A vegetable seller adopted the president's illegitimate c.hild, and 10 years later received an unexpected ending

Bút MàuMay 18, 2024 at 16:36

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Mr. Duong Than Lam was born into a poor farming family in Zhoukou (Henan, China). His mother died of illness.

His father raised him alone to adulthood. Later, his father also fell ill and passed away, leaving behind a teenage son. To make a living, he went everywhere to make a living, experiencing hundreds of bitterness and humiliation.

When Duong Than Lam arrived in Wuhan, he found a job as a worker at a construction site. Then, when he accumulated some capital, he opened a vegetable stall at the market. It was thanks to this vegetable stall that his life completely changed, information from Sohu.

A vegetable seller adopted the presidents illegitimate c.hild, and 10 years later received an unexpected ending - Photo 1

One early morning in May 1992, Duong Than Lam was setting up a vegetable stand and taking out the trash when he heard a c.hild crying. He saw a crib on the grass next to a trash can, inside was a b.aby girl just a few months old. Looking at the lovely c.hild, he felt very sorry for him.

Everyone gathered to watch but no one reacted, nor did anyone recognize the c.hild's relatives. When knowing that he intended to take the c.hild home, an aunt said that he should consider carefully. Because he is no longer young, and raising another c.hild will make it very difficult to get married in the future.

But looking at the adorable c.hild, he couldn't help but take the b.aby home to raise him. He also hopes that the c.hild's relatives will come and claim the c.hild when they hear the news. In the room he rented, the landlord also carefully showed him how to take care of children. He spent his little m.oney to buy milk and clothes to take care of the b.aby.

A vegetable seller adopted the presidents illegitimate c.hild, and 10 years later received an unexpected ending - Photo 2

Some people thought he was getting himself into trouble. But watching the c.hild grow up day by day, his heart softened. He was happy when his daughter called out to her father. He named his son Tinh Tinh. But 2 years later, something strange happened again.

One afternoon in 1994, when other vendors had closed, Mr. Duong Than Lam once again encountered a c.hild over 1 year old standing next to the trash, picking up leftover food. Seeing the poor c.hild, he bought a box of egg-fried rice and a box of milk for the b.aby to eat and asked where his parents were.

She is not good at talking yet, she only knows how to pick up food and put it in her mouth. Mr. Duong took the g.irl to the police station but they could not find her biological parents. Just as he was about to leave, the poor g.irl grabbed his shirt and called "daddy".

A vegetable seller adopted the presidents illegitimate c.hild, and 10 years later received an unexpected ending - Photo 3

His heart suddenly softened. He decided to take the g.irl home and wait for her biological parents to come find her. But after waiting for a long time, he could not find the g.irl's relatives. He decided to adopt the c.hild and named him Tieu Tinh.

Since then, he raised his two daughters alone. At this time, the women who initially intended to marry him all gave up because they thought he was too poor and had two more children to bear. But he had no regrets.

When his children reached school age, to take care of them, he woke up early, stayed up late, and worked hard. During the day he sold vegetables and at night did odd jobs at nearby construction sites. After more than 10 years, he was so tired that his hair turned white and his legs hurt from arthritis. But for his children, he still tried.

In middle school, Tinh Tinh's eldest daughter was shocked to learn the truth that she was an adopted daughter. From then on, she understood what a great man her father was, who endured many hardships to raise her. From then on, she studied even harder. In 2010, she was admitted to Wuhan University.

A vegetable seller adopted the presidents illegitimate c.hild, and 10 years later received an unexpected ending - Photo 4

To ease her father's financial burden, she wrote a letter to the school about her family's situation. The university waived her tuition and also awarded a scholarship of 10,000 Yuan (more than 35 million VND at the current exchange rate).

Knowing that her older sister would go to college, her father would have to work hard, so her younger sister Tieu Tinh wanted to quit studying business to help her father. Unexpectedly, for the first time, her father got angry and said: "Study is your job, making m.oney is my job." The next day, Tieu Tinh obediently went to school. Just as Mr. Duong expected, the g.irl was later accepted into his favorite military academy.

After arriving at the military academy, the school organized a health examination and found her biological parents through comparing DNA results. Her biological parents are owners of a large local business. After learning that their daughter had a promising future, they came to see her and wanted to take her back.

A vegetable seller adopted the presidents illegitimate c.hild, and 10 years later received an unexpected ending - Photo 5

One day, Tieu Tinh had a day off from school and was helping his father sell vegetables when he heard someone calling him. She looked up and saw a woman in her 50s standing in the distance, tears streaming down her face. Seeing her silence, that person came closer and said: "Tieu Tinh, I am your biological mother. And this is your father."

At this time, Mr. Duong also stood next to her and told her about that year. Tieu Tinh told her father with tears in her eyes: "Dad, don't worry, I know what to do."

A few days later, Tieu Tinh decided not to return to her biological parents. She said that she only has one father, Mr. Duong Than Lam.

Currently, Mr. Duong's two daughters have successful careers and he is also living a happy old life. Mr. Duong's story was later praised by many people, touching his kind heart.

A vegetable seller adopted the presidents illegitimate c.hild, and 10 years later received an unexpected ending - Photo 6

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