The pale-faced lady recounted her fake love affair of defrauding 6 billion VND, a wake-up call for unsuspecting women

Phúc SenJun 30, 2024 at 12:56

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The story of a lady who was blatantly cheated of 6 billion VND by her virtual lover made many people stir. This is a wake-up call for many people when using social networks to text back and forth with strangers.

Accordingly, the story is told by the owner. She introduced her name as Q., currently working in the business field, divorced from her husband, and currently living with her 9-year-old daughter. She participates in many charity activities, hoping to find peace in life after the breakup.

About 2 months ago, in her free time, she was surfing Facebook and saw a waiting message praising her daughter for being cute. I don't know who it is, but I answered properly. From social conversations, she gradually became interested in a handsome, middle-aged man who had many similarities with her in terms of circumstances and personality.

The pale-faced lady recounted her fake love affair of defrauding 6 billion VND, a wake-up call for unsuspecting women - Photo 1

He was widowed 10 years ago but loves his son so he has not considered anything else. According to the introduction, Thang (man's name) is over 50 years old, currently a senior engineer in a famous corporation. On Facebook, he posted many photos of the group's activities and the image of his filial and talented 15-year-old son, so she thought what he said was true.

Her social network conversation with Thang was occasionally interrupted because he said he was on a business trip abroad for the group's electric vehicle development project. With pictures of signing ceremonies, investment cooperation, car charging station installations... posted on Facebook, she believes even more that what he said is true.

The pale-faced lady recounted her fake love affair of defrauding 6 billion VND, a wake-up call for unsuspecting women - Photo 2

After returning from work, Thang was happy to announce that he was allowed by the group to join the investment fund for those who have devoted more than 15 years. The investment fund has low risk, offset by high interest rates. Because he wanted to have a long-term relationship, Thang invited her to participate in investing as a family member.

"I'm not a money-hungry person, and have no intention of investing. But Thang told me to invest and earn profits so I can help more people. I was convinced by that," she explained.

The pale-faced lady recounted her fake love affair of defrauding 6 billion VND, a wake-up call for unsuspecting women - Photo 3

Thang asked Ms. Q. to log in to a link, along with the login code, which according to the introduction was given specifically to him, to check whether the 2 billion VND investment he had just sent had been confirmed by the system. She logged in and saw that there was an investment of 2 billion as Thang said.

2 days later, Thang asked her to give her a gratitude code for the family members of senior corporate officials and persuaded Ms. Q. to invest the profits for charity. He will invest with her because the more he invests, the greater the profit.

The pale-faced lady recounted her fake love affair of defrauding 6 billion VND, a wake-up call for unsuspecting women - Photo 4

Convinced by that good goal, Ms. Q. agreed to invest in the fund. At this time, her personal account had 80 million VND. Thang said that if she registered to invest at level 4, it would be 120 million VND, and he would make up for that shortfall.

However, according to the investment fund's announcement, the investment limit she registered for is 500 million VND, so she must continue to pay in full. Thang continuously urged her to invest m.oney. When he saw that she seemed hesitant, he assumed that she did not want m.oney to do charity, did not want to join forces, and was not sincere about their feelings. Convinced, she transferred the full amount of half a billion VND to the fund.

The pale-faced lady recounted her fake love affair of defrauding 6 billion VND, a wake-up call for unsuspecting women - Photo 5

Thang again persuaded her to raise the investment limit. The reason he gave was that the higher the investment, the more her daughter would be given a full scholarship in the educational system for the founding corporation. For her c.hild's future, she transferred 2.2 billion VND to the fund for an investment limit of 10 billion VND.

Thang sent her a receipt showing that he also invested 4 billion VND in this general limit package. As if hypnotized by the man's urgings, Ms. Q. put nearly 4 billion VND into the investment fund.

The pale-faced lady recounted her fake love affair of defrauding 6 billion VND, a wake-up call for unsuspecting women - Photo 6

"Before raising the investment limit, each day the investment fund's system allowed me to withdraw 10 million VND in interest. But when I transferred nearly 6 billion VND, with an interest rate of 50 million/day, I could only withdraw profit for 2 days, then he couldn't withdraw anymore. He said he had to increase the limit to 15 billion to continue withdrawing interest," she shared.

By chance, through a friend, she learned that all the photos posted on Thang's Facebook were taken from someone in the South. This same person also posted a warning about being impersonated on Facebook. After checking again, she discovered that Thang was just a virtual character, but her m.oney of nearly 6 billion was real.

The pale-faced lady recounted her fake love affair of defrauding 6 billion VND, a wake-up call for unsuspecting women - Photo 7

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