Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence?

Xuân XuânMar 19, 2023 at 14:02

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Regarding the case of 4 flight attendants who were detained for "carrying" more than 10 kg of banned substances, which is causing a stir in public opinion. Internationally, the case is also being reported massively and attracting attention.

On the afternoon of March 17, Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department had a press conference to inform about the case of four flight attendants (TVHK) of Vietnam Airlines transporting banned substances from France to Vietnam, on flight number brand VN10.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 1

During the initial work, these four TVHK said that in France there was a person (unidentified) who "carried some goods home" and paid more than 10 million VND. Due to being too tired because they had just gone through a long flight, the flight attendants only looked through a few tubes of cream and did not see anything unusual. Upon arrival at Tan Son Nhat airport, the functional forces checked and discovered.

The act of transporting banned substances by TVHKs is currently causing a stir in domestic and international public opinion. In the past few days, Korean newspapers and many countries have massively reported on the sad story of Vietnam's aviation industry.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 2

Director of Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department Dinh Ngoc Thang previously affirmed that it is not a coincidence that the discovery and solving of this type of case is accidental. Based on a series of intelligence information, customs control operations, a series of suspicious signs, key subjects, income information... Ho Chi Minh City Customs Department has just directed the case. Currently, the investigation is expanding to find the line, the leader ... is being coordinated by functional forces to investigate.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 3

According to lawyer Nguyen Ngo Quang Nhat (Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association), the case is currently being investigated and clarified by the authorities. However, if there are enough evidence to prove that these girls are related to the drug line, they may be criminally handled with the heaviest penalty frame.

According to a Japanese lawyer, the tricks of the subjects who illegally transport and trade banned substances are very sophisticated. These subjects often take advantage of technology delivery methods; to take care of and carry goods from abroad to Vietnam. Prohibited substances are mixed, packaged in the form of tea bags, functional foods, drinks... so it is difficult to recognize with the n.aked eye.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 4

Lawyer Nguyen Trung Nghia (Ho Chi Minh City Bar Association) said that for the crime of "illegal transportation of banned substances", those who are acting are intentionally at fault, that is, the offender knows in advance the consequences will happen. when performing his or her actions.

Therefore, if the carriers are completely unaware that the goods carried by hand are banned substances; If they have sufficient documents and evidences to prove that they do not know and do not intentionally commit acts of illegal transportation, they will not be examined for penal liability for this crime.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 5

However, for cases of illegal cross-border transportation by air, it is very difficult to prove the subjective factor. And especially according to airline regulations, flight attendants are not allowed to carry goods across the border for any individual or organization.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 6

In the recent incident, the amount of banned substances obtained was very large. If it is proven that this is a criminal act, then this is a "particularly serious" crime. Therefore, through this incident, it also contributes to raising the alarm bell for any individual for the purpose of helping people and goals. Self-interest or any other purpose that carries, holds, holds suitcases, bags, belongings for anyone in case they cannot control what is inside.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 7

At present, the case is still under investigation. In the immediate future, the investigative agency will make criminal detention for these flight attendants to clarify how the transportation of toothpaste is done? Who is the sender? Who is the recipient? How much is the shipping fee? Proving that the flight attendants know this is a banned substance or not is the responsibility of the prosecution agency. The determination of guilt or not will be proven by the Investigating Authority by objective evidences such as messages, shipping information, etc.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 8

If these flight attendants do not admit it, but the investigation agency has grounds to that they know this is a banned substance but still intentionally transport it, they will prosecute the case and prosecute the accused for the crime of illegally transporting banned substances. , regardless of whether the defendant pleads guilty or not.

Case of 4 flight attendants carrying "prohibited substances" to Vietnam: Massive international news, facing the heaviest sentence? - Photo 9

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