Team châu Phi đón Bộ trưởng Angola tới tận nơi mua gạo, tiếc nuối vì một điều

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In recent days, Quang Linh Vlogs has become a name that netizens are interested in. The reason comes from false advertising when livestreaming sales with Hang Du Muc.
Specifically, the guy introduced vegetable candy - a collaborative product of Miss Thuy Tien and the "sisters" team. Currently, the authorities have stepped in to clarify issues related to this product. In addition to paying attention to the development of the incident, netizens also recalled the sharing of Quang Linh Vlogs in the past. Recently, a clip talking about the guy's trust suddenly went viral on social media. Original text shared by Quang Linh:
"People go to work everywhere, don't let the people next to you lose trust, you can never do business. Losin.g trust is just doubting each other. That doesn't last long, so I decided to be frank.
If you lose mone.y, you can earn it back, but if you lose trust with each other, you will never get it back. Once you have lost trust, it is difficult to believe again. I don't believe anything I say."
It is known that Quang Linh had these shares about 3 years ago, when he let a member of the African team quit his job, kicked out of the team for cheating. Up to now, when the noise about false advertising occurs, it has gone viral again.
Below this clip, netizens have left many different opinions. Some people affirmed that they still thought and supported Quang Linh Vlogs, but there were also many comments expressing their disappointment. Some people even said that they had been following Quang Linh for many years and felt that the guy had changed.
Quang Linh Vlogs, whose full name is Pham Quang Linh, was born in 1997 in Nghe An. In 2016, after graduating from high school, he decided to export labor in Luanda - the capital of Angola, an African country. His father has an ice factory here.
Currently, Quang Linh's influence on social media is quite significant. He owns a YouTube channel with 4.1 million subscribers, this number on TikTok and Facebook is 4.9 million to 2.2 million, respectively. All of his posts attract tens of thousands of interactions - not inferior to any famous artist.
Previously, the vegetable candy scandal originated from the statement "a candy is equal to a bunch of vegetables" or "eating 2-3 tablets is enough fiber per day" of Hang Du Muc, Quang Linh Vlogs and Miss Thuy Tien. Despite the explanation, they still faced questions about the nutritional value of the product.
On March 5, an online account announced the test results, showing that each candy contains only 0.017g of fiber, much lower than the daily requirement. To get enough fiber, a person has to eat dozens of tablets.
The manufacturer later announced other test results, but the nutritionist pointed out many unreasonable points, questioning the accuracy of the data and the responsibility of the promoter. Although KERA has spoken out and given an official response on this issue, the incident continues to cause a lot of noise. Even after Miss Thuy Tien's apology post late on the evening of March 6, it "blew up" controversies and mixed opinions on social networks.
In the midst of the drama about the product is still tense, social media users constantly come across clips running advertisements for vegetable candies made previously by the team Quang Linh Vlogs and Hang Du Muc. In these clips, the group of "sisters rout" staged a tableau from the vegetable garden to the factory to sho.w off the fresh ingredients, clean as well as professional production lines.
Quang Linh Vlogs, Hang Du Muc and Miss Thuy Tien also emphasized that the production process must go through many careful steps such as: checking raw materials to ensure that there is no discoloration, impurities or lumps; then weigh the ingredients, prepare and fill each mold; check the stability, uniformity and toughness before the packaging is finished.
However, when this series of clips was still casually advertised in the middle of the drama, many netizens expressed their dissatisfaction, even leaving comments in the direction of sarcasm. Because many people think that in the midst of a controversial problem, what needs to be done is to turn off the advertising feature, stop all related commercial activities.
Thùy Tiên nghi ém vụ kẹo rau củ, mất hình tượng với Dior, làm 1 thứ giữa drama? Bảo Yến09:48:27 06/03/2025Thùy Tiên hiện đang đối mặt với làn sóng ch.ỉ tr.ích từ công chúng do liên quan đến vụ quảng cáo kẹo rau củ với những phát ngôn gây tranh cãi. Trong khi Quang Linh và Hằng Du Mục đã lên tiếng xin lỗi, Thùy Tiên lại giữ im lặng suốt những ngày...
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