The young man discovered that he was the son of a famous millionaire after living miserably for 25 years

Phong TrầnDec 20, 2023 at 17:14

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On the afternoon of December 1, in Xingtai city (Hebei province, China), Jia Kefeng, a famous businessman in the city, was officially reunited with Jia Qingshuai, his son who had been missing for more than 20 years. .

When they first met, at first glance he knew this was his son. "It's very friendly. It's exactly like when I was young, a little taller than me," he said.

The young man discovered that he was the son of a famous millionaire after living miserably for 25 years - Photo 1

In the moment of reunion, the famous businessman announced that he had bought a villa and a luxury car for his son, compensating for the disadvantages of not being able to live with his biological parents.

According to the millionaire father, 25 years ago, while doing business far away in Hebei, he received a b.ig shock that his second son, only 3 months old, was missing. The wife's phone call said that when she ran to the store 100 meters from the house to buy some food and let the b.oy sleep in the room, when she came back, the c.hild was no longer there.

Although he suspected this was a kidnapping, he could not find any accurate clues at this time. The family reported to the police, as well as mobilized relatives and friends to help search, but the results were in vain. 25 years ago, there were no cameras and no living witnesses, so the investigation gradually reached a dead end.

The young man discovered that he was the son of a famous millionaire after living miserably for 25 years - Photo 2

Illustration photo

Jia Khac Phong said: "I was so desperate at that time, I didn't even want to live." But then he told himself, if he did not stand firm, he would not have a chance to see his son again. The husband advised his wife to stay home and take care of their three-year-old daughter and go out alone to look for her.

When his little son went missing, his father went all over the provinces and cities to post notices looking for him. He stayed at all places where many people passed by such as train stations, bus stations... to ask one person after another.

Not only that, Khac Phong also spent a l.ot of m.oney to post notices looking for his c.hild on television, then in newspapers and at street intersections. There was even a time when this man offered a reward of 1 million yuan (3.4 billion VND) to the person who found his c.hild. Every time there was news somewhere doubting his son's information, he immediately set out.

After 25 years of searching in vain, the father gradually grew old, but his burning heart to find his son was still the same as it was 25 years ago. He never thought about giving up.

The young man discovered that he was the son of a famous millionaire after living miserably for 25 years - Photo 3

Illustration photo

The wheel of life still turns, this man still has to work to maintain family life. Active in the construction industry, Khac Phong has become a millionaire, with assets of several hundred million yuan.

In the 2000s, with the development of DNA technology applied in the campaign to find missing relatives in China, Khac Phong became the first person in Hebei province to have b.lood samples collected to put into the database. He also enthusiastically participated in the group of parents with missing children. If a family is in trouble, he will lend m.oney, a car and his connections to help as much as possible.

During 25 years of diligently searching for their children, Jia Khac Phong has helped more than 20 families successfully find relatives.

In November 2023, good news finally came to the family when Jia Khac Phong received a call from the police, announcing that Thanh Soai - his son who had been lost for 25 years had been found.

The young man discovered that he was the son of a famous millionaire after living miserably for 25 years - Photo 4

Thanh Soai was actually kidnapped to Handan city, 50km from his hometown of Xingtai. He was raised in a small family in this city. His adoptive father passed away early, his mother also left, and he lived with his grandparents until he was an adult. After graduating from university, he went to Chengdu to work, then sent m.oney back to filial piety to his grandparents. "For many years, I have never felt the love of my parents, even though my grandparents treated me very well," Thanh Soai shared.

After 25 years, Thanh Soai himself did not expect that his biological parents were still waiting and looking for him all this time.
On the day he welcomed his son, Jia Khac Phong prepared a welcome banner. The whole family of four hugged each other tightly and kept crying.

The young man discovered that he was the son of a famous millionaire after living miserably for 25 years - Photo 5

Mr. Gia said that even though he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night, when he saw his c.hild, he still felt extremely happy and not tired at all. He told reporters that 5 days ago, he suddenly received a call from the police. After comparing his face, his son Thanh Soai was found. "I'm very happy. I've been waiting for this day for 25 years. On November 28, the DNA comparison results were 100%, all the numbers were correct."

When listening to his son talk about his life, he said that Thanh Soai had suffered too much, now it was time for the family to make up for it: "Son, we want to make up for everything you missed in life." the past 25 years".

Mr. Jia's wife could not hold back her tears when talking about her son's life over the years: "This son has never felt motherly love or fatherly love since childhood. We want to repay him well." for it, so it can feel the warmth of family."

After finding his c.hild, Khac Phong held a b.ig party to thank those who had always accompanied and helped him over the past 25 years. The millionaire also affirmed that he will spend more time and energy to help other families find their loved ones.

The young man discovered that he was the son of a famous millionaire after living miserably for 25 years - Photo 6

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