"Dinosaur" g.irl in the West posted news about her husband search, 3 people lost their tickets because of strange criteria

Hoàng AnhAug 14, 2024 at 21:45

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At the age of marriage but still single, Thanh Hoa - a g.irl with a "super" height of 2m, has given her criteria for choosing a husband, attracting everyone's attention.

Dinosaur g.irl in the West posted news about her husband search, 3 people lost their tickets because of strange criteria - Photo 1

In Ngãi Hùng commune, Tiểu Cần district (Trà Vinh), there is a g.irl named Thanh Hoa who possesses an outstanding height of 2m, surprising everyone who meets her. The image shared by the Doc La Binh Duong channel shows that Thanh Hoa appears with an unusual height compared to everyone else. Even when lying down to sleep, the length of Hoa's body is equal to the length of the mattress.

Thanh Hoa's mother said that her daughter only stays at home, rarely meets people, and does not participate in neighborhood activities. "Because I have an unusual height, people laugh at me, I feel embarrassed and do not dare to go out," Thanh Hoa shared.

Dinosaur g.irl in the West posted news about her husband search, 3 people lost their tickets because of strange criteria - Photo 2

Although she is 28 years old, Hoa has never been in love. Mrs. Nga - Hoa's mother hopes that a young man will marry her and move to Ngai Hung commune to live. She does not want to marry her daughter far away because there are only two of them, and she is afraid of being alone in old age. "I hope my daughter will find a husband, and that the couple will work hard and leave whatever wealth they have to their children," Mrs. Nga said.

After the unique Binh Duong channel introduced Hoa's story, 3 men also came to Thanh Hoa's house to propose love, but some were not compatible in age, and some were much older than Hoa, so the family did not agree.

According to Hoa's mother's criteria, the son-in-law must be born in the year of the Ox or Rat and willing to live with her. "He doesn't need to be handsome, he just needs to be hard-working, dedicated to business, take good care of his wife and children, and have a job to earn m.oney. Even if he works as a motorbike taxi driver, I agree," Thanh Hoa expressed.

Regarding the criteria for choosing a husband, Thanh Hoa wants her husband to be as tall as her ears to be proportional, not too short when standing next to her.

Sharing with the press, Ms. Nga said: "Hoa is my only daughter. When I was pregnant with her, my family did not have the means, so we could not go to the hospital for check-ups or check the important milestones of pregnancy.

Dinosaur g.irl in the West posted news about her husband search, 3 people lost their tickets because of strange criteria - Photo 3

When he was born, he only weighed 1.8kg but was unusually long. The doctor diagnosed him with a congenital disease and advised me to try to raise him. At that time, I didn't know what a congenital disease was, I just thought he had some kind of disease since birth. My husband and I encouraged each other to work hard to raise our c.hild."

Thanh Hoa was only able to talk at the age of 4, and her height grew "super-huge". Her parents sent her to school like all her friends of the same age. However, because of constant illness and poor eyesight, she dropped out of school after 5th grade and stayed home to help her parents with housework.

Hoa shared that her 2m height made her have no one to play with. Every day, she stayed home alone or played with her sisters and relatives around. There were times when the young g.irl felt her fate was unfortunate and a little sad. Her unusual height also made it inconvenient for Hoa to choose clothes. In the clothing shops at the market, there were almost no ready-made clothes that fit this g.irl. Therefore, Mrs. Nga had to buy fabric for people to sew clothes for her daughter.

Dinosaur g.irl in the West posted news about her husband search, 3 people lost their tickets because of strange criteria - Photo 4

Not only is Hoa's height different, but her l.egs are also different from everyone else's. According to the shared image, Hoa's l.egs are long and do not fit women's shoe sizes. Ms. Nga had to choose men's shoe sizes for Hoa.

The family situation became more difficult after Hoa's father passed away. Mother and daughter depended on each other to live in loneliness. Looking at other families, their daughters were getting married, having children, and starting their own families, Mrs. Nga could not help but feel sorry for them. However, she understood her daughter's current situation, so she poured all her love into Hoa.

Mrs. Nga expressed: "Other people's children are all married, my daughter is always sick, 2m tall, mentally slow, so I feel sad. But in return, Hoa is filial and cares for her mother."

Whenever the weather changed, Hoa stayed by her mother's side, taking care of her and massaging her to relieve her joint pain. Looking at those images, Nga felt warm inside, only wishing she could live long enough to take care of her c.hild so she wouldn't suffer. What she worried about most was that when she was a hundred years old, no one would take care of Hoa.

Dinosaur g.irl in the West posted news about her husband search, 3 people lost their tickets because of strange criteria - Photo 5

Every day, Thanh Hoa helps her mother make brooms from dry coconut leaves. This job is simple but the income is low. Every day, the 2m tall g.irl can s.trip 1kg of coconut leaves for 5,500 VND. Sitting all day long, she can only s.trip 5kg. Every month, Hoa and her mother earn 1 million VND, enough to buy milk and other small things. In addition, Hoa and her mother receive a monthly allowance from the government. Thanks to that, their life is less miserable.

Talking about her own wishes, Thanh Hoa wants to have more friends, and for the life of mother and daughter to be less difficult. Besides, the g.irl from Tra Vinh also wishes to not be sick so that her mother will have less worries in her old age.

Dinosaur g.irl in the West posted news about her husband search, 3 people lost their tickets because of strange criteria - Photo 6

In addition, there is a g.irl with a huge height like her but luckily found a husband. That is the story of the family of Ms. Le Thi Anh Hong (born in 1974, living in Bac Lieu) - a family with "super huge" height is certainly not strange to the people of the West in general and the public in particular. Because a few years ago, their family became "famous" on media channels as well as social networks. However, specific information about her is very rare because she is afraid to contact strangers.

According to research, Ms. Anh Hong has changed significantly since her family appeared on social networks. She has cracked up, daring to appear in front of strangers to share about herself as well as her family's life.

After finishing third grade, Anh Hong returned to her biological parents and grew up in the loving arms of her whole family. When she reached marriageable age, she married a man 40cm shorter than her. The two were like a mismatched pair of chopsticks, but their life was still very peaceful.

The honest and sincere Western man said that recently, Ms. Anh Hong has been confident when going out with him. At that time, people laughed and gossiped about their short height. "Whatever people say, I don't care. I love her so I married her, why should I make my wife sad? I feel extremely happy to have a tall wife.

Dinosaur g.irl in the West posted news about her husband search, 3 people lost their tickets because of strange criteria - Photo 7

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