Diu Thao "dropped" the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility?

JLOJun 26, 2023 at 12:09

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The question that beauty fans ask right now is why does Diu Thao have to stop at the Top 11 when in all factors she has a lot of potential to enter the Top 6, even the Top 3 overall.

The final of Miss International Queen 2023 has just ended with the coronation of a representative from the Netherlands. This is a victory that is judged to be fit in all respects. The representative of Vietnam was embarrassed in the Top 11 final.

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 1

However, beauty fans think that this result is really unfair to Nguyen Ha Diu Thao's efforts and potential. So what is the reason why the Vietnamese representative is not in the top 6?

Lack of personal imprint story

It is not wrong to say that Huong Giang has a sixth sense, she once said that when she set foot in Thailand, "I had a premonition that I was a beauty queen". But it's how she proves that hunch to the audience that matters. Huong Giang's greatest success is creating a separate mark, a story that is not mixed with other contestants.

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 2

"My parents didn't agree when I wanted to be transgender. They wanted a leaf to keep its original green color, not pink. So they didn't accept me.

I came to Thailand alone to find my true self. I came to Thailand and believed that I would become a beautiful woman, a good person. That's why I'm here today, to share my story with every family in the world, families whose children want to be transgender, so that they can understand and accept it. Because transgender people have talent and they're amazing."

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 3

This answer of the senior surprised everyone and won her too much praise. And Diu Thao has not yet done that. When I'm not the most prominent enough, I have to have my own identity, what Tieu Thao shows to the media just stops at: Ask what to answer that. And of course, out of the total of more than 20 girls, Diu Thao is not the best behaved name, the best eloquent.

Is the noise after the coronation at home a barrier?

Now is not the time to revive the starting point at the playground where Diu Thao was crowned noisy or not, but wearing a Vietnam sash band to go to the international battle - representing the transgender community in Vietnam. Nam spread many positive messages in Thailand it turned out to be another story.

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 4

Unlike Do Nhat Ha - Tran Dai, the two seniors took the exam with the attitude of "Perfect Ambassador", "Conquering Hoan My" quite clearly and were liked "both inside and out". When the Miss International Queen Vietnam 2023 contest was blown, many beauty fans questioned whether Tieu Thao would be stripped of her crown and the answer was no because the contest was not licensed, so no one had the right to deprive her of her title. Her brand is outside Huong Giang.

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 5

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 6

With the attitude of Miss International Queen to fight to find a voice for the transgender community, perhaps the organizers want one of their queens to be recognized at home. That is, their influence must be positively inspired by the community of their home country.

Did the phrase "unlicensed contest" more or less lead to the final result of Diu Thao? This move also shows that, before carrying the bell to fight in the country, Vietnamese warriors must be in a ready position and the most favorable language.

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 7

The rubbing experience is too little

The new Miss International Transgender is not a new face in the beauty pageant village, she once entered the Top 10 of Miss Universe Netherlands 2022, in her hometown is a face striding a lot on the floors. fashion show big and small.

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 8

Or even former Miss International Queen 2022 - Fuschia Anne Ravena also spent many years diving in the Philippines with different jobs to accumulate her living capital, experience with the profession to confidently reach out to the big sea.

Tieu Thao is still a fairly immature girl with a camera lens and her aura is still not much. A few months ago, after being crowned Miss International Queen Vietnam 2023, Diu Thao also revealed this shortcoming when she repeatedly replied: "I'm sorry not to answer this question".

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 9

After Diu Thao's Top 6 slide, we have to be fair to admit that Vietnam is still not a strong sash in the beauty battlegrounds, including Miss International Queen.

Diu Thao dropped the top 6 Miss International Queen for 3 reasons, Huong Giang took all the responsibility? - Photo 10

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