Vu Linh's daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult?

Đình NhưJan 07, 2025 at 15:11

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Before the first-instance trial of the inheritance dispute, asking for a house to live in between the plaintiff, Vu Lin's sister - Ms. Hong Nhung and the defendant, Hong Loan (the child of the late artist), took place, Ms. 6 suddenly objected to his granddaughter repairing his house.

Accordingly, Vu Linh's daughter recently had someone repair the outside of Doan Thi Diem's house to ensure the safety of pedestrians around because the house showed signs of deterioration. However, Ms. 6's side objected and demanded a lawsuit because her granddaughter dared to touch Mr. 5's house even though it was still in dispute.

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 1

However, Vu Linh's daughter then spoke out.

Ma Thanh - Vu Linh's close friend said angrily: "He went up to him to report it. For example, the upstairs window fell and who is responsible? Is it Hong Loan? What is it in this house? What color did he put when he was alive, now Loan paints that color again. Only remake the house clean because it has not been done for decades."

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 2

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 3

Another of Vu Linh's nieces, Boom Boom, also spoke up to defend Hong Loan: "The wall in front of the house is soaked with rainwater. The old rice is rotten. It is impossible not to paint without repair. For example, a pedestrian has been hit, so why everyone? Is there a temple? Then those parts are hiding. But people's house, Ms. Loan's house, the court has not yet tried it, but Ms. Loan's house is in her name."

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 4

Boom Bum also revealed the attitude of Hong Phuong's mother and daughter in the midst of the litigation scandal: "Initially, Ms. Loan wanted to reconcile but did not accept it. Now I know for sure that I will lose the lawsuit in the direction of our reconciliation. I don't have any relatives, everyone, I don't see us as descendants, I just know myself."

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 5

It is known that on the morning of January 7, the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City opened a first-instance trial of the dispute over the inheritance of artist Vu Linh.

The case was tried publicly. The presiding judge of the first-instance court is Judge Chau Thi Diep, representative of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court. Ho Chi Minh City was joined by prosecutor Nguyen Van Hoang.

In the procedural part, the court clerk said that the plaintiff Ms. Vo Thi Hong Nhung was present, the defendant Vo Thi Hong Loan was present; legal representatives of the involved parties present.

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 6

At about 9 o'clock, the court session began the argument.

Outside the court gate, there were a lot of people who came to watch the court session. Police and security forces are present to maintain security and order.

This property dispute has attracted the attention of the public since the early days. Many people are interested in the rare and internal dispute story of Mr. Vo Van Ngoan's family - the late Artist Vu Linh.

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 7

On November 14, the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City held a meeting to examine the handover, access, disclosure of evidence and mediation of the dispute over inheritance and demand for housing between the plaintiff and the defendant.

The parties were given access to documents and evidence related to the dispute, including the conclusion of the examination of the signature of the late NSUT Vu Linh.

At the working session, the judge suggested that the parties should come up with a conciliation plan, but the parties reserved their lawsuit and counterclaim requests.

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 8

Artist Vu Linh, who was known as the "king of reform Ho Quang", passed away on March 5, 2023. After his death, several property disputes arose between family members.

Ms. Hong Nhung's mother and daughter proposed to jointly own artist Vu Linh's house on Doan Thi Diem Street, Phu Nhuan District, on the grounds that Vu Linh had invited them to live in 2021.

However, Hong Loan did not agree and said that he would sell two plots of land in Thu Duc City to divide among family members as capital. Ms. Loan also asked Ms. Nhung's mother and children to move out of this house.

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 9

Disagreeing with this request, Ms. Nhung decided to sue Ms. Loan, asking the court to cancel the inheritance declaration that Ms. Loan had made on April 7, 2023 at a notary office, related to the assets of artist Vu Linh. These properties include a house on Doan Thi Diem Street, Phu Nhuan District; two plots of land in Linh Dong Ward, Thu Duc City and a car.

In addition, Ms. Nhung requested the division of inheritance property for two land plots in Linh Dong Ward, Thu Duc City. She asked herself and Mr. Vo Thanh Nhieu (artist Vu Linh's younger brother) to receive a part of the property, after deducting the value of the oral will that artist Vu Linh had made for her daughter Hong Phuong. The total value of the property that Ms. Nhung requested was divided into about 1.5 billion VND.

Vu Linhs daughter repairs the house, her mother and daughter 6 suddenly make it difficult? - Photo 10

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