The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why?

Thảo MaiDec 08, 2023 at 17:49

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There are many rumors about charms that can help the user have luck, fortune, and cause the cursed person to lose sleep, eat, or even become exhausted. The Lu Ban talisman, originating from China, is also one of those talismans with terrifying power.

Lu Ban is the name of a carpenter master in China. Because he was from the country of Lu, his first name was Ban, so he called it "Lu Ban". He was the one who transcribed many types of books on how to build houses and make materials, so later builders honored him as the founder of the profession. In the books passed down to posterity, he also taught more about the skills. spells, exorcisms or healing, that's why these spells are called Lu Ban charms. Therefore, later on, anyone who worked as a carpenter or construction worker would know these types of spells, so they established themselves as a Lu Ban Sect.

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 1

The Lu Ban talisman is a popular talisman among the people and was later applied and used by magicians according to their sects. That's why there are countless types of talismans and spells with different uses. The Lu ban amulet does not work forever but only for a certain period of time.

The reason why people use the Lu Ban talisman

In the past, while building houses, conflicts between workers and homeowners often arose because workers at that time had very low status, so the homeowner not only provided them with poor hospitality but also cut wages and salaries. even bea.t an.d scol.d them. In order to protect their own interests and punis.h unmerciful homeowners, among those workers, there were those who learned the magic of the Lu Ban talisman and used the Lu Ban talisman to cast a spell on the house they had just built. causing the homeowner to collapse.

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 2

There are legends that say that workers who know how to use the Lu Ban charm must enchant one house for every 10 houses to support their profession. Encountering the 10th house and treating them well, those Lu Ban masters had to build a fake house and cast a spell on it, then burn it to avoid being punished. There are many folk legends about workers casting spells on houses and the consequences being extremely dire for the homeowner.

How to practice the Lu Ban talisman

When starting to practice talismans, magicians will practice visualizing them in their minds until that talisman has magic meaning that the magician can look anywhere and imagine that talisman, from which the talisman begins to rotate. The thoughts of a magician to do things, magicians must practice for a long time to be able to do so.

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 3

There is another important form which is the other power of the ancestors. If you want to practice the Lu Ban talisman, you need a teacher and an ancestor to witnes.s it because human strength is limited. If you don't have an ancestor to enlighten you, it will be difficult to use all your abilities.

Method to dispel the Lu Ban spell

To neutralize the Lu Ban amulet on the day of the snake, one must use three types of animals: buffalo, goat, and pig as offerings. In addition, one must prepare a horizontal painting and report to the Gods and Master Lu Ban. Then secretly write the content of a talisman. Then burn the talisman in a place where no one is around and absolutely do not let others see it. Then hide the black, yellow and dog bloo.d in the wine. When you install the beam, bring the wine. Sprinkle this wine on the worker's head, sprinkle 3 cups consecutively and divide the remaining wine among the workers to drink. Thus, the enchanter and enchanter will have to suffer the consequences of his own actions, while the homeowner's affairs can still be lucky and favorable.

The plot to conspire shocked the Tran dynasty's harem

In the 14th century, the Tran Dynasty's harem was shocked by a concubine's plot to cast a spell.

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 4

This woman's name is unknown. According to the book Viet su tien ca, she was a concubine of Emperor Tran Minh Tong (1314-1329). When she was recruited into the palace, she was given the position of Concubine with the title Trieu Mon. Therefore, old histories often call her Trieu Mon Thu Phi. It is currently unclear what year Trieu Mon entered the palace. We only know that at the en.d of 1319 (meaning five years after Tran Minh Tong ascended the throne), she gave birth to Prince Tran Nguyen Trac. In terms of the hierarchy of Princes, Nguyen Trac is the second Prince (after Crown Prince Tran Vuong). When he grew up, Nguyen Trac was given the title Cung Tinh Vuong by his father.

In 1329, when Tran Nguyen Trac was 10 years old, Tran Minh Tong ceded the throne to Crown Prince Tran Vuong (ie Emperor Tran Hien Tong: 1329-1341) to become Supreme Emperor. According to custom, the Emperor will live in Thanh Tu palace, and the Emperor will live in Quan Trieu palace, so this year, Trieu Mon's mother and son also packed up and followed Minh Tong to move to Thanh Tu palace. Thanh Tu Palace belongs to Thang Long Forbidden Citadel, located north of Quan Trieu Palace, so it is also called Bac Cung.

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 5

After 12 years on the throne, in 1341, Tran Hien Tong died without having any children. Emperor Tran Minh Tong was still alive at this time and he appointed the 10th Prince (named Tran Hao) to the throne, that is, Emperor Tran Du Tong (1341-1369). At this time, Tran Hao was only 5 years old. Why did Minh Tong not establish the second and third Princes... but instead established the tenth Prince? This story is quite long, so let me summarize it as follows.

Tran Minh Tong established the Queen late (in 1323, meaning 9 years after he ascended the throne) and intended to wait for the Queen to give birth to a Prince to make him Crown Prince, even though he had previously given birth to Tran Vuong. Ironically, the Queen was late to have children. Minh Tong had no choice but to establish Tran Vuong as Crown Prince. After Minh Tong abdicated the throne, the Queen gave birth to a Princess and two Princes. The Tran dynasty often established the Queen's children as Crown Prince, so when Tran Hien Tong died, Minh Tong chose Prince Tran Hao (born of the Queen) as the heir to the throne. In terms of ag.e, Tran Hao is younger than the other Princes but in terms of status is higher than them, so he is completely qualified to succeed the throne.

But for Thu Phi Trieu Mon, Tran Hao's ascension to the throne was a fierce blow. Trieu Mon believed that if Tran Hien Tong passed away without any children, according to common sense, the younger brother closest in rank (i.e. Tran Nguyen Trac) would be allowed to inherit the throne. On the other hand, Tran Minh Tong did not do that but deliberately ignored the older Nguyen Trac to create the younger Tran Hao. Angry and disgruntled, this Concubine directed all her anger on the Queen's three children. In a fit of jealous.y, Trieu Mon used a spell to enchant the Queen's children to appease them.

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 6

The trick was quickly carried out by Trieu Mon. Trieu Mon secretly contacted a Taoist priest. Having been instructed by this guy to draw and give him a spell, Trieu Mon bought a goby fish, stuffed the talisman with the names of the Queen's three children into the fish's mouth, then silently dropped the fish into Nghiem Quang well.

Having successfully carried out the act of concealment, Trieu Mon believed that the curs.e would soon come true so that the Tran Hao brothers could leave this world a little early, so that her son Nguyen Trac would have a chance to succeed the throne. Unfortunately, people's calculations are not as good as God's calculations, so Trieu Mon's dark deeds were quickly exposed.

Trieu Mon's cover-up was discovered by acciden.t, because a guard accidentally caught a goby in a well. That person quickly reported to Tran Minh Tong. This made Tran Minh Tong extremely frightened. The Complete History of Dai Viet book says:

"In the past, Minh Tong lived in the North Palace. Someone guarding the door caught a goby fish in Nghiem Quang well. There was something in the fish's mouth. When he poked it out to see, there were words in it. The words Du Tong, Cung Tuc, Thien Ninh (all children of Hien Tu (i.e. Queen of Tran Minh Tong - NTT)). The gatekeeper held that talisman and reported. Minh Tong was so scared that he ordered all the palaces to be arrested. servants, midwives, and maids in the palace for questioning."

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 7

While Tran Minh Tong's order was about to be executed, the Queen stopped him. Queen Hien Tu was inherently a virtuous person. She did not want anyone to be unjustly convicted because of this matter, so she asked Tran Minh Tong for permission to investigate herself. Tran Minh Tong agreed. Not long after, from finding out where in the palace to buy goby fish, the Queen knew for sure that the culprit of the talisman was Thu Phi Trieu Mon.

Knowing the story, Tran Minh Tong planned to investigate to the en.d. But once again, the Queen stopped him. The Queen believes that this is a forbidden matter in the palace and should not be known to outsiders. Besides, if the story is revealed, I'm afraid that in the future, Tran Du Tong will create a feud with Cung Tinh Vuong Nguyen Trac (at this time, Tran Nguyen Trac is holding the position of Thai Uy). From then on, the Queen asked Tran Minh Tong to keep everything secret and not ask any further questions. Tran Minh Tong did not want discord among the royal family, so he listened to the Queen.

The discovery of the goby fish caused Trieu Mon's plans to evaporate. Because of the Queen's policy of keeping everything secret, Trieu Mon was of course not punished. But "walls have ears", no matter how much Tran Minh Tong and the Queen hid it, the story also reached the ears of a general, Tran Tong Hoac.

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 8

In 1357, Emperor Tran Minh Tong passed away. At this time, Tran Du Tong was 21 years old, mature enough to rule the country. Tran Tong Hoac was an opportunist, so he told Du Tong the story of the goby in the past, and also made up additional things, causing Tran Du Tong to become suspicious of Thai Uy Tran Nguyen Trac. Tran Du Tong thought that Tran Nguyen Trac cursed him, so he ordered Nguyen Trac to be arrested. At that time, it was unclear whether Trieu Mon was alive or dead, but her curs.e "reversed" and fell on her son's head.

While Tran Nguyen Trac's life was being threatened, Queen Mother Hien Tu stood up to console Tran Du Tong. Many high-ranking officials also tried to exonerate Thai Uy. Tran Du Tong listened to his mother, acquitted Nguyen Trac and allowed him to keep his old title. After this near-death experience, Tran Nguyen Trac always paid attention to himself and was wholeheartedly loyal to Du Tong, and was eventually appointed by Du Tong as Right Tuong Quoc (position like Prime Minister, together with Ta Tuong Quoc in charge of all military matters). civil service in the country).

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 9

The ancient books that recorded the above story of deception were to praise the benevolence of Queen Mother Hien Tu, thanks to which we can know the dark plot of Trieu Mon. Angry that his son was not chosen to be Emperor, with a narrow and cruel heart, Trieu Mon borrowed spells to harm people. In the en.d, "heaven cannot tolerate evil", the plot was foiled, Trieu Mon could not help his son but almost caused him to di.e.

The Lu Ban talisman is known as the most terrifying talisman in China, why? - Photo 10

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