Dubai - The country that used to have no address, gold vending machines and the city of the best

team youtuberApr 23, 2021 at 15:29

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Police in Dubai spend more on each of their supercars than it costs to send a kid to a university in the US!

50 years ago Dubai was a small desert town, but now it has grown into a vibrant city, a tourist destination with many amazing features that any visitor wishes to experience once. . Currently, with the strong development of the tourism industry, you can easily book a package tour of Dubai very simply. Many people think that life in Dubai is too lavish and unnecessary, but if you ever come here and experience it, you will surely have to admit that this is a unique city and life here is really comfortable. !

Check out some of the quirks and fun things about Dubai to see just how luxuriously different this city is!

The most luxurious and unique skyscrapers in the world

One of the tallest buildings in the world is located in the heart of Dubai, including the Burj Khalifa of Dubai - the tallest building in the world, the Dubai Mall - the largest shopping mall in the world, the JW Marriott Marquis - the hotel. tallest man-made marina in the world and Marina Dubai - the second largest man-made marina in the world.

One of the most luxurious buildings in the world is the Burj Al Arab with the interior of the hotel decorated with about 1,790 square meters of 24-carat gold leaf also located in Dubai.

Dubai - The country that used to have no address, gold vending machines and the city of the best - Photo 1

This is the reason why millions of tourists come to Dubai every year.

25% of the world's cranes were once located in Dubai

If you've ever been to Dubai during the real estate boom, you'll find the Dubai skyline is full of cranes. There was once a part of the world's cranes located in this city, enough to see how fast real estate development here is.

Although now the number of cranes in Dubai is not as many as before, the city is still developing very strongly with more and more beautiful buildings and there are still quite a few cranes here. Dubai has become a most urbanized city with skyscrapers and the busiest amusement parks in the world.

The most luxurious police car in the world

Police in Dubai spend more on each of their supercars than it costs to send a kid to a university in the US!

On average, studying at New York University, the most expensive university in the United States, costs about $248,000 over four years while Dubai police cars are usually Ferrari FF ($500,000), Lamborghini Aventador (US$500,000), Lamborghini Aventador (US$500,000) $397,000) or Aston Martin One-77 ($1.79 million). The reason the Dubai police are equipped with these luxury cars is because they think these new cars are good enough to help them go fast enough to catch criminals.

Dubai - The country that used to have no address, gold vending machines and the city of the best - Photo 2

Road deaths are common in Dubai, largely due to drivers speeding, driving without seat belts or driving while using mobile phones. The luxury cars of the police fleet hope not only to make the drivers in Dubai think more carefully when holding the steering wheel, but also make a strong impression on tourists and show the typical luxury. of Dubai.

About 85 percent of Dubai's population is foreign

It is estimated that only about 15 percent of Dubai's population is of Emirati origin and the remaining 85% are expatriates.

Most of the workers who built hundreds of skyscrapers in Dubai are migrants from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Currently, migrant workers make up more than 50% of the city's population.

Dubai - The country that used to have no address, gold vending machines and the city of the best - Photo 3

With a large class divide, many migrant workers live and work in rather poor conditions in contrast to the city dwellers, who are mostly wealthy, have homes, and enjoy adequate education and health care. enough. There are also many upper-class expats with attractive salaries and luxurious living here.

Robots replace illegal child labor in camel races in Dubai

Not football, hockey or horse racing, in Dubai, camel racing is the most popular and loved sport.

Given the size of camels, usually only children can participate in camel racing in Dubai. However, in order to prevent children being illegally trafficked into the country to race camels, Dubai has come up with a solution to use robots with the same size as children to race camels. The price of each robot ranges from $300 to $10,000.

Watching and cheering on a camel race is also an interesting experience when traveling to Dubai.

Dubai used to have no address, no zip code, no area code and no postal system

Before 2015, Dubai never had a standard address system like other countries with area codes and postal systems.

Instead of an address line on a mailing label, people write or map on the letter specific instructions such as: After you pass the white mosque, it is on the first road on the left, the door green.

It wasn't until 2015 that Dubai started assigning Makani numbers (a unique 10-digit code) to all buildings for easier identification.

Dubai - The country that used to have no address, gold vending machines and the city of the best - Photo 4

You pay no income tax in Dubai

People here enjoy the full salary that is already very attractive by not paying any income tax when you make money in Dubai.

This attracts a lot of people to Dubai with the aim of saving a decent amount of money in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, in Dubai making money is easy but spending it is also easy!

Dubai loves gold the most in the world

You must have heard of gold vending machines in Dubai where you can buy pure gold bars. In 2013, 40% of all gold bars in the world were traded in Dubai, and that total weighs more than 354 elephants!

Dubai is building the world's largest retail and entertainment destination

Everything in Dubai always seems to be the biggest, the tallest or the most unique. It has the largest indoor shopping mall in the world, the largest aquarium, the largest automatic fountain, the tallest hotel, the longest auto-railway network, and the largest indoor ski park. So the plans for the world's largest retail and entertainment destination are fitting and come as no surprise.

This new destination is inspired by the world's best shopping destinations, like Oxford Street and Los Angeles Hills of Los Angeles. Here, people will build Dubai Square which is said to be as large as the size of 100 football fields!

Crime rate in Dubai is almost 0%

The crime rate in Dubai is so low that it is almost 0%. This explains why this world's most expensive city is one of the safest cities on earth. In 2016, the crime resolution rate in Dubai was 99.1% thanks to the fierce, uncompromising law enforcement agencies here.

Order the fastest pizza in the world

Just press the button at the door, you will have pizza to eat in a heartbeat!

The button at your door can be connected to the Pizza Red Tomato outlet in Dubai. Just press the order button, Pizza Red Tomato will send a confirmation message to your mobile phone and then deliver the pizza to your home.

Dubai - The country that used to have no address, gold vending machines and the city of the best - Photo 5

Every Dubai citizen will be rewarded with 2 grams of gold if they lose 1 kg

Against a backdrop of worryingly rising obesity in the United Arab Emirates, which recently became the sixth most obese country in the world due to fast food and inactivity. , the government of Dubai has come up with an extremely attractive health promotion plan: if you lose 1 kg, the government will immediately reward you with 2 grams of gold.

Dubai has the weirdest pets

Dubai's elite show their personal class even with their pets. Strange animals such as lions, tigers, leopards, eagles, falcons... are the ones they choose as pets.

As pets of the elite in Dubai, they are also treated very differently like tigers and leopards fed on shark meat. The image of them being in a luxury car with their owner is easy to see on the street when traveling in Dubai.

Starbucks has the most beautiful architecture located in Dubai

Dubai finally took over the world's most beautiful Starbucks. The Starbucks cafe here has extremely sophisticated and magnificent architecture and of course the service and staff here are also highly commended.

Dubai - The country that used to have no address, gold vending machines and the city of the best - Photo 6

Dubai - The country that used to have no address, gold vending machines and the city of the best - Photo 7

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