Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion

Hoàng PhúcJan 10, 2023 at 16:42

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Artist Minh Hoang is known for many roles in TV series and once "stormed" at theater stages. However, at the present time due to the age and many new art forms being developed, the previous stages are criticized for being obsolete and the artists are gradually being eliminated.

Graduated from Law School, aspires to become a lawyer

Artist Minh Hoang is one of the class of artists participating in the theater stage very early, he together with Thuong Tin, Viet Anh, Thanh Loc, Hong Nga, Hong Van, ... launched many popular plays at the time. at that time. However, compared to friends of the same age, Minh Hoang's name is not as popular.

Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion - Photo 1

At the age of 18, Minh Hoang passed the 2nd baccalaureate and passed the Law School with the desire to become a lawyer as his family expected. However, being passionate about singing himself, the actor decided to enter the National School of Music and Drama for the fun part but was unexpectedly recruited, then he took a certificate to avoid the draft and decided to attend the drama school.

The male artist recalled: "At the age of 18, passed the 2nd baccalaureate, I entered Law School. According to my own and family's expectations, I became a lawyer. My father worked as a paper scraper at the court at that time. , maybe that's why I want to pursue my career? I study hard, but I also love singing. Listening to my friend invite me, I entered the National School of Music & Drama, partly for fun, partly because of listening to him "argue" "It seems reasonable, in order to avoid 4 years of military service, but learn how to do law without fail. Curious to follow you to school, looking around and seeing people practicing vocals is so scary, I thought that I would always have noodles every day. mi, but she's like that, I can't stand it. I was afraid to eat and run. Heaven made me curious, so I was curious about drama, so I passed the exam.

Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion - Photo 2

I'm so worried, but I'm very clear, learning drama is learning fun, learning to play, and learning law is the main thing. So, when I went to drama school, I was also very talented. Which is literally a talent training school. In the morning, studying law at school, skipping to study drama until afternoon. My parents later heard that their son was studying in two schools at the same time, and thought it was annoying. At the sentence "singing song of no species" luck in the grandparents is very bad. However, thanks to me studying well on both sides, my parents also calmed down. To this day, I still think it was an arrangement of fate. An arrangement that no one could have predicted or foreseen."

After the country was liberated, he continued to study theater school. After that, he was retained as a lecturer. However, he felt that he was not suitable for the teaching profession, so he applied for the Cuu Long Giang Theater Company.

He said: "After the Liberation Day, the Law School was abolished, and the music and drama department was taken over. We were gathered together and trained in a transitional system. Two years later, we graduated but didn't have any degrees. Then there are people on each side who can't stand to quit their job or think about going away.I, like many people's desire, can stay at the school as a teaching assistant. Seeing that the training and class teaching did not satisfy the spirit of mourning and wavering, when my internship time ended, I would like to join the Cuu Long Giang troupe, the predecessor of the Southern theater troupe later on".

Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion - Photo 3

Despite being a new face, with his own efforts, the actor has received many roles to start his career with colleagues such as: Tan Thi, Thuong Tin, Hoa Ha ... following a generation of actors. new. However, not long after that crisis, Minh Hoang left the group and joined the theater stage: IDECAF, Hong Van, 5B Vo Van Tan... Besides, he also participated in writing scripts for many plays. drama with the participation of famous actors.

Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion - Photo 4

However, many types of entertainment appeared, causing the stages to be gradually eliminated, without the audience to see, which put the actors in a difficult position. The male artist also participated in many stages but was also considered to be no longer attractive, the era of drama is over and this is also the time for young faces to appear.

Minh Hoang once put his career on hold

A few years ago, artist Minh Hoang temporarily retired to rest, but after being invited by People's Artist Hong Van earnestly, he broke the rules to return to the set.

Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion - Photo 5

Minh Hoang shared that after a period of absence, this return made him "more excited than before". "Because it's been a long time since I took a break, I naturally now relive the atmosphere of the set, meeting friends and colleagues, acting in front of the camera, makes me feel very young," the male artist revealed.

Before that, many viewers could not help but regret when artist Minh Hoang announced the temporary suspension of artistic activities. At that time, despite receiving offers to act, he still refused. Explaining this, the actor Mui coriander said: "I decided to go back to old age. Even on stage, Hong Van still clings, but I said I'm old, when the warrior is old, then get off the horse, right? I don't have any regrets during the time of rest, because in the past, I live in the main stage environment. Later, the stage fell too low, the audience was deserted, making me depressed and discouraged. Before, I was used to bustling activities, now I look down at the audience and feel sad. I'm at an age myself, so I want to let go."

Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion - Photo 6

Although he does not participate in acting, the male artist always follows his friends and colleagues as well as juniors and juniors.

Witnessing the difficulties faced by the artist, he confided: "I feel sad because what I've been pursuing to this day still hasn't had the desired results. The bird's wings have started to get tired without seeing a clear future. In the past 10 years, I feel that the privatization stage is going down. The script is the most important factor determining the success or failure of the play, but the plays are similar, while the investment in the actors. the new factor is too poor.

The audience is always asking for new things, so if the stage follows the previous successful patterns, like seeing a popular horror play, performing a horror play, repeating it over and over again, the audience will also get bored. If one day, the audience turns away, don't blame them."

Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion - Photo 7

It is known that the male artist has a wife and 2 children, but he rarely shares it with the media.

Minh Hoang "The smell of coriander": Passed Law School but fell in love with the acting profession, now living in seclusion - Photo 8

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