Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NS's best friend accused Hong Loan of being "psychologically manipulated"?

Minh LợiJun 16, 2023 at 15:11

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Recently, after a long time of silence, singer Hong Phuong posted a video announcing the upcoming move related to being insulted to honor, dignity and inheritance dispute with Hong Loan - the daughter of artist Vu. Sacred.

In addition, she confirmed that she and her mother - artist Hong Nhung moved out of the house of the late artist Vu Linh. Therefore, the audience is curious about the whereabouts of artist Hong Nhung - Vu Linh's sister after being asked by her niece to move out of the 50 billion house.

Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NSs best friend accused Hong Loan of being psychologically manipulated? - Photo 1

Accordingly, Charles Thanh - a person claiming to be a close friend of Vu Linh livestream revealed the whereabouts of Hong Phuong's mother and daughter. At the same time, this man was also upset when netizens asked for the funeral statement of the late artist.

Specifically, Mr. Thanh said that he and his niece Vu Linh are staying at the house of Kim Nga's assistant, the situation is extremely difficult. They even had to borrow the assistant's own altar to perform a 100-day worship ceremony for the late artist.

Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NSs best friend accused Hong Loan of being psychologically manipulated? - Photo 2

Previously, according to Hong Phuong's share, after the Covid-19 epidemic season, artist Vu Linh invited Hong Phuong's mother and daughter to live with her to reduce sadness and loneliness.

On the side of Mr. Charles Thanh, before that he was stoned by netizens because he went to the private house of Meritorious Artist Vu Linh to record the scene of the altar, worship in the family, ... in order to say like and view. He was even accused of using those clips to call for donations to build a grave for the late artist. Because of that, he was asked by the audience for a statement. In the face of mixed opinions, Mr. Thanh was extremely angry, asserting that he did not keep m.oney, so he did not need to make a statement.

Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NSs best friend accused Hong Loan of being psychologically manipulated? - Photo 3

He shared meaningfully: "A person who does his best will be cursed, a person who sells out will be praised. Beauty graves are also cursed, if they work for a long time, they will be cursed. I am not a grave worker, I am also cursed to eat and block m.oney. funeral".

Not stopping there, he also announced the s.hock of Hong Loan's story. He affirmed that as a close friend, he should understand the family of Meritorious Artist Vu Linh. He boldly said that Hong Loan was not his biological son.

However, Mr. Thanh still commented that Hong Loan was a gentle person, so he believed she was instigated by someone. "You speak honestly, the truth that little Loan alone would never have thought about it. Someone must have instigated her," Mr. Thanh shared.

Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NSs best friend accused Hong Loan of being psychologically manipulated? - Photo 4

In addition, on his personal page, he was also upset when his co-stars were silent and refused to speak up to protect Vu Linh's family from the storm: "A bunch of people shut up. No one dared to speak up to let the c.hild die. If you raise the family and chase after the family of the deceased, everyone loves you and says that you love him, you love him, you will protect him, why are you so quiet now? You only know how many people benefit. Life sucks."

Currently, the sharing of Mr. Charles Thanh is causing a stir in public opinion.

Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NSs best friend accused Hong Loan of being psychologically manipulated? - Photo 5

It can be seen that the war of words between Hong Loan and Hong Phuong has been going on for many days. However, public opinion completely sided with Vu Linh's daughter and criticized his younger brother and grandson for thinking that they were too greedy when trying to compete for the property left by the "King of Cai Luong".

Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NSs best friend accused Hong Loan of being psychologically manipulated? - Photo 6

Recently, according to the Star, netizens discovered an anti-group against Vu Linh's younger brother, artist Hong Nhung, and Vu Linh's nephew, Hong Phuong. This group was established on April 17 and was named: Boycott Hong Phuong mother and daughter, supporting Hong Loan, daughter of artist Vu Linh. This group currently has more than 3,000 members and is growing every day. At the same time, on her personal page, artist Hong Phuong has locked the comment section to protect herself.

Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NSs best friend accused Hong Loan of being psychologically manipulated? - Photo 7

Meritorious Artist Vu Linh passed away on March 5, after f.ighting cancer. At the funeral, Hong Phuong said that Hong Loan was an adopted c.hild. Meanwhile, Hong Loan said she is Vu Linh's only daughter, living in the same house until getting married. Meritorious Artist Vu Linh did not leave a will when he died.

Hong Loan said that when she was alive, artist Vu Linh did not want to disturb anyone. Until her d.eath, many people took advantage of her father's name to call for donations. "I ask you to share to get back the m.oney you have donated. I don't want my father to owe anyone after his d.eath."

Me and my niece Vu Linh stayed at the house of assistant Kim Nga, the late NSs best friend accused Hong Loan of being psychologically manipulated? - Photo 8

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