Lam Vinh Hai - Linh Chi was accused of fraudulently appropriating assets up to nearly a billion

Juni NguyễnOct 26, 2022 at 16:04

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Information that male dancer Lam Vinh Hai and model Linh Chi were accused of fraudulently appropriating thousands of dollars in assets from a social network account is receiving great attention from the online community.

Recently, in a group about showbiz with millions of followers, a facebook account named Ly BH suddenly posted a long article with the content "exploiting" the couple full of markets Lam Vinh Hai. - Linh Chi fraudulently appropriated property with the amount of up to thousands of dollars. Besides, this Ly BH facebook account also released evidence that the supermodel Linh Chi had cheated.

Lam Vinh Hai - Linh Chi was accused of fraudulently appropriating assets up to nearly a billion - Photo 1

Specifically, this facebook account wrote: "Hello everyone. Tran Ngoc Linh Chi and Lam Vinh Hai have fraudulently appropriated thousands of dollars in property.

I and a few others participated in investing in an investment package called by Linh Chi - the total amount received was $20,000.

Linh Chi stands out to guarantee 100% of the m.oney when participating, if there is any problem, she will pay her own m.oney to the temple and now hide and no one can contact.

Every month, it will receive a commission from the amount that the investor participates in the package. People can see it just bought a car, bought a diamond ring from the m.oney it received from investors.

Lam Vinh Hai - Linh Chi was accused of fraudulently appropriating assets up to nearly a billion - Photo 2

It is the Leader of an investment group on Telegram, all m.oney transfer information to participate in investment works on it. It said that after 6 months of investment, the principal would be withdrawn, but after joining for 2 months, the floor it called suddenly disappeared, investors could not withdraw the interest plus principal, Linh Chi disappeared, deleted all all information on the Telegram group, the investor texted and called and did not answer, although it hung out every day on the investor's coin.

Now no one can contact to get the original amount back. This is all proof investors put m.oney into participation.

I earnestly ask the online community to help me in so that it can pay for investors by itself. If I receive the principal amount, I promise to send you $1000 coffee."

Lam Vinh Hai - Linh Chi was accused of fraudulently appropriating assets up to nearly a billion - Photo 3

After the article e.xposed Linh Chi's fraud, it received great attention from the online community and received mixed opinions. Most netizens criticized Linh Chi, calling on the "choice owner" to report to the police to punish the female supermodel. Besides, there is also an opinion that "the chopper" is quite gullible when it comes to believing cases like this when there is a concept of "do not work but still eat".

Lam Vinh Hai - Linh Chi was accused of fraudulently appropriating assets up to nearly a billion - Photo 4

Some mixed opinions from the online community:

- Why do people dare to put their trust in someone like this Linh Chi?

- Everyone, just get together and sue you. Making a ruckus, it publicly assured everyone. Now that it shirks responsibility, everyone should come along. But if they think that m.oney is stupid to give it away without doing anything, they are more abusive.

- Just write an application for the police to do. This is a to steal property. This is not a virtual currency, it's just a fake website.

- If you die from a disease, why blame? If you don't work and ask for something to eat, you can't even eat it. Do not spend 1 dong capital but claim interest. The profit of the wormhole, huh.

- I just read the article in the morning, Lam Vinh Hai didn't want to wish him a happy birthday, but wished him this tuesday on October 20, then the 3rd monthly alimony deal, thinking that these two people will repay each other sooner or later. Who is too fast to come at night.

Lam Vinh Hai - Linh Chi was accused of fraudulently appropriating assets up to nearly a billion - Photo 5

What really happened has not been confirmed yet. However, before the accusation of the alleged victim's facebook account, the supermodel Linh Chi as well as Lam Vinh Hai did not give any explanation, but instead, on the official Facebook page of Linh Chi still calmly upload daily photos and update work.

Lam Vinh Hai - Linh Chi was accused of fraudulently appropriating assets up to nearly a billion - Photo 6

This is not the first time that this account has been hit by a from exchanges. In recent times, there are also many people involved in the "trap" of investors investing m.oney and then having to lose everything and go into debt.

Or in 2021, many artists in Vietnamese showbiz such as Hong Van, Quyen Linh, Ngoc Trinh, Kieu Minh Tuan, Tran Nam Thu or Le Duong Bao Lam turn into "traders", professional investment teachers, posting. The article exhorting investors to enter the market, locking in virtual currencies that they are not sure they fully understand has been controversial. However, not long after these artists all hurriedly deleted the post to apologize.

Lam Vinh Hai - Linh Chi was accused of fraudulently appropriating assets up to nearly a billion - Photo 7

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