Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship?

Lan ChiMar 15, 2025 at 09:57

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Hang Du Muc, Quang Linh Vlogs and Le Tuan Linh - legal representative of CER Group recently held a media meeting to answer all questions and concerns related to KERA vegetable candy and Loinest bird's nest, which have been causing a stir in recent times.

Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship? - Photo 1

At the meeting, all three representatives repeatedly apologized for over-advertising and providing inaccurate information about the product to customers. In particular, Hang Du Muc could not hold back his emotions many times, bursting into tears because of his mistakes: "We would like to learn from our experience and apologize. This is a very valuable lesson for us to grow up, mature and know how to go in the right direction, not making the same mistake again. I hope that the press can sympathize with our mistakes, being young when entering the profession. And when success comes too quickly, it can lead people in the wrong direction. I would like to apologize."

Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship? - Photo 2

Notably, Miss Thuy Tien - who participated in promoting this product - was not present at the press conference. Her last appearance was on the morning of March 11 when she boarded a flight back home after a period of working abroad. At Tan Son Nhat airport, Thuy Tien appeared in a modest outfit, looked tired and refused to answer questions related to the noisy advertisement for vegetable candy.

On social media, Thuy Tien has not had any new updates since March 10, when she posted photos of herself attending an event abroad. This silence, along with her absence from the press conference, has caused netizens to constantly question her role and responsibility in the incident.

Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship? - Photo 3

Previously, Thuy Tien apologized for advertising Kera vegetable candy products, admitting that it may have caused misunderstandings and hoping for sympathy from the public. However, many people think that this apology is not really satisfactory and want her to take clearer action about the incident.

One day after Thuy Tien returned to Vietnam, Sen Vang Company - the beauty queen's management unit - officially spoke out about the incident related to the advertisement of Kera vegetable candy products. In the posted announcement, the company apologized to the audience and admitted that this was an unfortunate and unwanted incident.

Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship? - Photo 4

Specifically, Sen Vang affirmed that they are working closely with the Kera brand and the authorities to quickly provide official information about the incident. This unit also committed to fully cooperate to clarify the issue, and at the same time hoped that the audience would remain calm and wait for the results from the authorities.

In the post, Sen Vang emphasized that over the years, Thuy Tien has not only focused on building her personal image but has also devoted much effort to charity activities, conveying positive messages to the community. The company hopes that the audience will continue to accompany her, have a broader perspective and wait for official conclusions instead of making hasty judgments.

Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship? - Photo 5

Talking about the cooperation with Miss Thuy Tien, CER Group representative said that Thuy Tien started participating as a KOL (influencer) to promote and spread the product. The reason for the cooperation is because Thuy Tien has accompanied Quang Linh Vlog in many charity projects. "When I learned about Kera candy, Thuy Tien felt satisfied because this product is related to clean agricultural products. Thuy Tien said that this product is like a 'brainchild' just as a joke. This saying shows Tien's dedication to the Vietnamese agricultural market, even though it only contributes a small part", the company representative affirmed.

Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship? - Photo 6

CER Group representative also said that Thuy Tien is busy with many projects in the coming time. However, with the mission of a Miss Grand International, she still wants to develop community projects.

Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship? - Photo 7

"Regardless of whether this scanda.l happens or not, Thuy Tien still wants to contribute to developing agricultural products in her home country," the company representative added.

Previously, in December 2024, Miss Thuy Tien collaborated to advertise a type of candy that was introduced as containing high fiber content. She announced on social media about her excitement when "launching her first brainchild", saying that this is a convenient, nutritious product, with many safety certifications, suitable for children and adults.

Thuy Tien disappeared while Quang Linh bowed his head to apologize, suspected broken relationship? - Photo 8

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