept food from other people's chopsticks with your own chopsticks, also known as connecting chopsticks. Instead, hold out your bowl to receive food from someone else.

The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why? - Photo 6

The act of connecting chopsticks reminds people of picking up the ashes of the dead after cremation, so this is something that should be avoided.

Place chopsticks of uneven length on the dining table

Before and while eating, chopsticks should not be placed unevenly on the table, because this is considered a bad omen. In ancient times, people called it "three long two short" (three long two short), meaning that something unfortunate happened.

According to ancient customs, after d.eath, people will be placed in coffins. After being placed in the coffin, when the coffin is not covered, you will see that it is made up of 5 short and long wooden planks (2 short wooden planks, 3 long wooden planks).

Therefore, the ancients were taboo about placing long or short chopsticks on the dining table, because it represented an unfortunate event, an extremely bad omen, and should be avoided.

Place chopsticks diagonally across each other

This behavior usually goes unnoticed by people. When eating, many people arbitrarily cross their chopsticks and place them on the table. The ancients saw this behavior as having negative intentions, denying all those sitting at the table.

The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why? - Photo 7

Drop the chopsticks on the ground

"Lac Dia Than Than", meaning dropping chopsticks on the ground, this is a serious form of rudeness. Because the ancients believed that all ancestors were resting underground and should not be disturbed. Chopsticks falling to the ground is like alarming the ancestors on the ground, this is great disrespect.

However, accidentally dropping your chopsticks while eating is absolutely unavoidable. Therefore, every time the ancients accidentally dropped their chopsticks, they quickly sat down, picked up the chopsticks, and drew a cross on the ground, going East, West, South, North, then. At the same time, admit the mistake of being unfilial to your ancestors and ask for forgiveness.

The ancients did not let them sleep with their heads turned towards the door, so they could not respond when they heard the call, why? - Photo 8

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