How terrible and destructive are the storm circulation's consequences, more than the storm's eye?

Đức TríOct 25, 2024 at 13:32

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To understand more about storm circulation, you need to know about storms. This is the factor that creates the phenomenon of storm circulation causing disturbances in the atmosphere. When storms appear, they are often accompanied by bad phenomena, causing damage to people and property.

Over tropical or subtropical seas, typhoons often form strong vortices. The intensity of the storm is variable, and is accompanied by a definite circulation phenomenon.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 1

Storm circulation is a phenomenon of heavy rain in bouts. These rains often last long and appear after the storm has passed. Storm circulation will cause damage to property and life. Sometimes, storm circulation makes people subjective and cannot avoid risks in time.

There are many causes of storm circulation, but the main cause is still the storm. Sea water temperature: Due to unstable sea water temperature, storms form. Water areas with a depth of over 50m. Normally, storms appear when the sea water temperature reaches 26 - 17 degrees Celsius.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 2

Wind Shear: Tropical cyclones occur when there is wind shear between the surface and the lower troposphere. At this time, wind speeds are less than 10m/s, creating favorable conditions for storm development. The weaker the wind shear, the stronger the storm, and the more destructive the storm circulation behind it.

Atmospheric balance: During ho.t weather, high temperatures shine down on the sea surface, causing the water to warm up and evaporate. In areas with low pressure, water vapor will rise into a column of moist air.

Evaporation, warm ocean water, and changes in air pressure in the area. A hurricane is formed when the elements of weather, pressure differences, and humidity combine.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 3

In addition, human impact on nature also creates the greenhouse effect, causing climate change. The average temperature of the earth is increasing, making the air and sea warmer. There is a hole in the ozone layer, making the sunlight more intense, causing the consequences of storms to appear more and more unusually.

Consequences of storm circulation: Storm circulation leaves serious consequences for people. Heavy rains accompanied by large tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind. Even in Vietnam, large storms often appear causing heavy damage. When storm circulation has complicated developments, it is very difficult to control.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 4

In many cases, storm circulation combined with cold air masses created heavy rains, causing widespread flooding. This not only affected people's lives, but also caused heavy material damage.

For example, in super typhoon Yagi, although not located in the eye of the storm, neighboring provinces such as Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Cao Bang... were heavily affected by the storm's circulation. Flash floods and landslides caused hundreds of deaths and missing people, and caused huge property damage. Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Cao Bang provinces... located in the northern area of the storm's eye were the most severely affected areas.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 5

"In the structure of a storm, the northern half of the storm is the most dangerous place. Ships falling into the northern half are called "dead zones", very difficult to escape. Therefore, the storm circulation after the storm has passed, even after the storm has dissipated and become a low pressure area, the post-storm circulation continues to cause danger".

Experts say that the storm has passed but natural disasters are still present. The heartbreaking figures of human loss and property damage continue to increase every day. People in the northern provinces have been, are and will continue to face the risk of floods and landslides in the coming days, along with the challenges of disease and reconstruction.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 6

In the mountains, the rain from the storm circulation makes the soil soft, especially landslides occur dangerously. Households living around these areas often face high-risk situations.

During the journey, the road sank and rocks slid, obstructing traffic. Many vehicles were in danger of losing their lives. Public works in the storm's circulation area were severely affected. Many works were swept away by floods and disappeared.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 7

After being affected by the storm circulation, many localities are also polluted. The water source around the area contains dirt and parasites. If this area is not cleaned and sanitized, it will be greatly affected. In particular, people living on this water source are at risk of major epidemics.

What to do to overcome storm circulation depends on their consequences. However, people can overcome it before or after to prevent major risks.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 8

First, we need to determine the presence and direction of the storm. Local authorities need to ensure that the most accurate information is provided to the public so that they can prepare and evacuate in time.

The drainage system needs to be built solidly and tightly to ensure the flow of water. In addition, this system also minimizes the possibility of flooding in areas with storm circulation.

When the storms pass, the government and the people need to work together to overcome the damage. What is the storm circulation, clearly identifying the cause also helps them carry out timely search and rescue.

How terrible and destructive are the storm circulations consequences, more than the storms eye? - Photo 9

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