Mother-in-law reveals 'difficult' relationship with daughter-in-law, past is dug up, shocking everyone

Lan ChiFeb 19, 2025 at 16:48

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A wedding held in Suzhou city, Jiangsu province with more dramatic details than a TV series has attracted a lot of attention from the Chinese online community.

Mother-in-law reveals difficult relationship with daughter-in-law, past is dug up, shocking everyone - Photo 1

Around March 2021, when a young couple had just completed their engagement ceremony and were happily preparing to hold their wedding amidst everyone's blessings, the mother-in-law accidentally discovered a very familiar birthmark on her daughter-in-law's arm. This scene left her extremely shocked. "I almost held my breath at that moment, my heart skipped a bea.t," the woman recounted the unforgettable moment.

As soon as she saw the birthmark on her future daughter-in-law’s hand, she hurriedly asked the girl’s parents if they had adopted her when she was little. The in-laws were very surprised because they had never revealed this secret to anyone, yet the mother-in-law knew the truth.

Mother-in-law reveals difficult relationship with daughter-in-law, past is dug up, shocking everyone - Photo 2

Seeing the bride’s parents’ faces, unable to hide their shoc.k, the woman recounted the story of how she and her husband had once lost a littl.e gir.l. This had tormente.d her for many years until today, when she discovered on her daughter-in-law’s arm a birthmark identical to her lost daughter. This sparked a small hope in the woman’s heart that this might be the littl.e gir.l the family had been searching for for many years.

To clear things up, both parents secretl.y did a DNA test. As soon as they received the results confirming that the daughter-in-law was the missing gir.l, both families were momentarily speechless.

While the bride's family was shocked because they thought the wedding would have to be canceled because their daughter was related to the groom, the groom's family continued to give another shocking piece of information.

Although the daughter-in-law had instantly become her biological chil.d, the wedding continued with boundless joy because the groom was actually adopted. The mother-in-law revealed that her son was not her biological chil.d but an adopted son. Therefore, the bride and groom were completely unrelated by bloo.d.

Mother-in-law reveals difficult relationship with daughter-in-law, past is dug up, shocking everyone - Photo 3

The story of the past was also revealed by the mother-in-law. It turned out that the lost gir.l was kidnappe.d by bad guys. The couple reported to the police and searched for her for many years but found no results. Once, by chance, they met a bo.y in difficult circumstances. The couple decided to adopt an abandoned bo.y in the hope that their daughter would also meet good people. Unexpectedly, the "seeds of love" that the couple had sown had now borne "sweet fruit". The bo.y that the couple had loved so much had actually brought back the daughter they had been waiting for so long.

Mother-in-law reveals difficult relationship with daughter-in-law, past is dug up, shocking everyone - Photo 4

This touching story quickly spread on social networks and received much attention. Most people expressed their admiration for the sacred motherly love and the miraculous arrangement of fate. Many comments said: "It is so lucky that the mother and chil.d were reunited. Hopefully after so many years apart, they will be able to make up for each other's emotional shortcomings."

"Good people are always rewarded, even though sometimes it comes a little late, but everything is definitely worth it."

"Things that seem rare can actually happen in real life. This is truly a miracle. Congratulations to the family, the joy is truly doubled."

Mother-in-law reveals difficult relationship with daughter-in-law, past is dug up, shocking everyone - Photo 5

Before passing away, Mr. Vuong in China told his wife to find their biological daughter to give her the mone.y they had saved throughout their lives, more than 1 million yuan (more than 3 billion VND).

The journey of a woman from Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province, southeast of China, searching for her biological daughter who went missing 40 years ago has attracted public attention after the story was broadcast on television.

In the broadcast, Ms. Vuong, 64 years old, recounted how her journey to find her chil.d over the past decades had taken place. In 1981, when Ms. Vuong was 21 years old and pregnant with her first daughter, her husband was sentenced to life in prison for assaul.t.

On May 12, 1982, she gave birth to a daughter. Her husband was able to see her only once in prison. The mother and daughter raised each other in poverty, without support.

In 1983, while Mrs. Wang was at work, a member of her husband's family took the gir.l to Beijing and gave her to another family for adoption. Since then, Mrs. Wang and her husband have not seen their chil.d again.

Thanks to a reduced sentence, Mr. Vuong was released from prison early in 1998. The pain of separation weighed heavily on the couple from then on. They did not have any more children but decided to search together for their biological daughter.

Mother-in-law reveals difficult relationship with daughter-in-law, past is dug up, shocking everyone - Photo 6

"My husband said we had to save mone.y to find our chil.d. But his sister said the chil.d was doing well and not to affect his life," Ms. Vuong recalled.

Because of the guilt of her husband being imprisoned and fear of affecting their chil.d's future, both of them did not dare to disturb their chil.d's new life. But as they got older, their desire to find their chil.d grew stronger.

"There were times when I couldn't bear it anymore and had to ask a friend living in Beijing to check on my daughter. They said she didn't even know she was adopted," she said.

This made both of them feel even more guilty for being absent during their son’s formative years. Finally, in 2021, they were ready to meet their son. But in 2022, Mr. Vuong suddenly passed away from a heart attac.k.

Previously, he had repeatedly told his wife that if he found his daughter, his last wish was to give her the mone.y they had saved all their lives, which was more than 1 million yuan (more than 3 billion VND) to partly compensate her.

Apart from her daughter's birth name, Jiang Ling, and the red birthmark on her left arm, Ms. Wang's only clue was that since 1991, she knew her daughter was living in a decent family in Haidian District, Beijing.

She provided her DNA to the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau, hoping that technological advances in missing persons searches could help reunite mother and chil.d.

After Ms. Vuong's story of finding her chil.d was broadcast and spread on social media, many people expressed their support and wished for a happy ending for her and her chil.d.

Mother-in-law reveals difficult relationship with daughter-in-law, past is dug up, shocking everyone - Photo 7

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