Phạm Như Phương bị tố lan truyền tranh vẽ phản cảm về quốc kỳ, chính chủ nói gì?
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Recently, the online community has been spreading a series of videos from a foreign TikTok account named Reesa Teesa, where this woman recounts all the details related to her marriage with her ex-husband.
On the current video and social network platform TikTok, the name Reesa Teesa is "hotter" than ever thanks to the series of 50 videos she created to "scan" her cheating ex-husband. The female TikToker is also said to have earned more than 150,000 USD (about 3.4 billion VND) from her videos with millions of viewers.
Specifically, Reesa Teesa posted nearly 8 hours of time with 50 videos, recounting her own marriage with the theme "Who the F*** Did Marry" (roughly translated: Who the hell did I marry? ).
Each video has millions of views and is extremely interactive on the TikTok platform, attracting the attention of online communities everywhere just to "wait" to see Reesa Teesa sit down and talk about her marriage.
Teesa said that she went through love, marriage and divorce with many lies about her identity, family background, and "false promises" to a man named Legion. Reesa Teesa also added that her purpose in telling her story is to hopefully help someone. She hopes that everyone can see this story and be more careful with online relationships and dating and should research carefully before getting married.
Her story is so compelling that each video earns millions of views and helps her TikTok account reach 2.5 million followers in just a few days. Not only causing a stir among international netizens, Teesa's video series also attracted attention from users from Vietnam. Teesa's video series even created a trend on the TikTok platform when countless users posted pictures of themselves attentively watching Teesa's scandal anytime, anywhere, from eating, bathing, going to bed to going to work.
With a huge viewership, Teesa is rumored to have earned a lot from TikTok. So how much money do these videos really make her?
Like every social media platform that pays creators, TikTok never makes the numbers it pays public. However, at the end of last year, the company switched from the Creator Fund to the Creator Program and announced it was paying creators 20 times more than when it was a Creator Fund, equivalent to about $1 USD ( about 24,600 VND)/1,000 views.
Many online experts (Making Money Online - MMO) have estimated that Teesa Reesa can earn about 150,000 USD (about 3.4 billion VND) for 150 million views from the series defaming her ex-husband, through the Creative Program. of TikTok pays directly to the creators of this content.
In a mechanism that encourages content creators to post videos up to 10 minutes in length like Teesa Reesa posted, she may receive compensation from views of up to 400,000 USD (nearly 10 billion VND). Thanks to this series. In addition, a lot of profit from gifts, promotions... will come from the unexpected popularity of Teesa Reesa.
Currently, Teesa Reesa's series of scandals about her ex-husband is still attracting a lot of attention, discussion, and views increasing rapidly. Surely the remuneration from this paid social networking platform will be enough to ease Teesa Reesa's mental trauma, after going through such a nightmare relationship.
As for Reesa, she has never revealed the amount of money she earns from TikTok. Besides, The Root also believes that, in addition to receiving money from TikTok, Reesa will likely receive another large sum if her story is turned into a movie like many movies adapted from true stories. other.
Phạm Như Phương "cán mốc" 100k anti-fan vì đăng ảnh phản cảm, bạn trai bị vạ lây Bút Máy07:54:48 12/06/2024Theo ghi nhận, dù chỉ mới được thành lập từ ngày 30/5 nhưng đến ngày 11/6 group anti Phạm Như Phương đã có gần 100k thành viên. Hiện tại con số đang tiếp tục tăng và các từ khóa không tích cực liên quan đến cô cũng lọt tìm kiếm phổ biến.
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